81 research outputs found

    General preparation for Pt-based alloy nanoporous nanoparticles as potential nanocatalysts

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    Although Raney nickel made by dealloying has been used as a heterogeneous catalyst in a variety of organic syntheses for more than 80 years, only recently scientists have begun to realize that dealloying can generate nanoporous alloys with extraordinary structural characteristics. Herein, we achieved successful synthesis of a variety of monodisperse alloy nanoporous nanoparticles via a facile chemical dealloying process using nanocrystalline alloys as precursors. The as-prepared alloy nanoporous nanoparticles with large surface area and small pores show superior catalytic properties compared with alloyed nanoparticles. It is believed that these novel alloy nanoporous nanoparticles would open up new opportunities for catalytic applications

    ATP Release from Vascular Endothelia Occurs Across Cx43 Hemichannels and Is Attenuated during Hypoxia

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    Background: Extracellular ATP is an important signaling molecule for vascular adaptation to limited oxygen availability (hypoxia). Here, we pursued the contribution of vascular endothelia to extracellular ATP release under hypoxic conditions. Methodology, Principal Findings: We gained first insight from studying ATP release from endothelia (HMEC-1) pre-exposed to hypoxia. Surprisingly, we found that ATP release was significantly attenuated following hypoxia exposure (2 % oxygen, 2263 % after 48 h). In contrast, intracellular ATP was unchanged. Similarly, lactate-dehydrogenase release into the supernatants was similar between normoxic or hypoxic endothelia, suggesting that differences in lytic ATP release between normoxia or hypoxia are minimal. Next, we used pharmacological strategies to study potential mechanisms for endothelialdependent ATP release (eg, verapamil, dipyridamole, 18-alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid, anandamide, connexin-mimetic peptides). These studies revealed that endothelial ATP release occurs – at least in part- through connexin 43 (Cx43) hemichannels. A real-time RT-PCR screen of endothelial connexin expression showed selective repression of Cx43 transcript and additional studies confirmed time-dependent Cx43 mRNA, total and surface protein repression during hypoxia. In addition, hypoxia resulted in Cx43-serine368 phosphorylation, which is known to switch Cx43 hemi-channels from an open to a closed state. Conclusions/Significance: Taken together, these studies implicate endothelial Cx43 in hypoxia-associated repression o

    Physiological roles for ecto-5’-nucleotidase (CD73)

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    Nucleotides and nucleosides influence nearly every aspect of physiology and pathophysiology. Extracellular nucleotides are metabolized through regulated phosphohydrolysis by a series of ecto-nucleotidases. The formation of extracellular adenosine from adenosine 5’-monophosphate is accomplished primarily through ecto-5’-nucleotidase (CD73), a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-linked membrane protein found on the surface of a variety of cell types. Recent in vivo studies implicating CD73 in a number of tissue protective mechanisms have provided new insight into its regulation and function and have generated considerable interest. Here, we review contributions of CD73 to cell and tissue stress responses, with a particular emphasis on physiologic responses to regulated CD73 expression and function, as well as new findings utilizing Cd73-deficient animals

    Dynamic purine signaling and metabolism during neutrophil–endothelial interactions

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    During episodes of hypoxia and inflammation, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) move into underlying tissues by initially passing between endothelial cells that line the inner surface of blood vessels (transendothelial migration, TEM). TEM creates the potential for disturbances in vascular barrier and concomitant loss of extravascular fluid and resultant edema. Recent studies have demonstrated a crucial role for nucleotide metabolism and nucleoside signaling during inflammation. These studies have implicated multiple adenine nucleotides as endogenous tissue protective mechanisms invivo. Here, we review the functional components of vascular barrier, identify strategies for increasing nucleotide generation and nucleoside signaling, and discuss potential therapeutic targets to regulate the vascular barrier during inflammation

    Performance Measurement In Simulation-Based Training: A Review And Best Practices

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    Simulation-based training (SBT) is a methodology for providing systematic and structured learning experiences. The effectinvess of this methodology is dependent on the quality of performance measurement practices in place. Performance measurement during SBT must be diagnosed; that is, the causes of effective and ineffective performance must be determined. This diagonstic measurement drives the systematic decisions concerning corrective feedback and remediation. The purpose of this article is to provide a state of the science review of human performance measurement systems in SBT. To this end, three specific goals are addressed. First, a review of the theoretical foundations being used to drive performance measurement systems in SBT is provided. Second, an overview of the methodologies and approaches to measurement in SBT is provided. Third, a set of best practices for designing performance measurement systems for use in SBT are provided. These best practices are based on the scientific and practice-based literatures. © 2009 SAGE Publications

    Guidelines For Performance Measurement In Simulatiom-Based Training

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    Simulation-based training (SBT) is a methodology for providing systematic and structured learning experiences.The effectiveness of this methodology depends partly on the quality of the performance measurement practices one is using. Performance during SBT must be diagnosed; that is, the causes of effective and ineffective performance must be determined. Diagnostic measurement drives the systematic decisions concerning corrective feedback and remediation. In this article, our purpose is to report evidence-based guidelines for performance measurement in SBT that we have synthesized from the literature and practical experience. We hope that these guidelines will serve to increase the quality of performance measurement and consequently the effectiveness of SBT. © 2009 by Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Inc. All rights reserved

    Small angle neutron scattering investigations of spin disorder in nanocomposite soft magnets

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    The technique of SANS (small angle neutron scattering) furnishes unique information on the characteristic magnetic length scales and local magnetic anisotropies at the nanoscale in nanocomposite ferromagnets. Such information is not presently available using any other microscopic technique. The basic principles and results of the technique will be presented with regard to a unique and unexpected observation of a dipole field controlled spin disorder in a prototypical soft nanocomposite ferromagnet of the Nanoperm type. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Mobile Robots: Motor Challenges and Materials Solutions

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