204 research outputs found

    Numerical generation of two-dimensional orthogonal curvilinear coordinates in an Euclidean space

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    A noniterative method for the numerical generation of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates for plane annular regions between two arbitrary smooth closed curves was developed. The basic generating equation is the Gaussian equation for an Euclidean space which is solved analytically. The method is applied in many cases and these test results demonstrate that the proposed method can be readily applied to a wide variety of problems. The method can also be used for simply connected regions only by obtaining the solution of the linear equation under the changed boundary conditions


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    This paper on the Mithilanchal Urdu, a dialect of the Indo-Aryan language family, would be an interesting study in the time of the Corona Pandemic, as it may be considered a minority language or dialect and such languages and dialects have been found to be especially vulnerable in the times of calamities like the present COVID-19 pandemic. However, this paper would basically provide a baseline upon which post-pandamic studies can be based for exploring the effect of the pandemic. The present study reflects the segmental phonology of Maithili Urdu, a dialect of the Indo-Aryan language family, spoken mainly in the Mithilanchal region of the state of Bihar in India. Maithili Urdu does not have its own script or literature, yet it has maintained an oral history over many centuries. It has contributed in enriching the Maithili, Hindi and Urdu language and literature very profoundly. There are ten vowels in Maithili Urdu. It would be very interesting to know that out of these, there are four front vowels, four back vowels, and two central vowels. Lip rounding is not distinctive, but only the back vowels are rounded. Out of these ten vowels, three are short and seven are long. Length, thus, is a distinctive feature in Maithili Urdu, where short and long vowels show full phonological opposition in all positions. These are all pure vowels, non-nasalized. All vowels in Maithili Urdu can be nasalized. Consonantal phonemes in Maithili Urdu show four-way contrast between voiceless and voiced and unaspirated and aspirated at bilabial, dental, retroflex, palatal, velar, and glottal places of articulation. Phonetically, affricates also behave like stops. Similarly, the taps, laterals, and nasals also show a two-way contrast between unaspirated and aspirated. Aspiration, thus, is an overriding characteristic of the Maithili Urdu sound system. This study has greatly benifited from the similar work done by Dixit, 1963; Halle & Mohannan 1985; Masud Husain Khan, 1986; Hyman, 2003. In this paper, a brief overview of segmental phonology of Maithili Urdu will be presented wherein vowels and consonants and their phonotactic behavior will be described in detail

    Large-scale advanced propeller blade pressure distributions: Prediction and data

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    Two Euler analyses techniques, finite difference and finite volume, were employed to predict the blade surface pressure distributions of a large scale advanced propeller. The predicted pressure distributions were compared with wind tunnel data. Both techniques produced blade pressure distributions that are in fairly good agreement with the data over the range of test Mach numbers of 0.2 to 0.78. However, the numerical simulations fail to predict correctly the measured pressure distributions for the low Mach number, high power case. The data indicate the presence of a leading edge vortex for this case. A discussion of the compressibility effects is also presented

    Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for blunt nosed bodies in supersonic flows

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    A time dependent, two dimensional Navier-Stokes code employing the method of body fitted coordinate technique was developed for supersonic flows past blunt bodies of arbitrary shapes. The bow shock ahead of the body is obtained as part of the solution, viz., by shock capturing. A first attempt at mesh refinement in the shock region was made by using the forcing function in the coordinate generating equations as a linear function of the density gradients. The technique displaces a few lines from the neighboring region into the shock region. Numerical calculations for Mach numbers 2 and 4.6 and Reynolds numbers from 320 to 10,000 were performed for a circular cylinder with and without a fairing. Results of Mach number 4.6 and Reynolds number 10,000 for an isothermal wall temperature of 556 K are presented in detail

    Numerical solutions for laminar and turbulent viscous flow over single and multi-element airfoils using body-fitted coordinate systems

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    The technique of body-fitted coordinate systems is applied in numerical solutions of the complete time-dependent compressible and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for laminar flow and to the time-dependent mean turbulent equations closed by modified Kolmogorov hypotheses for turbulent flow. Coordinate lines are automatically concentrated near to the bodies at higher Reynolds number so that accurate resolution of the large gradients near the solid boundaries is achieved. Two-dimensional bodies of arbitrary shapes are treated, the body contour(s) being simply input to the program. The complication of the body shape is thus removed from the problem

    On the solution of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations for hypersonic flow about axially-symmetric blunt bodies

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    A formulation of the complete Navier-Stokes problem for a viscous hypersonic flow in general curvilinear coordinates is presented. This formulation is applicable to both the axially symmetric and three dimensional flows past bodies of revolution. The equations for the case of zero angle of attack were solved past a circular cylinder with hemispherical caps by point SOR finite difference approximation. The free stream Mach number and the Reynolds number for the test case are respectively 22.04 and 168883. The whole algorithm is presented in detail along with the preliminary results for pressure, temperature, density and velocity distributions along the stagnation line

    On the strong converses for the quantum channel capacity theorems

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    A unified approach to prove the converses for the quantum channel capacity theorems is presented. These converses include the strong converse theorems for classical or quantum information transfer with error exponents and novel explicit upper bounds on the fidelity measures reminiscent of the Wolfowitz strong converse for the classical channel capacity theorems. We provide a new proof for the error exponents for the classical information transfer. A long standing problem in quantum information theory has been to find out the strong converse for the channel capacity theorem when quantum information is sent across the channel. We give the quantum error exponent thereby giving a one-shot exponential upper bound on the fidelity. We then apply our results to show that the strong converse holds for the quantum information transfer across an erasure channel for maximally entangled channel inputs.Comment: Added the strong converse for the erasure channel for maximally entangled inputs and corrected minor typo

    Self-management for osteoarthritis of the knee: Does mode of delivery influence outcome?

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    Background Self-management has become increasingly popular in the management of chronic diseases. There are many different self-management models. Meta analyses of arthritis self-management have concluded that it is difficult to recommend any one program in preference to another due to inconsistencies in the study designs used to evaluate different programs. The Stanford Arthritis Self-Management Program (ASMP), most commonly delivered by trained lay leaders, is a generic program widely used for people with rheumatological disorders. We have developed a more specific program expressly for people with osteoarthritis of the knee (OAKP). It includes information designed to be delivered by health professionals and results in improvements in pain, function and quality of life. Aim: To determine whether, for people with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, the OAKP implemented in a primary health care setting can achieve and maintain clinically meaningful improvements in more participants than ASMP delivered in the same environment. Methods/Design The effectiveness of the programs will be compared in a single-blind randomized study. Participants: 146 participants with established OA knee will be recruited. Volunteers with coexistent inflammatory joint disease or serious co-morbidities will be excluded. Interventions: Participants will be randomised into either OAKP or ASMP groups and followed for 6 months. Measurements: Assessments will be immediately before and after the intervention and at 6 months. Primary outcome measures will be WOMAC and SF-36 questionnaires and a VAS for pain. Secondary outcomes will include balance, tested using a timed single leg balance test and a timed step test and self-efficacy. Data will be analysed using repeated measures ANOVA. Discussion With an aging population the health care costs for people with arthritis are ever increasing. Although cost analysis is beyond the scope of this study, it is reasonable to expect that costs will be greater when health professionals deliver self-management programs as opposed to lay leaders. Consequently it is critical to examine the relative effectiveness of the primary care management strategies available for OA

    Evaluating the Impact of a Switch to Nilotinib on Imatinib-Related Chronic Low-Grade Adverse Events in Patients With CML-CP: The ENRICH Study

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    AbstractBackgroundMany patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase experience chronic treatment-related adverse events (AEs) during imatinib therapy. These AEs can impair quality of life and lead to reduced treatment adherence, which is associated with poor clinical outcomes.Patients and MethodsIn the phase II ENRICH (Exploring Nilotinib to Reduce Imatinib Related Chronic Adverse Events) study (N = 52), the effect of switching patients with imatinib-related chronic low-grade nonhematologic AEs from imatinib to nilotinib was evaluated.ResultsThree months after switching to nilotinib, 84.6% of the patients had overall improvement in imatinib-related AEs (primary endpoint). Of 210 imatinib-related AEs identified at baseline, 62.9% had resolved within 3 months of switching to nilotinib. Of evaluable patients, most had improvements in overall quality of life after switching to nilotinib. At screening, 65.4% of evaluable patients had a major molecular response (BCR-ABL1 ≤ 0.1% on the International Scale). After switching to nilotinib, the rate of the major molecular response was 76.1% at 3 months and 87.8% at 12 months. Treatment-emergent AEs reported with nilotinib were typically grade 1 or 2; however, some patients developed more serious AEs, and 8 patients discontinued nilotinib because of new or worsening AEs.ConclusionOverall, results from the ENRICH study demonstrated that switching to nilotinib can mitigate imatinib-related chronic low-grade nonhematologic AEs in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase, in conjunction with acceptable safety and achievement of molecular responses. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00980018