7 research outputs found

    The potential biomarkers in predicting pathologic response of breast cancer to three different chemotherapy regimens: a case control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Preoperative chemotherapy (PCT) has become the standard of care in locally advanced breast cancer. The identification of patient-specific tumor characteristics that can improve the ability to predict response to therapy would help optimize treatment, improve treatment outcomes, and avoid unnecessary exposure to potential toxicities. This study is to determine whether selected biomarkers could predict pathologic response (PR) of breast tumors to three different PCT regimens, and to identify a subset of patients who would benefit from a given type of treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>118 patients with primary breast tumor were identified and three PCT regimens including DEC (docetaxel+epirubicin+cyclophosphamide), VFC (vinorelbine/vincristine+5-fluorouracil+cyclophosphamide) and EFC (epirubicin+5-fluorouracil+cyclophosphamide) were investigated. Expression of steroid receptors, HER2, P-gp, MRP, GST-pi and Topo-II was evaluated by immunohistochemical scoring on tumor tissues obtained before and after PCT. The PR of breast carcinoma was graded according to Sataloff's classification. Chi square test, logistic regression and Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel assay were performed to determine the association between biomarkers and PR, as well as the effectiveness of each regimen on induction of PR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was a clear-cut correlation between the expression of ER and decreased PR to PCT in all three different regimens (<it>p </it>< 0.05). HER2 expression is significantly associated with increased PR in DEC regimen (<it>p </it>< 0.05), but not predictive for PR in EFC and VFC groups. No significant correlation was found between biomarkers PgR, Topo-II, P-gp, MRP or GST-pi and PR to any tested PCT regimen. After adjusted by a stratification variable of ER or HER2, DEC regimen was more effective in inducing PR in comparison with VFC and EFC regimens.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ER is an independent predictive factor for PR to PCT regimens including DEC, VFC and EFC in primary breast tumors, while HER2 is only predictive for DEC regimen. Expression of PgR, Topo-II, P-gp, MRP and GST-pi are not predictive for PR to any PCT regimens investigated. Results obtained in this clinical study may be helpful for the selection of appropriate treatments for breast cancer patients.</p

    Quality of brewer's barley grain dried in a canopy dryer or in a grain elevator

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki dotycz膮ce zmian jako艣ciowych podstawowych parametr贸w (wilgotno艣膰, energia kie艂kowania, barwa) j臋czmienia browarnego suszonego dwoma metodami: w suszarce daszkowej typu SU oraz w silosach z promieniowym uk艂adem wietrzenia. Materia艂em u偶ytym do bada艅 by艂o ziarno j臋czmienia odmiany Prestige i Mauritia pochodz膮ce ze zbioru w 2006 r. Do艣wiadczenie realizowano w zak艂adzie produkcyjnym specjalizuj膮cym si臋 w uprawie j臋czmienia browarnego. Ziarno suszone w silosach zebrane w pierwszym okresie bada艅 charakteryzowa艂o si臋 wysok膮 energi膮 kie艂kowania wynosz膮c膮 odpowiednio 96,8% oraz 97,2%. Ziarno przetrzymywane na polu w stanie dojrza艂ym wysuszone w tych samych warunkach posiada艂o ni偶sz膮 warto艣膰 technologiczn膮.The work presents the results of a research concerning quality changes of basic parameters (moistness, germinating energy, colour) of brewer's barley dried using two methods: in a SU-type canopy dryer and in elevators with radial air system. Material used in this research was barley grain of Prestige and Mauritia varieties originating from 2006 crops. Experiment was carried out in production plant specializing in brewer's barley growing. The grain dried in elevators harvested at the beginning of the experiment was characterized by high germinating energy, respectively 96.8% and 97.2%. Ripe grain that was kept in the field and dried in the same conditions had lower technological value

    The studies on the parameters of the machine for filling the elevator supplied with frequency converter

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    Zbadano mo偶liwo艣膰 zastosowania przemiennika cz臋stotliwo艣ci napi臋cia do sterowania prac膮 urz膮dzenia rozrzucaj膮cego ziarno w silosach. Eksperyment przeprowadzono na stanowisku badawczym zasypuj膮c pszenic膮 silos o 艣rednicy 6m z wydajno艣ci膮 2,2 Mg*h-1. Pomiary wykonano dla trzech wersji: urz膮dzenia nieobci膮偶onego, doci膮偶onego rynn膮 oraz obci膮偶onego rynn膮 z mas膮 ziarna. Stwierdzono, 偶e uk艂ad silnik - przemiennik stosowany do nap臋du urz膮dzenia w zakresie pr臋dko艣ci ni偶szych od znamionowej jest wra偶liwy na zmian臋 obci膮偶enia ziarnem, czego efektem jest istotne zmniejszenie pr臋dko艣ci k膮towej. Przemiennik cz臋stotliwo艣ci jest przydatny do p艂ynnej regulacji pr臋dko艣ci k膮towej urz膮dze艅 rozrzucaj膮cych. Mo偶na go instalowa膰 w zast臋pstwie przek艂adni mechanicznych.The studies focused on the possibility of the application of the voltage frequency converter as the tool for controlling the seed spreading machine in a silo. The experiment was carried out during the process of filling, with the efficiency of 2,2 Mg*h-1 , the silo of a 6 m diameter with wheat. Measurements were done for three different types of machine: not loaded device, the device loaded by a chute or loaded by a chute with seed mass. It was found that the engine - converter system applied as the drive within the range of velocity lower than the rated speed is sensitive to the seed load variations what resulted in the significant decrease of the angular velocity. The frequency converter appeared to be useful for a fluent regulation of the angular velocity of a seed spreading machine. Therefore it could be successfully installed instead of mechanic gear

    Ocena rozpylania paliwa metod膮 smugoskopii

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    This paper presents results of research on spraying a diesel oil, bioester, alternative fuel, which can be rapeseed oil and mixtures of fuels that can be used to fire engines with compression ignition. The fuels were sprayed using an injector with a pintile spray tip. This type of an injector is used in engines of older construction with indirect injection, which commonly utilize alternative fuels. In order to visualize the jets a schlieren system was utilized. The collected photos were used to determine the cone angle of the jet. Among the fuels tested the rapeseed oil was characterized by the worse spraying characteristics. The average value of the angle for jets of this type of an oil significantly deviated from the average angles of the remaining fuels. Bioester, obtained from a process of transesterification of the rapeseed oil, was characterized by a very good spray angle. Its average cone angle was very high. The differences in angles were mostly due to the viscosity of different fuels. Average jet angles of the sprayed fuel for the rapeseed oil after it was supplemented with fuels of lower viscosity -ethylene and ethyl alcohol in an amount of 15% -increased however the difference between the angles proved statistically insignificant.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 rozpylania oleju nap臋dowego, bioestru, alternatywnego paliwa, jakim mo偶e by膰 olej rzepakowy oraz mieszanina paliw, kt贸re mog膮 s艂u偶y膰 do zasilania silnik贸w z zap艂onem samoczynnym. Paliwa rozpylano, stosuj膮c wtryskiwacz z rozpylaczem czopikowym. Ten rodzaj rozpylacza stosowany jest w starszych konstrukcjach silnik贸w z wtryskiem po艣rednim, kt贸re w warunkach eksploatacji cz臋sto zasilane s膮 paliwami alternatywnymi. Do wizualizacji strug zastosowano smugoskop wyposa偶ony w kamer臋. Uzyskane zdj臋cia pos艂u偶y艂y do wyznaczenia k膮t贸w wierzcho艂kowych sto偶k贸w strug. Spo艣r贸d badanych paliw najgorzej rozpylany by艂 olej rzepakowy. Warto艣膰 艣redniego k膮ta strugi tego oleju zdecydowanie odbiega艂a od warto艣ci 艣rednich k膮t贸w dla pozosta艂ych paliw. Bioester, uzyskany z procesu transestryfikacji oleju rzepakowego, charakteryzowa艂 si臋 za艣 bardzo dobrym rozpyleniem. Jego 艣redni k膮t wierzcho艂kowy przyjmowa艂 du偶e warto艣ci. R贸偶nice w k膮tach wynika艂y g艂贸wnie z r贸偶nic w lepko艣ciach poszczeg贸lnych paliw. 艢rednie k膮ty strug rozpylonego paliwa uzyskane dla oleju rzepakowego po dodaniu do niego paliw o mniejszej lepko艣ci etyliny oraz alkoholu etylowego w ilo艣ci 15% uleg艂y zwi臋kszeniu, lecz r贸偶nice w k膮tach okaza艂y si臋 statystycznie nieistotne