1,904 research outputs found

    Interference and Interaction in Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes

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    We report equilibrium electric resistance R and tunneling spectroscopy dI/dV measurements obtained on single multiwall nanotubes contacted by four metallic Au fingers from above. At low temperature quantum interference phenomena dominate the magnetoresistance. The phase-coherence and elastic-scattering lengths are deduced. Because the latter is of order of the circumference of the nanotubes, transport is quasi-ballistic. This result is supported by a dI/dV spectrum which is in good agreement with the density-of-states (DOS) due to the one-dimensional subbands expected for a perfect single-wall tube. As a function of temperature T the resistance increases on decreasing T and saturates at approx. 1-10 K for all measured nanotubes. R(T) cannot be related to the energy-dependent DOS of graphene but is mainly caused by interaction and interference effects. On a relatively small voltage scale of order 10 meV, a pseudogap is observed in dI/dV which agrees with Luttinger-Liquid theories for nanotubes. Because we have used quantum diffusion based on Fermi-Liquid as well as Luttinger-Liquid theory in trying to understand our results, a large fraction of this paper is devoted to a careful discussion of all our results.Comment: 14 pages (twocolumn), 8 figure

    Normal metal - insulator - superconductor interferometer

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    Hybrid normal metal - insulator - superconductor microstructures suitable for studying an interference of electrons were fabricated. The structures consist of a superconducting loop connected to a normal metal electrode through a tunnel barrier . An optical interferometer with a beam splitter can be considered as a classical analogue for this system. All measurements were performed at temperatures well below 1 K. The interference can be observed as periodic oscillations of the tunnel current (voltage) through the junction at fixed bias voltage (current) as a function of a perpendicular magnetic field. The magnitude of the oscillations depends on the bias point. It reaches a maximum at energy eVeV which is close to the superconducting gap and decreases with an increase of temperature. Surprisingly, the period of the oscillations in units of magnetic flux ΔΦ\Delta \Phi is equal neither to h/eh/e nor to h/2eh/2e, but significantly exceeds these values for larger loop circumferences. The origin of the phenomena is not clear.Comment: 11 pages and 8 figure

    Direct observation of band-gap closure for a semiconducting carbon nanotube in a large parallel magnetic field

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    We have investigated the magnetoconductance of semiconducting carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in pulsed, parallel magnetic fields up to 60 T, and report the direct observation of the predicted band-gap closure and the reopening of the gap under variation of the applied magnetic field. We also highlight the important influence of mechanical strain on the magnetoconductance of the CNTs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Universality of the Kondo effect in quantum dots with ferromagnetic leads

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    We investigate quantum dots in clean single-wall carbon nanotubes with ferromagnetic PdNi-leads in the Kondo regime. In most odd Coulomb valleys the Kondo resonance exhibits a pronounced splitting, which depends on the tunnel coupling to the leads and an external magnetic field BB, and only weakly on gate voltage. Using numerical renormalization group calculations, we demonstrate that all salient features of the data can be understood using a simple model for the magnetic properties of the leads. The magnetoconductance at zero bias and low temperature depends in a universal way on gμB(B−Bc)/kBTKg \mu_B (B-B_c) / k_B T_K, where TKT_K is the Kondo temperature and BcB_c the external field compensating the splitting.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Bilateral obturator bypass for combined aortic and femorofemoral graft infection

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    Benedicto García, Josep ManuelPla general de la plaça Gal·la Placídia amb la Font de la Blancaneu o Nena amb Cèrvol, de J.M.Benedicto Garcia, inaugurada el 1947, restaurada per Mª Luisa Aguad
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