41 research outputs found
The non-Verbal Structure of Patient Case Discussions in Multidisciplinary Medical Team Meetings
Meeting analysis has a long theoretical tradition in social psychology, with established practical rami?cations in computer science, especially in computer supported cooperative work. More recently, a good deal of research has focused on the issues of indexing and browsing multimedia records of meetings. Most research in this area, however, is still based on data collected in laboratories, under somewhat arti?cial conditions. This paper presents an analysis of the discourse structure and spontaneous interactions at real-life multidisciplinary medical team meetings held as part of the work routine in a major hospital. It is hypothesised that the conversational structure of these meetings, as indicated by sequencing and duration of vocalisations, enables segmentation into individual patient case discussions. The task of segmenting audio-visual records of multidisciplinary medical team meetings is described as a topic segmentation task, and a method for automatic segmentation is proposed. An empirical evaluation based on hand labelled data is presented which determines the optimal length of vocalisation sequences for segmentation, and establishes the competitiveness of the method with approaches based on more complex knowledge sources. The effectiveness of Bayesian classi?cation as a segmentation method, and its applicability to meeting segmentation in other domains are discusse
Milk production and composition of cows fed diets with different contents of concentrate and lipids
Avaliaram-se a produ??o e a composi??o do leite de vacas da ra?a Holandesa alimentadas com diferentes propor??es de forragem e teores de lip?deos na dieta. Foram utilizadas oito vacas com 58?9 dias em lacta??o, com produ??o m?dia de 28?4kg/dia de leite, distribu?das em delineamento quadrado latino 4 x 4 duplo, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 2. Os tratamentos foram dietas com alta forragem e baixo n?vel de lip?deos, alta forragem e alto n?vel de lip?deos, baixa forragem e baixo n?vel de lip?deos e baixa forragem e alto n?vel de lip?deos. As produ??es de leite e leite corrigido para 3,5% de gordura n?o diferiu entre os tratamentos (P>0,05). A redu??o na propor??o de forragem reduziu a produ??o e a concentra??o de gordura no leite (P0.05). The reduction on forage ratio in the diet decreased milk fat percentage and production (P<0.05). The increase in lipid levels in the diets reduced total milk solids as well as milk urea nitrogen concentrations (P<0.05)