15 research outputs found

    Mapeamento da erodibilidade potencial dos solos do estado do Tocantins.

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    Este trabalho descreve o mapeamento do risco dos processos de perda de solos sob a ação erosiva da chuva, no Estado do Tocantins. A erodibilidade indica a suscetibilidade de ocorrência desses fenômenos em determinados solos sob um clima dado. O conhecimento da erodibilidade potencial foi obtido por métodos indiretos, através do cruzamento das propriedades dos solos com as condições de suas ocorrências. Dado o grande número de informações espaciais e numéricas requeridas pelo trabalho, as técnicas de geoprocessamento foram instrumentos eficientes para a elaboração dos mapas de erodibilidade. Este trabalho, executado pela Embrapa-NMA na escala 1:250.000, é parte integrante do Zoneamento Agroecológico do Tocantins. Foram utilizadas imagens de radar e minutas de interpretação temáticas do Projeto Radambrasil (1:250.000), cedidas pelo IBGE-RJ; imagens LANDSAT-TM, bandas 3/4/5 (1:100.000 e 1:250.000) e cartas topográficas do IBGE (1:250.000 e 1:1.000.000). Essas informações, integradas no SGI/INPE, serviram para geração das classes de declividades e do potencial erosivo dos solos. O cruzamento digital destes PI?s resultou nos mapas de erodibilidade potencial, com as classes: I) muito fraca a fraca ; II) ligeira; III) moderada; IV) forte; V) muito forte e VI) especial. O processo metodológico desenvolvido e testado mostrou-se viável e válido para os objetivos propostos

    Tuple-based semantic and structural mapping for a sustainable interoperability

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    Abstract. Enterprises are demanded to collaborate and establish partnerships to reach global business and markets. However, due to the different sources of models and semantics, organizations are experiencing difficulties exchanging vital information electronically and seamlessly, even when they operate in related business environments. This situation is even worst in the advent of the evolution of the enterprise systems and applications, whose dynamics result in increasing the interoperability problem due to the continuous need for model adjustments and semantics harmonization. To contribute for a long term stable interoperable enterprise operating environment, the authors propose the integration of traceability functionalities in information systems as a way to support such sustainability. Either data, semantic, and structural mappings between partner enterprises in the complex network should be modelled as tuples and stored in a knowledge base for communication support with reasoning capabilities, thus allowing to trace, monitor and support the stability maintenance of a system's interoperable state

    Towards a conceptual framework for developing sustainable digital innovation hubs

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    As digitalization and smartification affect businesses of all kinds ever more profoundly, the growing concern is about how such opportunities can promote companies' productivity through improved and customized smart solutions and also costumer engagement. To meet these new requirements and engage in new collaborative initiatives, Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), by leveraging digital technologies and benefiting of diverse minds inclusion, from one side help companies to become more competitive with regard to their business/production processes, products, or services, and from the other side allow end users to benefit from more customized products and services. To create long term value and exploit new commercial opportunities, DIHs ideally need to embrace sustainability and/or develop their sustainability strategies. On that basis, this study by taking into account the related studies and considering the major needs and goals of DIHs, proposes a conceptual framework contains five dimensions that can be used as guide for establishing and developing sustainable DIHs. The potential application of the proposed framework in some projects and active DIHs are discussed

    Aquaculture Production Processes and Training Validation through Serious Games

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    Nowadays, and due to the shortage of wild fish in our seas, rivers and lakes has led to the growth of the aquaculture industry and consequently to the increase of existing aquaculture fish in the markets for domestic consumption to a global scale. In this sense, aquaculture plays a central role to feed the world population in a healthy way and simultaneously for the preservation of the aquatic ecosystems. Thus, the aquaculture production process can be determined by several factors namely biological, technological, economic, and environmental. The authors intend to address and validate such factors related to production processes in the AquaSmart project using serious games. The Serious Games strategy proposes to demonstrate the technological results of the project, namely data analytics tools able to generate new knowledge to improve aquaculture production processes. Additionally, it also intends to work as supporting training and marketing material, validating both the tools and the training programme

    Semantic Alignment for Interoperable Manufacturing Networks Establishment

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    Nowadays, SMEs aim to establish business's networks to be competitive with multinationals, which requires the sharing of knowledge, strategies and resources to boost the sector's and the cooperation's consolidation. Even if all the enterprises of a business network alliance come from the same business area, each one has its own view or perspective of its domain knowledge. Thus different conceptual, semantic and lexical knowledge representations may occur and therefore it is expected to happen non-transparent and interoperability inconsistencies of the shared information. This paper proposes a web user interface component that could enable to identify and classify the resulting possible semantic heterogeneities in a flexible way. This software component will then support the semantic mapping establishments that answer the mentioned requirements

    Data Management Component for Virtual Factories Systems

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    The vf-OS project aims to develop a middleware platform for the virtual factory of the future. The vf-OS is composed of several modules providing interoperability mechanisms for systems to exchange real-time data. Moreover, it enables the managing of data flows, transforming data, providing open API’s to ease integration process. The proposed Data Management Component (DMC) intends to cover the issues related to data handling, pre-processing, extracting, and data flows management for Virtual Factories. It integrates four subcomponents: a data infrastructure middleware element that handles the data communications; a data storage mechanism able to work with high loads and triples; a semantic and mapping function to establish model information integration; and an analytical module composed by machine learning and prediction mechanisms to enable knowledge extraction from the vast amount of data generated by the associated virtual factory system

    Erodibilidade potencial dos solos do Estado do Tocantins.

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    O trabalho definiu, testou e aplicou um procedimento metodológico para mapear e caracterizar a erodibilidade potencial dos solos do Estado do Tocantins, pelo processo indireto, utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento.bitstream/CNPM/1326/1/cit3_erodsolos_to.pd