3,007 research outputs found

    Time and M-theory

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    We review our recent proposal for a background independent formulation of a holographic theory of quantum gravity. The present review incorporates the necessary background material on geometry of canonical quantum theory, holography and spacetime thermodynamics, Matrix theory, as well as our specific proposal for a dynamical theory of geometric quantum mechanics, as applied to Matrix theory. At the heart of this review is a new analysis of the conceptual problem of time and the closely related and phenomenologically relevant problem of vacuum energy in quantum gravity. We also present a discussion of some observational implications of this new viewpoint on the problem of vacuum energy.Comment: 86 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX, typos fixed, references added, and Sec. 6.2 revised; invited review for Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    The 6C** Sample and the Highest Redshift Radio Galaxies

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    We present a new radio sample, 6C** designed to find radio galaxies at z > 4 and discuss some of its near-infrared imaging follow-up results.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in proceedings of 'Multi-wavelength AGN surveys', Cozumel, 200

    Cosmology with redshift surveys of radio sources

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    We use the K-z relation for radio galaxies to illustrate why it has proved difficult to obtain definitive cosmological results from studies based entirely on catalogues of the brightest radio sources, e.g. 3C. To improve on this situation we have been undertaking redshift surveys of complete samples drawn from the fainter 6C and 7C radio catalogues. We describe these surveys, and illustrate the new studies they are allowing. We also discuss our `filtered' 6C redshift surveys: these have led to the discovery of a radio galaxy at z=4.4, and are sensitive to similar objects at higher redshift provided the space density of these objects is not declining too rapidly with z. There is currently no direct evidence for a sharp decline in the space density of radio galaxies for z > 4, a result only barely consistent with the observed decline of flat-spectrum radio quasars.Comment: 8 pages Latex, To appear in the "Cosmology with the New Radio Surveys" Conference - Tenerife 13-15 January 199

    The radio luminosity function of radio-loud quasars from the 7C Redshift Survey

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    We present a complete sample of 24 radio-loud quasars (RLQs) from the new 7C Redshift Survey. Every quasar with a low-frequency (151 MHz) radio flux-density S_151 > 0.5 Jy in two regions of the sky covering 0.013 sr is included; 23 of these have sufficient extended flux to meet the selection criteria, 18 of these have steep radio spectra (hereafter denoted as SSQs). The key advantage of this sample over most samples of RLQs is the lack of an optical magnitude limit. By combining the 7C and 3CRR samples, we have investigated the properties of RLQs as a function of redshift z and radio luminosity L_151. We derive the radio luminosity function (RLF) of RLQs and find that the data are well fitted by a single power-law with slope alpha_1=1.9. We find that there must be a break in the RLQ RLF at log_10(L_151 / W Hz^-1 sr^-1) < 27, in order for the models to be consistent with the 7C and 6C source counts. The z-dependence of the RLF follows a one-tailed gaussian which peaks at z=1.7. We find no evidence for a decline in the co-moving space density of RLQs at higher redshifts. A positive correlation between the radio and optical luminosities of SSQs is observed, confirming a result of Serjeant et al. (1998). We are able to rule out this correlation being due to selection effects or biases in our combined sample. The radio-optical correlation and best-fit model RLF enable us to estimate the distribution of optical magnitudes of quasars in samples selected at low radio frequencies. We conclude that for samples with S_151 < 1 Jy one must use optical data significantly deeper than the POSS-I limit (R approx 20), in order to avoid severe incompleteness.Comment: 28 pages with 13 figures. To appear in MNRA

    The preferentially magnified active nucleus in IRAS F10214+4724 - II. Spatially resolved cold molecular gas

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    We present JVLA observations of the cold (CO (1-0)) molecular gas in IRAS F10214+4724, a lensed ULIRG at z=2.3 with an obscured active nucleus. The galaxy is spatially and spectrally well-resolved in the CO (1-0) emission line. A CO (1-0) counter-image is detected at the 3-sigma level. Five of the 42 km/s channels (with >5-sigma detections) are mapped back into the source plane and their total magnification posterior PDFs sampled. This reveals a roughly linear arrangement, tentatively a rotating disk. We derive a molecular gas mass of M_gas = 1.2 +- 0.2 x 10^10 M_sun, assuming a ULIRG L_{CO}-to-M_{gas} conversion ratio of \alpha = 0.8 M_sun / (K km/s pc^2) that agrees well with the derived range of \alpha = 0.3 - 1.3 for separate dynamical mass estimates at assumed inclinations of i = 90 - 30 degrees. Based on the AGN and CO (1-0) peak emission positions and the lens model, we predict a distortion of the CO Spectral Line Energy Distribution (SLED) where higher order J lines that may be partially excited by AGN heating will be preferentially lensed owing to their smaller solid angles and closer proximity to the AGN and therefore the cusp of the caustic. Comparison with other lensing inversion results shows that the narrow line region and AGN radio core in IRAS F10214+4724 are preferentially lensed by a factor >~ 3 and 11 respectively, relative to the molecular gas emission. This distorts the global continuum emission Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) and suggests caution in unsophisticated uses of IRAS F10214+4724 as an archetype high-redshift ULIRG. We explore two Large Velocity Gradient (LVG) models, incorporating spatial CO (1-0) and (3-2) information and present tentative evidence for an extended, low excitation cold gas component that implies that the total molecular gas mass in IRAS F10214+4724 is a factor >~2 greater than that calculated using spatially unresolved CO observations.Comment: Dedicated to Steve Rawlings. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 16 pages, 11 figure

    A submillimetre survey of the star-formation history of radio galaxies

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    We present the results of the first major systematic submillimetre survey of radio galaxies spanning the redshift range 1 < z < 5. The primary aim of this work is to elucidate the star-formation history of this sub-class of elliptical galaxies by tracing the cosmological evolution of dust mass. Using SCUBA on the JCMT we have obtained 850-micron photometry of 47 radio galaxies to a consistent rms depth of 1 mJy, and have detected dust emission in 14 cases. The radio galaxy targets have been selected from a series of low-frequency radio surveys of increasing depth (3CRR, 6CE, etc), in order to allow us to separate the effects of increasing redshift and increasing radio power on submillimetre luminosity. Although the dynamic range of our study is inevitably small, we find clear evidence that the typical submillimetre luminosity (and hence dust mass) of a powerful radio galaxy is a strongly increasing function of redshift; the detection rate rises from 15 per cent at z 2.5, and the average submillimetre luminosity rises as (1+z)^3 out to z~4. Moreover our extensive sample allows us to argue that this behaviour is not driven by underlying correlations with other radio galaxy properties such as radio power, radio spectral index, or radio source size/age. Although radio selection may introduce other more subtle biases, the redshift distribution of our detected objects is in fact consistent with the most recent estimates of the redshift distribution of comparably bright submillimetre sources discovered in blank field surveys. The evolution of submillimetre luminosity found here for radio galaxies may thus be representative of massive ellipticals in general.Comment: 31 pages - 10 figures in main text, 3 pages of figures in appendix. This revised version has been re-structured, but the analysis and conclusions have not changed. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Near-Infrared Observations of Powerful High-Redshift Radio Galaxies: 4C 40.36 and 4C 39.37

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    We present near-infrared imaging and spectroscopic observations of two FR II high-redshift radio galaxies (HzRGs), 4C 40.36 (z=2.3) and 4C 39.37 (z=3.2), obtained with the Hubble, Keck, and Hale Telescopes. High resolution images were taken with filters both in and out of strong emission lines, and together with the spectroscopic data, the properties of the line and continuum emissions were carefully analyzed. Our analysis of 4C 40.36 and 4C 39.37 shows that strong emission lines (e.g., [O III] 5007 A and H alpha+[N II]) contribute to the broad-band fluxes much more significantly than previously estimated (80% vs. 20-40%), and that when the continuum sources are imaged through line-free filters, they show an extremely compact morphology with a high surface brightness. If we use the R^1/4-law parametrization, their effective radii (r(e)) are only 2-3 kpc while their restframe B-band surface brightnesses at r(e) are I(B) ~ 18 mag/arcsec^2. Compared with z ~ 1 3CR radio galaxies, the former is x3-5 smaller, while the latter is 1-1.5 mag brighter than what is predicted from the I(B)-r(e) correlation. Although exponential profiles produce equally good fits for 4C 40.36 and 4C 39.37, this clearly indicates that with respect to the z~1 3CR radio galaxies, the light distribution of these two HzRGs is much more centrally concentrated. Spectroscopically, 4C 40.36 shows a flat (fnu=const) continuum while 4C 39.37 shows a spectrum as red as that of a local giant elliptical galaxy. Although this difference may be explained in terms of a varying degree of star formation, the similarities of their surface brightness profiles and the submillimeter detection of 4C 39.37 might suggest that the intrinsic spectra is equally blue (young stars or an AGN), and that the difference is the amount of reddening.Comment: 30 pages, 6 tables, 10 figures; Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    HST and UKIRT imaging observations of z ~ 1 6C radio galaxies - I. The data

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    The results of Hubble Space Telescope and UKIRT imaging observations are presented for a sample of 11 6C radio galaxies with redshifts 0.85 < z < 1.5. The observations of the 6C sources reveal a variety of different features, similar to those observed around the higher luminosity of the aligned emission appears less extreme in the case of the 6C radio galaxies. For both samples, the aligned emission clearly cannot be explained by a single emission mechanism; line emission and related nebular continuum emission, however, often provide a significant contribution to the aligned emission.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures (figs 3,6,11 low resolution - full resolution images can be obtained from http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~kji/ImagingFigs/). Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Desorption From Interstellar Ices

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    The desorption of molecular species from ice mantles back into the gas phase in molecular clouds results from a variety of very poorly understood processes. We have investigated three mechanisms; desorption resulting from H_2 formation on grains, direct cosmic ray heating and cosmic ray induced photodesorption. Whilst qualitative differences exist between these processes (essentially deriving from the assumptions concerning the species-selectivity of the desorption and the assumed threshold adsorption energies, E_t) all three processes are found to be potentially very significant in dark cloud conditions. It is therefore important that all three mechanisms should be considered in studies of molecular clouds in which freeze-out and desorption are believed to be important. Employing a chemical model of a typical static molecular core and using likely estimates for the quantum yields of the three processes we find that desorption by H_2 formation probably dominates over the other two mechanisms. However, the physics of the desorption processes and the nature of the dust grains and ice mantles are very poorly constrained. We therefore conclude that the best approach is to set empirical constraints on the desorption, based on observed molecular depletions - rather than try to establish the desorption efficiencies from purely theoretical considerations. Applying this method to one such object (L1689B) yields upper limits to the desorption efficiencies that are consistent with our understanding of these mechanisms.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted by MNRAS subject to minor revision which has been carried ou
