1,969 research outputs found

    Early specification of sensory neuron fate revealed by expression and function of neurogenins in the chick embryo

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    The generation of sensory and autonomic neurons from the neural crest requires the functions of two classes of basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors, the Neurogenins (NGNs) and MASH-1, respectively (Fode, C., Gradwohl, G., Morin, X., Dierich, A., LeMeur, M., Goridis, C. and Guillemot, F. (1998) Neuron 20, 483-494; Guillemot, F., Lo, L.-C., Johnson, J. E., Auerbach, A., Anderson, D. J. and Joyner, A. L. (1993) Cell 75, 463-476; Ma, Q., Chen, Z. F., Barrantes, I. B., de la Pompa, J. L. and Anderson, D. J. (1998 Neuron 20, 469-482). We have cloned two chick NGNs and found that they are expressed in a subset of neural crest cells early in their migration. Ectopic expression of the NGNs in vivo biases migrating neural crest cells to localize in the sensory ganglia, and induces the expression of sensory neuron-appropriate markers in non-sensory crest derivatives. Surprisingly, the NGNs can also induce the expression of multiple pan-neuronal and sensory-specific markers in the dermomyotome, a mesodermal derivative. Taken together, these data suggest that a subset of neural crest cells may already be specified for a sensory neuron fate early in migration, as a consequence of NGN expression

    Leptonic Invariants, Neutrino Mass-Ordering and the Octant of θ23\theta_{23}

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    We point out that leptonic weak-basis invariants are an important tool for the study of the properties of lepton flavour models. In particular, we show that appropriately chosen invariants can give a clear indication of whether a particular lepton flavour model favours normal or inverted hierarchy for neutrino masses and what is the octant of θ23\theta_{23}. These invariants can be evaluated in any conveniently chosen weak-basis and can also be expressed in terms of neutrino masses, charged lepton masses, mixing angles and CP violation phases.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Non-Factorizable Phases, Yukawa Textures and the Size of sin (2 beta)

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    We emphasize the crucial r\^ ole played by non-factorizable phases in the analysis of the Yukawa flavour structure performed in weak bases with Hermitian mass matrices and with vanishing (1,1)(1,1) entries. We show that non-factorizable phases are important in order to generate a sufficiently large sin2β\sin 2 \beta . A method is suggested to reconstruct the flavour structure of Yukawa couplings from input experimental data both in this Hermitian basis and in a non-Hermitian basis with a maximal number of texture zeros. The corresponding Froggatt--Nielsen patterns are presented in both cases.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Flavour Changing Higgs Couplings in a Class of Two Higgs Doublet Models

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    We analyse various flavour changing processes like thu,hct\to hu,hc, hτe,τμh\to \tau e,\tau\mu as well as hadronic decays hbs,bdh\to bs,bd, in the framework of a class of two Higgs doublet models where there are flavour changing neutral scalar currents at tree level. These models have the remarkable feature of having these flavour-violating couplings entirely determined by the CKM and PMNS matrices as well as tanβ\tan\beta. The flavour structure of these scalar currents results from a symmetry of the Lagrangian and therefore it is natural and stable under the renormalization group. We show that in some of the models the rates of the above flavour changing processes can reach the discovery level at the LHC at 13 TeV even taking into account the stringent bounds on low energy processes, in particular μeγ\mu\to e\gamma.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures; matches version accepted for publicatio

    What if the Masses of the First Two Quark Families are not Generated by the Standard Higgs?

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    We point out that, in the context of the SM, V132+V232|V^2_{13}| + | V^2_{23}| is expected to be large, of order one. The fact that V132+V2321.6×103|V^2_{13}| + |V^2_{23}| \approx 1.6 \times 10^{-3} motivates the introduction of a symmetry S which leads to VCKM=1 ⁣ ⁣ ⁣IV_{CKM} ={1\>\!\!\!\mathrm{I}} , with only the third generation of quarks acquiring mass. We consider two scenarios for generating the mass of the first two quark generations and full quark mixing. One consists of the introduction of a second Higgs doublet which is neutral under S. The second scenario consists of assuming New Physics at a high energy scale , contributing to the masses of light quark generations, in an effective field theory approach. This last scenario leads to couplings of the Higgs particle to sss\overline s and ccc \overline c which are significantly enhanced with respect to those of the SM. In both schemes, one has scalar-mediated flavour- changing neutral currents which are naturally suppressed. Flavour violating top decays are predicted in the second scenario at the level \mbox{Br} (t \rightarrow h c ) \geq 5\times 10^{-5}.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Pensar a educação: contributos da filosofia na procura da qualidade

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    Neste trabalho abordaremos o papel da reflexão como um dos importantes contributos que a Filosofia presta à Educação. Como fio condutor exploramos a relação entre a Filosofia e o conhecimento, focando a atenção no acto de conhecer, enquanto gerador de conhecimento, pelo qual o homem se faz homem, aliando a virtude à sabedoria. Imbuir a educação desta sageza é um imperativo actual. Só uma educação pensada poderá orientar o homem para si mesmo e para o seu semelhante, no entanto, o que de facto se efectiva rumo à excelência educativa nem sempre coincide com o proclamado, pelo que fazemos também uma aproximação aos conceitos de qualidade e qualidade do ensino, apontando algumas das variáveis que concorrem para a educação com a qualidade que se preconiza

    Yukawa Textures, New Physics and Nondecoupling

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    We point out that New Physics can play an important r\^ ole in rescuing some of the Yukawa texture zero ans\" atze which would otherwise be eliminated by the recent, more precise measurements of VCKMV_{CKM}. As an example, a detailed analysis of a four texture zero ansatz is presented, showing how the presence of an isosinglet vector-like quark which mixes with standard quarks, can render viable this Yukawa texture. The crucial point is the nondecoupling of the effects of the isosinglet quark, even for arbitrary large values of its mass.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Quasidegeneracy of Majorana Neutrinos and the Origin of Large Leptonic Mixing

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    We propose that the observed large leptonic mixing may just reflect a quasidegeneracy of three Majorana neutrinos. The limit of exact degeneracy of Majorana neutrinos is not trivial, as leptonic mixing and even CP violation may occur. We conjecture that the smallness of U13|U_{13}|, when compared to the other elements of UPMNSU_{PMNS}, may just reflect the fact that, in the limit of exact mass degeneracy, the leptonic mixing matrix necessarily has a vanishing element. We show that the lifting of the mass degeneracy can lead to the measured value of U13|U_{13}| while at the same time accommodating the observed solar and atmospheric mixing angles. In the scenario we consider for the breaking of the mass degeneracy there is only one CP violating phase, already present in the limit of exact degeneracy, which upon the lifting of the degeneracy generates both Majorana and Dirac-type CP violation in the leptonic sector. We analyse some of the correlations among physical observables and point out that in most of the cases considered, the implied strength of leptonic Dirac-type CP violation is large enough to be detected in the next round of experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Matches published version, references added, improved discussion, results unchange

    Vector-like Quarks at the Origin of Light Quark Masses and Mixing

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    We show how a novel fine-tuning problem present in the Standard Model can be solved through the introduction of a single flavour symmetry G, together with three Q=1/3Q = - 1/3 quarks, three Q=2/3Q = 2/3 quarks, as well as a complex singlet scalar. The symmetry G is extended to the additional fields and it is an exact symmetry of the Lagrangian, only spontaneously broken by the vacuum. Specific examples are given and a phenomenological analysis of the main features of the model is presented. It is shown that even for vector-like quarks with masses accessible at the LHC, one can have realistic quark masses and mixing, while respecting the strict constraints on process arising from flavour changing neutral currents (FCNC). The vector-like quark decay channels are also described.Comment: 25 pages, no figure