219 research outputs found

    Controlling statistical properties of stored light

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    Statistical properties of outgoing light pulses are studies after they have been stored in a medium of atoms in the tripod configuration. A generalized Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, storing of squeezed states and homodyne signal analysis are discussed in the context of their dependence on the parameters of the control fields used for light storage and release.Comment: 5 figure

    Coherent processing of a light pulse stored in a medium of four-level atoms

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    It is demonstrated that the properties of light stored in a four-level atomic system can be modified by an additional control interaction present during the storage stage. By choosing the pulse area of this interaction one can in particular continuously switch between two channels into which light is released.Comment: text+4 figure

    Electromagnetically-induced transparency and light storing of a pair of pulses

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    Electromagnetically-induced transparency and light storing are studied in the case of a medium of atoms in a double Lambda configuration, both in terms of dark- and bright-state polatitons and atomic susceptibility. It is proven that the medium can be made transparent simultaneously for two pulses following their self-adjusting so that a condition for an adiabatic evolution has become fulfilled. Analytic formulas are given for the shapes and phases of the transmitted/stored pulses. The level of transparency can be regulated by adjusting the heights and phases of the control fields.Comment: text +6 figure

    Controlled light storage in a double lambda system

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    It is shown theoretically that after light storing in a medium of four-level atoms it is possible to release a new pulse of a different frequency, the process being steered by another driving beam. It is also possible to store one pulse and to release two different ones, with their time separation and heights being controlled.Comment: 7 pages,3 figure

    Beam splitting and Hong-Ou-Mandel interference for stored light

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    Storing and release of a quantum light pulse in a medium of atoms in the tripod configuration are studied. Two complementary sets of control fields are defined, which lead to independent and complete photon release at two stages. The system constitutes a new kind of a flexible beam splitter in which the input and output ports concern photons of the same direction but well separated in time. A new version of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Light Propagation in Optically Dressed Media

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    On recombination in strong laser fields: effect of a slow drift

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    The dynamics of the recombination in ultrastrong atomic fields is studied for one-dimensional models by numerical simulations. A nonmonotonic behavior of the bound state final population as a function of the laser field amplitude is examined. An important role of a slow drift of an electron wave packet is observed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Light slowdown in the vicinity of cross-over resonances

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    Pulse propagation is considered in an inhomogeneously broadened medium of three-level atoms in a V-configuration, dressed by a counter-propagating pump pulse. A significant signal slowdown is demonstrated in this of the three frequency windows of a reduced absorption and a steep normal dispersion, which is due to a cross-over resonance. Particular properties of the group index in the vicinity of such a resonance are demonstrated in the case of closely spaced upper levels.Comment: 4 figure

    Electromagnetically induced transparency for Lambda - like systems with a structured continuum

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    Electric susceptibility of a laser-dressed atomic medium is calculated for a model Lambda - like system including two lower states and a continuum structured by a presence of an autoionizing state or a continuum with a laser-induced structure. Depending on the strength of a control field it is possible to obtain a significant reduction of the light velocity in a narrow frequency window in the conditions of a small absorption. A smooth transition is shown between the case of a flat continuum and that of a discrete state serving as the upper state of a Lambda system.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
