2,096,045 research outputs found

    The Complex of Solutions of the Nested Bethe Ansatz. The A_2 Spin Chain

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    The full set of polynomial solutions of the nested Bethe Ansatz is constructed for the case of A_2 rational spin chain. The structure and properties of these associated solutions are more various then in the case of usual XXX (A_1) spin chain but their role is similar

    Linearized Weyl-Weyl Correlator in a de Sitter Breaking Gauge

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    We use a de Sitter breaking graviton propagator to compute the tree order correlator between noncoincident Weyl tensors on a locally de Sitter background. An explicit, and very simple result is obtained, for any spacetime dimension D, in terms of a de Sitter invariant length function and the tensor basis constructed from the metric and derivatives of this length function. Our answer does not agree with the one derived previously by Kouris, but that result must be incorrect because it not transverse and lacks some of the algebraic symmetries of the Weyl tensor. Taking the coincidence limit of our result (with dimensional regularization) and contracting the indices gives the expectation value of the square of the Weyl tensor at lowest order. We propose the next order computation of this as a true test of de Sitter invariance in quantum gravity.Comment: 31 pages, 2 tables, no figures, uses LaTex2

    Ignorance is Almost Bliss: Near-Optimal Stochastic Matching With Few Queries

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    The stochastic matching problem deals with finding a maximum matching in a graph whose edges are unknown but can be accessed via queries. This is a special case of stochastic kk-set packing, where the problem is to find a maximum packing of sets, each of which exists with some probability. In this paper, we provide edge and set query algorithms for these two problems, respectively, that provably achieve some fraction of the omniscient optimal solution. Our main theoretical result for the stochastic matching (i.e., 22-set packing) problem is the design of an \emph{adaptive} algorithm that queries only a constant number of edges per vertex and achieves a (1−ϵ)(1-\epsilon) fraction of the omniscient optimal solution, for an arbitrarily small ϵ>0\epsilon>0. Moreover, this adaptive algorithm performs the queries in only a constant number of rounds. We complement this result with a \emph{non-adaptive} (i.e., one round of queries) algorithm that achieves a (0.5−ϵ)(0.5 - \epsilon) fraction of the omniscient optimum. We also extend both our results to stochastic kk-set packing by designing an adaptive algorithm that achieves a (2k−ϵ)(\frac{2}{k} - \epsilon) fraction of the omniscient optimal solution, again with only O(1)O(1) queries per element. This guarantee is close to the best known polynomial-time approximation ratio of 3k+1−ϵ\frac{3}{k+1} -\epsilon for the \emph{deterministic} kk-set packing problem [Furer and Yu, 2013] We empirically explore the application of (adaptations of) these algorithms to the kidney exchange problem, where patients with end-stage renal failure swap willing but incompatible donors. We show on both generated data and on real data from the first 169 match runs of the UNOS nationwide kidney exchange that even a very small number of non-adaptive edge queries per vertex results in large gains in expected successful matches

    Quadratic Algebra associated with Rational Calogero-Moser Models

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    Classical Calogero-Moser models with rational potential are known to be superintegrable. That is, on top of the r involutive conserved quantities necessary for the integrability of a system with r degrees of freedom, they possess an additional set of r-1 algebraically and functionally independent globally defined conserved quantities. At the quantum level, Kuznetsov uncovered the existence of a quadratic algebra structure as an underlying key for superintegrability for the models based on A type root systems. Here we demonstrate in a universal way the quadratic algebra structure for quantum rational Calogero-Moser models based on any root systems.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    Further Series Studies of the Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet at T=0: Magnon Dispersion and Structure Factors

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    We have extended our previous series studies of quantum antiferromagnets at zero temperature by computing the one-magnon dispersion curves and various structure factors for the linear chain, square and simple cubic lattices. Many of these results are new; others are a substantial extension of previous work. These results are directly comparable with neutron scattering experiments and we make such comparisons where possible.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, revised versio

    Phase Diagram of the J1, J2, J3 Heisenberg Models on the Honeycomb Lattice: A Series Expansion Study

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    We study magnetically ordered phases and their phase boundaries in the J1−J2−J3J_1-J_2-J_3 Heisenberg models on the honeycomb lattice using series expansions around N\'eel and different colinear and non-colinear magnetic states. An Ising anisotropy (λ=J⊥/Jz≠1\lambda=J_{\perp}/J_z\ne 1) is introduced and ground state energy and magnetization order parameter are calculated as a power seies expansion in λ\lambda. Series extrapolation methods are used to study properties for the Heisenberg model (λ=1\lambda=1). We find that at large J3J_3 (>0.6>0.6) there is a first order transition between N\'eel and columnar states, in agreement with the classical answer. For J3=0J_3=0, we find that the N\'eel phase extends beyond the region of classical stability. We also find that spiral phases are stabilized over large parameter regions, although their spiral angles can be substantially renormalized with respect to the classical values. Our study also shows a magnetically disordered region at intermedaite J2/J1J_2/J_1 and J3/J1J_3/J_1 values.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Ground state properties, excitation spectra and phase transitions in the S=1/2S=1/2 and S=3/2S=3/2 bilayer Heisenberg models on the honeycomb Lattice

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    Motivated by the observation of a disordered spin ground state in the S=3/2S=3/2 material Bi3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}NO3_3, we study the ground state properties and excitation spectra of the S=3/2S=3/2 (and for comparison S=1/2S=1/2) bilayer Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice, with and without frustrating further neighbor interactions. We use series expansions around the N\'eel state to calculate properties of the magnetically ordered phase. Furthermore, series expansions in 1/λ=J1/J⊥1/\lambda=J_1/J_{\perp}, where J1J_1 is an in-plane exchange constant and J⊥J_\perp is the exchange constant between the layers are used to study properties of the spin singlet phase. For the unfrustrated case, our results for the phase transitions are in very good agreement with recent Quantum Monte Carlo studies. We also obtain the excitation spectra in the disordered phase and study the change in the critical λ\lambda when frustrating exchange interactions are added to the S=3/2S=3/2 system and find a rapid suppression of the ordered phase with frustration. Implications for the material Bi3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}NO3_3 are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Theoretical Framework for Microscopic Osmotic Phenomena

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    The basic ingredients of osmotic pressure are a solvent fluid with a soluble molecular species which is restricted to a chamber by a boundary which is permeable to the solvent fluid but impermeable to the solute molecules. For macroscopic systems at equilibrium, the osmotic pressure is given by the classical van't Hoff Law, which states that the pressure is proportional to the product of the temperature and the difference of the solute concentrations inside and outside the chamber. For microscopic systems the diameter of the chamber may be comparable to the length-scale associated with the solute-wall interactions or solute molecular interactions. In each of these cases, the assumptions underlying the classical van't Hoff Law may no longer hold. In this paper we develop a general theoretical framework which captures corrections to the classical theory for the osmotic pressure under more general relationships between the size of the chamber and the interaction length scales. We also show that notions of osmotic pressure based on the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid and the mechanical pressure on the bounding walls of the chamber must be distinguished for microscopic systems. To demonstrate how the theoretical framework can be applied, numerical results are presented for the osmotic pressure associated with a polymer of N monomers confined in a spherical chamber as the bond strength is varied
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