6,241 research outputs found

    Workshop on Technical Feasibility: Initial Lessons from an IFIP WG2.7 Virtual University Case Study

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    Determination of Strong-Interaction Widths and Shifts of Pionic X-Rays with a Crystal Spectrometer

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    Pionic 3d-2p atomic transitions in F, Na, and Mg have been studied using a bent crystal spectrometer. The pionic atoms were formed in the production target placed in the external proton beam of the Space Radiation Effects Laboratory synchrocyclotron. The observed energies and widths of the transitions are E=41679(3) eV and Γ=21(8) eV, E=62434(18) eV and Γ=22(80) eV, E=74389(9) eV and Γ=67(35) eV, in F, Na, and Mg, respectively. The results are compared with calculations based on a pion-nucleus optical potential

    A theoretical and semiemprical correction to the long-range dispersion power law of stretched graphite

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    In recent years intercalated and pillared graphitic systems have come under increasing scrutiny because of their potential for modern energy technologies. While traditional \emph{ab initio} methods such as the LDA give accurate geometries for graphite they are poorer at predicting physicial properties such as cohesive energies and elastic constants perpendicular to the layers because of the strong dependence on long-range dispersion forces. `Stretching' the layers via pillars or intercalation further highlights these weaknesses. We use the ideas developed by [J. F. Dobson et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 96}, 073201 (2006)] as a starting point to show that the asymptotic C3D−3C_3 D^{-3} dependence of the cohesive energy on layer spacing DD in bigraphene is universal to all graphitic systems with evenly spaced layers. At spacings appropriate to intercalates, this differs from and begins to dominate the C4D−4C_4 D^{-4} power law for dispersion that has been widely used previously. The corrected power law (and a calculated C3C_3 coefficient) is then unsuccesfully employed in the semiempirical approach of [M. Hasegawa and K. Nishidate, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 70}, 205431 (2004)] (HN). A modified, physicially motivated semiempirical method including some C4D−4C_4 D^{-4} effects allows the HN method to be used successfully and gives an absolute increase of about 2−32-3% to the predicted cohesive energy, while still maintaining the correct C3D−3C_3 D^{-3} asymptotics

    Historical roots of Agile methods: where did “Agile thinking” come from?

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    The appearance of Agile methods has been the most noticeable change to software process thinking in the last fifteen years [16], but in fact many of the “Agile ideas” have been around since 70’s or even before. Many studies and reviews have been conducted about Agile methods which ascribe their emergence as a reaction against traditional methods. In this paper, we argue that although Agile methods are new as a whole, they have strong roots in the history of software engineering. In addition to the iterative and incremental approaches that have been in use since 1957 [21], people who criticised the traditional methods suggested alternative approaches which were actually Agile ideas such as the response to change, customer involvement, and working software over documentation. The authors of this paper believe that education about the history of Agile thinking will help to develop better understanding as well as promoting the use of Agile methods. We therefore present and discuss the reasons behind the development and introduction of Agile methods, as a reaction to traditional methods, as a result of people's experience, and in particular focusing on reusing ideas from histor

    Gamow-Teller transitions and deformation in the proton-neutron random phase approximation

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    We investigate reliability of Gamow-Teller transition strengths computed in the proton-neutron random phase approximation, comparing with exact results from diagonalization in full 0ℏω0\hbar\omega shell-model spaces. By allowing the Hartree-Fock state to be deformed, we obtain good results for a wide variety of nuclides, even though we do not project onto good angular momentum. We suggest that deformation is as important or more so than pairing for Gamow-Teller transitions.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; added references, clarified discussion with regards to stabilit

    Predicting Neutron Production from Cosmic-ray Muons

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    Fast neutrons from cosmic-ray muons are an important background to underground low energy experiments. The estimate of such background is often hampered by the difficulty of measuring and calculating neutron production with sufficient accuracy. Indeed substantial disagreement exists between the different analytical calculations performed so far, while data reported by different experiments is not always consistent. We discuss a new unified approach to estimate the neutron yield, the energy spectrum, the multiplicity and the angular distribution from cosmic muons using the Monte Carlo simulation package FLUKA and show that it gives a good description of most of the existing measurements once the appropriate corrections have been applied.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    A high-reflectivity high-Q micromechanical Bragg-mirror

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of a micromechanical oscillator consisting only of a free-standing dielectric Bragg mirror with high optical reflectivity and high mechanical quality. The fabrication technique is a hybrid approach involving laser ablation and dry etching. The mirror has a reflectivity of 99.6%, a mass of 400ng, and a mechanical quality factor Q of approximately 10^4. Using this micromirror in a Fabry Perot cavity, a finesse of 500 has been achieved. This is an important step towards designing tunable high-Q high-finesse cavities on chip.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Neutron production by cosmic-ray muons at shallow depth

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    The yield of neutrons produced by cosmic ray muons at a shallow depth of 32 meters of water equivalent has been measured. The Palo Verde neutrino detector, containing 11.3 tons of Gd loaded liquid scintillator and 3.5 tons of acrylic served as a target. The rate of one and two neutron captures was determined. Modeling the neutron capture efficiency allowed us to deduce the total yield of neutrons Ytot=(3.60±0.09±0.31)×10−5 Y_{tot} = (3.60 \pm 0.09 \pm 0.31) \times 10^{-5} neutrons per muon and g/cm2^2. This yield is consistent with previous measurements at similar depths.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    The Vector Analyzing Power in Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering

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    We compute the vector analyzing power (VAP) for the elastic scattering of transversely polarized electrons from protons at low energies using an effective theory of electrons, protons, and photons. We study all contributions through second order in E/ME/M, where EE and MM are the electron energy and nucleon mass, respectively. The leading order VAP arises from the imaginary part of the interference of one- and two-photon exchange amplitudes. Sub-leading contributions are generated by the nucleon magnetic moment and charge radius as well as recoil corrections to the leading-order amplitude. Working to O(E/M)2{\cal O}(E/M)^2, we obtain a prediction for AnA_n that is free of unknown parameters and that agrees with the recent measurement of the VAP in backward angle epep scattering.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures. Typos fixe
