12 research outputs found

    Proof-of-Concept of Real-World Quantum Key Distribution with Quantum Frames

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    We propose and experimentally investigate a fibre-based quantum key distribution system, which employs polarization qubits encoded into faint laser pulses. As a novel feature, it allows sending of classical framing information via sequences of strong laser pulses that precede the quantum data. This allows synchronization, sender and receiver identification, and compensation of time-varying birefringence in the communication channel. In addition, this method also provides a platform to communicate implementation specific information such as encoding and protocol in view of future optical quantum networks. Furthermore, we report on our current effort to develop high-rate error correction.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 4 table

    Political Language and Metaphor: Interpreting and Changing the World

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    Cognition meets action: Metaphors as models 'of' and models 'for'

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    Love and life in Heartless Town or the use of metaphor in local planning

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    Substitution of warthog NF-κB motifs into RELA of domestic pigs is not sufficient to confer resilience to African swine fever virus

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) causes a lethal, haemorrhagic disease in domestic swine that threatens pig production across the globe. Unlike domestic pigs, warthogs, which are wildlife hosts of the virus, do not succumb to the lethal effects of infection. There are three amino acid differences between the sequence of the warthog and domestic pig RELA protein; a subunit of the NF-κB transcription factor that plays a key role in regulating the immune response to infections. Domestic pigs with all 3 or 2 of the amino acids from the warthog RELA orthologue have been generated by gene editing. To assess if these variations confer resilience to ASF we established an intranasal challenge model with a moderately virulent ASFV. No difference in clinical, virological or pathological parameters were observed in domestic pigs with the 2 amino acid substitution. Domestic pigs with all 3 amino acids found in warthog RELA were not resilient to ASF but a delay in onset of clinical signs and less viral DNA in blood samples and nasal secretions was observed in some animals. Inclusion of these and additional warthog genetic traits into domestic pigs may be one way to assist in combating the devastating impact of ASFV.This work was funded by InnovateUK Crop and Livestock Disease Challenges: Validation of Genome Edited Disease Resistant Pig grant BB/M028313/1 and by Genus PLC. Work at the APHA was completed under an InnovateUK and Genus funded sub-contract, CSKN0019. In addition the work was in part supported by BBSRC ISPG funding BBS/E/D/10002071, BBS/E/D/20002172, BBS/E/D/20002174, BB/P013740/1 and BB/P013759/1 to the Roslin Institute