384 research outputs found

    Smashed hits: Overview

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    Though its trials are less monitored and recorded, music is no less subject to censorship than other forms of artistic expression, and the methods are much the same. These run the usual gamut from killing or imprisonment to banning the works themselves, and thence into that nebulous domain in which 'taste' and market forces are the engines of restriction

    New labour, old morality

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    Out of the swinging sixties, in with zero tolerance – Tony Blair’s crusade on values betrays a deep illiberalis

    Nonsense on Stilts

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    Goverment and press have joined forces in a campaign to abandon the human rights act- and maybe membership of the E

    An unsavoury business

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    Fear of libel actions and of losing advertising revenue has persuaded most media organisations to leave well alone when it comes to exposing some of the more unsavoury aspects of the burger giant McDonald's

    A case of mistaken identity

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    What went wrong between the UK media and a report on 'multi-ethnic' Britain

    Foxy business

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    When did diversity ever equal impartiality? It didn't, but it has become the cover for any kind of 'polemical' - aka biased - broadcasting

    Fourth-rate estate

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    Was journalism ever the democratic watchdog and campion of freedom its advocates claim
