585 research outputs found


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    176 Orchidaceae

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    The effect of a homoeopathic complex eye drop solution on the symptoms of computer-induced asthenopia

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    Abstract: Visual display units (VDU’s) such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, computers, game consoles and televisions have become an essential part of our modern life both in school and at work places (Izquierdo & Townsend, 2008). Up to 90% of computer users may experience visual symptoms at one time or another with the use of VDU’s (Barthakur, 2013). Asthenopia (eyestrain) is typically associated with near-work and symptoms include dry eyes, eye fatigue and difficulty focusing. The major cause of computer-induced asthenopia is fatigue of the ciliary and extra-ocular muscles due to prolonged accommodation and vergence required by near-vision work (Tiwari et al., 2011). The severity of the symptoms is proportional to the time spent using a VDU device and symptoms are substantially reduced after discontinuing usage; even so, the symptoms can affect work productivity and quality of life (Barthakur, 2013). Conventional treatment for asthenopia includes correction of refractive errors, use of occupational glasses, eye drops and punctal occlusion (Garin, 2014); ergonomic measures can also be helpful (Barthakur, 2013). Homoeopathy is a holistic treatment modality based on the “Law of Similars” (Dekkers, 2009). Homoeopathic remedies enhance the body’s own curative abilities, enabling the body to heal itself (Ahmad, 2005). Homoeopathic remedies may provide a safe complementary treatment option for asthenopia. The homoeopathic complex eye drop solution used in this study consists of Conium maculatum 6X, Natrum muriaticum 6X, Ruta graveolens 6X and Senega officinalis 6X. It is a widely available eye drop solution indicated for the relief of computer-induced asthenopia. To date, no specific research could be found on the effect of this eye drop complex on the symptoms of computer-induced asthenopia

    Towards the upgrading of fermentation broths to advanced biofuels: a water tolerant catalyst for the conversion of ethanol to isobutanol

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    The conversion of methanol/ethanol mixtures to isobutanol with the pre-catalyst trans-[RuCl2(dppm)2] (1) is tolerant to the addition of water to the system, achieving an isobutanol yield of 36% at 78% selectivity with water concentrations typical of that of a crude fermentation broth.</p

    Mortality and basal area growth following precommercial thinning in stands affected by Armillaria, Laminated and Tomentosus root diseases in southern British Columbia

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    Precommercial thinning aims to reduce the density of immature stands to stimulate growth of well-spaced crop trees of preferred species and free from defects and disease. The chronic persistence of Armillaria, Laminated and Tomentosus root diseases in coniferous forests of British Columbia, Canada may offset potential gains in timber yield of commercially important tree species by creating stumps that the fungi utilize as an energy source to infect neighbouring trees. In juvenile plantations and naturally regenerated stands in six biogeoclimatic (BEC) zones with evidence of root disease caused by Armillaria ostoyae (8 sites), Coniferiporia sulphurascens (2 sites) or Onnia tomentosa (1 site), five of ten 20 m square plots per site were randomly selected for thinning to British Columbia Ministry of Forests specifications. Crop tree diameter at breast height and mortality from all causes were recorded at establishment and periodically thereafter up to 19 years post-thinning. Logistic regression analysis of mortality rates showed significant differences among root disease pathogens, between planted and natural stands, and among ecological zones. Yet over all sites, differences between thinned and control plots were not significant. At the final assessment, crop tree basal area was higher in thinned than in control plots at 10 of 11 sites. Root disease, including infected and dead trees and other lethal biotic and abiotic agents, reduced potential yield in both treatments (thinned and control). At several Armillaria sites, mortality was slightly to substantially higher in thinned than in control plots, suggesting that thinning can increase the amount and potential of inoculum which may continue to adversely impact productivity of those stands. Recommendations for silvicultural management of the three root diseases are discussed

    Catalytic conversion of methanol/ethanol to isobutanol – a highly selective route to an advanced biofuel

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    Catalysts based on ruthenium diphosphine complexes convert methanol/ethanol mixtures to the advanced biofuel isobutanol, with extremely high selectivity (>99%) at good (>75%) conversion via a Guerbet-type mechanism

    The validity and reliability of iridology in the diagnosis of previous acute appendicitis as evi-denced by appendectomy

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    Iridology is defined as a photographic science that identifies pathological and functional changes within organs via biomicroscopic iris assessment for aberrant lines, spots, and discolourations. According to iridology, the iris does not reflect changes  during  anaesthesia,  due  to  the  drugs inhibitory  effects  on  nerves  impulses,  and  in cases of organ removal, it reflects the pre-surgical condition.The profession of Homoeopathy is frequently associated with iridology and in a recent survey (2009)  investigating  the  perceptions  of  Masters of  Technology  graduates  in  Homoeopathy  of University of Johannesburg, iridology was highly regarded as a potential additional skill requirement for assessing the health status of the patient.This  study  investigated  the  reliability  of iridology  in  the  diagnosis  of  previous  acute appendicitis, as evidenced by appendectomy. A total of 60 participants took part in the study. Thirty of the 60 participants had an appendectomy due to acute appendicitis, and 30 had had no prior history  of  appendicitis.  Each  participant’s  right iris  was  documented  by  photography  with  the use  of  a  non-mydriatic  retinal  camera  that  was reset for photographing the iris. The photographs were then randomized by an external person and no identifying data made available to the three raters.  The  raters  included  the  researcher,  who had little experience in iridology and two highly experienced  practising  iridologists.  Data  was obtained  from  the  analyses  of  the  photographs wherein  the  presence  or  absence  of  lesions (implying acute appendicitis) was indicated by the raters. None of the three raters was able to show a significant  success  rate  in  identifying  correctly the  people  with  a  previous  history  of  acute appendicitis and resultant appendectomies from those  who  had  no  previous  history  of  acute appendicitis.  Therefore the outcome of this study indicated an outcome that was subject to chance.The  null  hypothesis  that  states  that appendectomy due to acute appendicitis does not manifest in corresponding lesions in the iris, is supported. It is in the opinion of the researchers that the  association  of  iridology  with  homoeopathic practice may harm the credibility of the profession and that further research on iridology is needed to disprove this conviction. (S Afr Optom 2013 72(3) 127-132

    Assessment of a-priori and dynamic extended learner profiling for accommodative learning

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    Undergraduates often have experiences during their period of study that can have adverse effects on their ability to complete a particular course. This paper describes the use of an online questionnaire to integrate an exploration of learning styles, as presented by Felder and Silverman in 1988, with an investigation of additional student risk factors. The report demonstrates the complexity of marking and evaluating the validity of such studies, be they online, or in paper formats. It also investigates a method of evaluating the data before committing the evaluation technique to software. The learning styles utilised are; Visual/Verbal/Kinaesthetic and Global/Sequential. The information gathered about learning styles can inform and stimulate tutor reflection on suitable teaching styles. The risk factors considered include; academic expectations, subject interest, ability to understand, examination nervousness, mathematical ability and age. The ability to define referred learning styles and learner risk factors results in the creation of individual Learner Profile. Information stored on an online database as the questionnaire responses are uploaded. It also gives an overall impression of the learning styles and the risk factors of the individual and of the cohort. Risk factors can also be considered as support requirement indicators. The investigation reported in this paper forms part of a continuing philosophy of student support which has been successfully employed within the School of Engineering Science and Design at Glasgow Caledonian University for some time. This process of support, known as the ‘Triple C’ model (standing for care, control and consistency) has dramatically increased the retention and progression of first year undergraduates to second year over the last three academic years

    Health supplements for allergic rhinitis : a mixed-methods systematic review

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    Abstract:Allergic rhinitis is a chronic inflammatory condition caused by an exaggerated response of the immune system to common allergens. Most pharmacological therapies tend to be palliative and in some cases are associated with adverse effects. There is a growing tendency for people to self-medicate with health supplements as they are generally considered safe, however clinical studies relating to their efficacy and safety are limited..