3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of environmental effect of waste management system following legislation process introducing modifications to the legal system in Poland

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    Introducing modifications to the legal system, that aimed at implementation of EU law into Polish legislation, enforced numerous changes in the waste management system functioning yet. A major objective, primarily, is to create the system of effective waste management that combines environmental, social and economical aspects. An assessment had been made in the article, in terms of environmental effect of waste management system following the amendments to the Act on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities of 13 September 1996, as a crucial element. The system functioning in Pyskowice Municipality in the year 2014 was subjected to evaluation, by using LCA methodology.Wprowadzenie zmian w systemie prawnym, którego celem była implementacja prawa unijnego do prawodawstwa polskiego, wymusiło liczne zmiany w dotychczas funkcjonującym systemie gospodarki odpadami. Cel główny to przede wszystkim stworzenie systemu zapewniającego efektywną gospodarkę odpadami, która połączy w sobie aspekt ekologiczny, społeczny i ekonomiczny. W artykule dokonano oceny, z punktu widzenia wpływu na środowisko, systemu gospodarowania odpadami po dokonaniu zmian w ustawie o utrzymaniu czystości i porządku w gminach z dnia 13 września 1996 roku, która jest elementem kluczowym. Ocenie poddano system funkcjonujący w Gminie Pyskowice w roku 2014 przy użyciu metodologii LCA

    Property attribution of 3D geological models in the Thames Gateway, London : new ways of visualising geoscientific information

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    Rapid developments in information technology and the increasing collection and digitisation of geological data by the British Geological Survey now allow geoscientists to produce meaningful 3D spatial models of the shallow subsurface in many urban areas. Using this new technology, it is possible to model and predict not only the type of rocks in the shallow subsurface, but also their engineering properties (rock strength, shrink-swell characteristics and compressibility) and hydrogeological properties (permeability, porosity, thickness of the unsaturated zone or the likelihood of perched water tables) by attribution of the 3D model with geological property data. This paper describes the hydrogeological, engineering and confidence (uncertainty) attribution of high resolution models of the Thames Gateway Development Zone (TGDZ) east of London UK and proposes a future in which site investigation sets out to test a pre-existing spatial model based on real data rather than a conceptual model