983 research outputs found

    Tracking the validity of the quasi-static and sub-horizon approximations in modified gravity

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    Within the framework of modified gravity (MG), the quasi-static (QS) and sub-horizon (SH) approximations are widely used in analyses aiming to identify departures from the concordance model at late-times. In general, it is assumed that time derivatives are subdominant with respect to spatial derivatives given that the relevant physical modes are those well inside the Hubble radius. In practice, the perturbation equations under these approximations are reduced to a tractable algebraic system in terms of the gravitational potentials and the perturbations of involved matter fields. Here, in the framework of f(R)f(R) theories, we revisit standard results when these approximations are invoked using a new parameterization scheme that allows us to track the relevance of each time-derivative term in the perturbation equations. This new approach unveils terms which are neglected in the standard procedure. We assess the relevance of these differences by comparing results from both approaches against full numerical solutions for two well-known toy-models: the designer f(R)f(R) model and the Hu-Sawicki model. We find that: i) the SH approximation can be safely applied to linear perturbation equations for scales 0.06h/0.06 h/Mpc ≲k≲0.2h/\lesssim k \lesssim 0.2 h/Mpc, ii) in this "safety region", the QS approximation provides a very accurate description of the late-time cosmological dynamics even when dark energy significantly contribute to the cosmic budget, and iii) our new methodology performs better than the standard procedure, even for several orders of magnitude in some cases. Although, the impact of this major improvement on the linear observables is minimal for the studied cases, this does not represent an invalidation for our approach. Instead, our findings indicate that the perturbation expressions derived under these approximations in more general MG theories, such as Horndeski, should be also revisited.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figures. Changes match published versio

    Using machine learning to compress the matter transfer function T(k)T(k)

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    The linear matter power spectrum P(k,z)P(k,z) connects theory with large scale structure observations in cosmology. Its scale dependence is entirely encoded in the matter transfer function T(k)T(k), which can be computed numerically by Boltzmann solvers, and can also be computed semi-analytically by using fitting functions such as the well-known Bardeen-Bond-Kaiser-Szalay (BBKS) and Eisenstein-Hu (EH) formulae. However, both the BBKS and EH formulae have some significant drawbacks. On the one hand, although BBKS is a simple expression, it is only accurate up to 10%10\%, which is well above the 1%1\% precision goal of forthcoming surveys. On the other hand, while EH is as accurate as required by upcoming experiments, it is a rather long and complicated expression. Here, we use the Genetic Algorithms (GAs), a particular machine learning technique, to derive simple and accurate fitting formulae for the transfer function T(k)T(k). When the effects of massive neutrinos are also considered, our expression slightly improves over the EH formula, while being notably shorter in comparison.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Changes match published versio

    Anisotropic Dark Energy from String Compactifications

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    We explore the cosmological dynamics of a minimalistic yet generic string-inspired model for multifield dark energy. Adopting a supergravity four-dimensional viewpoint, we motivate the model's structure arising from superstring compactifications involving a chiral superfield and a pure U(1)U(1) gauge sector. The chiral sector gives rise to a pair of scalar fields, such as the axio-dilaton, which are kinetically coupled. However, the scalar potential depends on only one of them, further entwined with the vector field through the gauge kinetic function. The model has two anisotropic attractor solutions that, despite a steep potential and thanks to multifield dynamics, could explain the current accelerated expansion of the Universe while satisfying observational constraints on the late-times cosmological anisotropy. Nevertheless, justifying the parameter space allowing for slow roll dynamics together with the correct cosmological parameters, would be challenging within the landscape of string theory. Intriguingly, we find that the vector field, particularly at one of the studied fixed points, plays a crucial role in enabling geodesic trajectories in the scalar field space while realizing slow-roll dynamics with a steep potential. This observation opens a new avenue for exploring multifield dark energy models within the superstring landscape.Comment: Submitted to JHEP. Comments are welcome
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