366 research outputs found


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    Uji Sinergisitas Antioksi Dan Ekstrak Kloroform Daun Teh (Camellia Sinensis) Dengan -Tokoferol Menggunakan Pendekatan Kemometri

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    Aim of this research is to know factor influenced to antioxidative activity of chloroform extract oftea leaf ( Camellia sinensis) with -tocopherol in peanut oil system. Research was done by takedata of peroxide value, tiocyanic acid value dan barbituric acid value of the system addedantioxidant at various concentration. Variance analysis was investigated to the data by interpretingfactors consist of time, extract concentration and -tocopherol concentration followed bydetermination of regression model. Result showed that time, extract concentration and -tocopherolconcentration influence to the antioxidative activity and there was interaction effect of the factors.Optimum condition gained at time of 60 minutes, -tocopherol concentration of 110 ppm andextract concentration of 100 ppm. The model resulted from this analysis can be used to predictsynergistic effect between chloroform extract of tea leaf with -tocopherol


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    The identification of the Palu-Koro Fault and earthquake hazard vulnerability study has been conducted based on multi-criteria analysis which is a recent innovation zonation method of earthquake hazard vulnerable areas. The study method used is a merging scientific discipline of geology and geophysics. Field data collection (acquisition), processing, data analysis and modeling in the laboratory using several seismic software became the main framework in this study. Earthquake hazard vulnerability maps contain several criteria related to factors affecting the vulnerability level in the study area to the earthquakes hazard. Acquisition of geological investigation including fault-slip at 19 points and historical of 30 earthquakes data were used to verified fault type or earthquake focal mechanism. Microtremor measurements were conducted at 350 points throughout at the Palu area to analyze the vulnerability of earthquake hazard in the study area. The earthquake focal mechanism analysis shows the type of fault that predominantly controls through the Palu area and its surroundings controlled by strike-slip or horizontal fault mechanism. The micro-zonation analysis shows that the value of the resonant frequency (fo) in the range of 0.307 to 14.668, amplification factor (A) in the range of 1.297 to 8.946, the predominant period (Tg) in the range of 0.068 to 3.257, seismic vulnerability (Kg) in the range of 0.36 to 231, 97. Based on the vulnerability classification level and earthquake hazard shows that no area is safe. Particularly the impact caused by an earthquake due to the activity of Palu-Koro Fault

    Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Tingkat Kerapatan Erosi Parit Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Kaliwungu (Factor Influencing Density Level of Gully Erosion in Kaliwungu Watershed)

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    Distribution and density level of gullies reflect the level of land degradation on a catchment. This research aims to identify the distribution of gully and to calculate the density level of gully erosion in Kaliwungu Watershed. The distribution of gully was obtained through field survey, while the density level was analyzed based on landuse and landform maps. Gully distribution was overlayed on landuse and landform maps. Landuse was delineated by interpreting aerial photograph of Kaliwungu Watershed. Aerial imagery supported by the result of Sentinel image processing was used to observe vegetation density. Landform and slope were delineated from DEM. The gully small catchments were delineated by DEM and aerial photograph interpretation of Kaliwungu Watershed. Gully density is calculated by comparing erosion length and erosion volume to the small catchment extent. Descriptive analysis was used to determine the factors that influenced gully. The analysis was conducted based on the result of overlaying gully distribution on landuse and landform maps.The result of this research were a 1:10.000 map of gully distribution and density level of gully erosion in Kaliwungu Watershed. There were three density classes of gully in Kaliwungu Watershed which are high, medium, and low. The formation process of intensive gully only takes place at some intensively land cultivation points or at some land that has been highly disturbed by human activities. The result shows that landuse and land cultivation was the factors that influenced the formation of gully erosion

    Analysis of Factors Affecting the Human Development Index in West Kalimantan Province Using Data Panel Data Regression

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    Development in the country is growing including in the West Borneo Province. However in 2015, the achievement of human development at the National level is quite low, while the District and City varied considerably. Human Development Index is one of the parameter for human development that are affected by many factors. In this paper, analysis for identify the factors for human development index in West Kalimantan Province by using Regression Analysis was conducted. Regression was based on time series data from 2012 until 2015. It is found that Fixed Effect Model is the best regression model with the R2 of 0.99853%. The influencing variables are Life Expectancy (AHH), Adjusted Per Capita (Expenditure), School Average (RLS), School Expectation (HLS), and Gross Regional Domestic Product at Constant Price (GRDP)

    Anemia in Pregnancy as a Predisposing Factor of Severe Preeclampsia: Anemia dalam Kehamilan sebagai Salah Satu Faktor Predisposisi Preeklamsia Berat

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    Abstract Objective: This case may partly explain that anaemia can be a predisposing factor for the development of many women with preeclampsia were have a low level of haemoglobin during their pregnancy.Methods: A case reportCase: We present a case 23-year-old pregnant woman who has had moderate anaemia with severe preeclampsia at 38-week pregnant. As the evidence, there were elevated blood pressure, decreasing haemoglobin obtained by routine blood analysis, and presence of urine protein by urinalysis examination.Conclusion: In terms of anaemia as one of a predisposing factor of preeclampsia it is important to care provider, pregnant women, and families to prevent anaemia in pregnancy through routine ANC.Keywords: anaemia, pregnancy, severe preeclampsia.   Abstrak Tujuan: Kasus ini sebagian dapat menjelaskan bahwa anemia dapat menjadi faktor predisposisi bagi perkembangan banyak perempuan dengan preeklamsia yang memiliki kadar hemoglobin yang rendah selama masa kehamilan mereka.Metode: Laporan kasus.Kasus : Kami melaporan kasus ibu hamil berusia 23 tahun yang mengalami anemia sedang dengan preeklamsia berat di usia 38 minggu, dibuktikan dari peningkatan tekanan darah, penurunan hemoglobin, serta protein uria pada pemeriksaan urinalisis.Kesimpulan : Berkaitan antara anemia sebagai predisposisi preekalmsia, penting bagi petugas kesehatan dan ibu hamil serta keluarga untuk mencegah anemia dalam kehamilan melalui ANC yang rutin.Kata kunci : anemia, kehamilan, preeklamsia berat
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