615 research outputs found

    Individual differences in information integration studies of children’s judgment/decision-making: Combining group with single-subject design via cluster analysis

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    Our work uses experimental methods to test children’s judgment/decision-making (JDM). Experimental work often focuses on task and process analyses at the group level, with individual differences treated as error variability. Here, we describe how to assess/interpret individual differences within experiments using single-subject design. Traditionally, single-subject design appears in single case studies, with issues of generalizability arising. Our approach, in contrast, involves groups of standard size, analyzed at the group and individual subject level. We then group individuals with similar patterns, for conclusions about the existence and contributions of systematic individual differences to development. Our examples here use Information Integration Theory (IIT). Our general perspective, however, could be useful for other experimental paradigms as well

    Chlorophyll regulates accumulation of the plastid-encoded chlorophyll apoproteins CP43 and D1 by increasing apoprotein stability.

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    Chlorophyll apoprotein accumulation in higher plant chloroplasts is controlled by light-dependent chlorophyll formation. Dark-grown plants lack chlorophyll and chlorophyll apoproteins. However, the plastid genes encoding the chlorophyll apoproteins are transcribed; chlorophyll apoprotein mRNA accumulates and associates with polysomes in plastids of dark-grown plants. Pulse-labeling assays revealed a population of short-lived proteins in plastids of dark-grown plants. One of these transiently labeled proteins was CP43, a chlorophyll apoprotein associated with photosystem II. Pulse-chase assays showed that newly synthesized CP43 was rapidly degraded in plastids of dark-grown plants, which lack chlorophyll. In contrast, CP43 synthesized in plastids from illuminated plants was stable. The synthesis of D1, a chlorophyll apoprotein of the photosystem II reaction center, was also analyzed in plastids of dark-grown and illuminated plants. Radiolabel accumulation into full-length D1 was only detected in plastids of illuminated plants. However, D1 translation intermediates of 15-25 kDa were detected in both plastid populations. Pulse-chase assays showed that the 15- to 25-kDa D1 translation products were precursors of mature D1 in plastids of illuminated plants. In contrast, in plastids of dark-grown plants, the 15- to 25-kDa translation intermediates were converted into a 23-kDa polypeptide previously suggested to be a proteolytic product of D1. These results indicate that chlorophyll produced in illuminated plants stabilizes D1 nascent polypeptides, which allows accumulation of mature D1

    Dynamic Regulation of Chloroplast Transcription

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    Survival and Home Range Estimates of Pen-Raised Northern Bobwhites in Buffer Strip and Non-Buffer Strip Habitats

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    We investigated the effect of agricultural buffer strips on survival and home range estimates of pen-raised northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) at Tudor Farms on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. In September 2000 we released groups of bobwhites into 9 buffer strip (treatment) areas and 9 non-buffer strip (control) areas among 11 agricultural farms. Each group consisted of 4 radiomarked bobwhites and 26 non-radiomarked bobwhites. To maintain contact with the established coveys, additional radiomarked bobwhites (n = 177) were introduced into the coveys as radiomarked birds died. Survival for bobwhites released in buffer strip areas was lower (P \u3c 0.001) than survival in non-buffer strip areas. None of the radiomarked bobwhites released in the buffer strip areas survived past 27 weeks, whereas 11% of radiomarked bobwhites in non-buffer strip areas survived to 27 weeks and 1 bird survived to 41 weeks. Predation was the primary mortality factor (88%), followed by unknown causes (7%), stress (2%), hunting (2%), and road kill (1%). Mean fall and winter home range (95% minimum convex polygon) for 21 bobwhite coveys was 24.2 +- 3.5 ha, ranging from 1.7 to 65.8 ha. Home range areas of bobwhite coveys in buffer strips (n = 12, x¯ +- 15.0 2.7 ha) was significantly smaller (P = 0.002) than non-buffer strip coveys (n = 9, x¯ = 36.4 +- 4.9 ha). We conclude that the smaller home ranges in buffer strip areas seem to indicate better habitat quality; however, high mortality rates of pen-raised bobwhites limited our ability to confirm this

    Characterization of an Arabidopsis Lipoxygenase Gene Responsive to Methyl Jasmonate and Wounding

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    Sucrose Modulation of Soybean Vsp Gene Expression Is Inhibited by Auxin

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