5,654 research outputs found

    Fermion Mass Hierarchy from the Soft Wall

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    We develop a 5d model for ElectroWeak physics based on a non compact warped extra dimension of finite length, known as the soft wall scenario, where all the dynamical degrees of freedom propagate in the 5d bulk. We solve the equations of motion and find the allowed spectra, showing that the mass of the lightest fermionic mode behaves as a power law of the effective 4d Yukawa coupling constant, with the exponent being the corresponding fermionic 5d bulk mass. Precisely this non universal behavior allows us to reproduce the hierarchy between the Standard Model (SM) fermion masses (from neutrinos to the top quark) with non-hierarchical fermionic bulk masses.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, minor changes, one figured added, version to be publish in PR

    Resolved Conifolds in Supergravity Solutions

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    We construct generalized 11D supergravity solutions of fully localized intersecting D2/D4 brane systems. These solutions are obtained by embedding six-dimensional resolved Eguchi-Hanson conifolds lifted to M-theory. We reduce these solutions to ten dimensions, obtaining new D-brane systems in type IIA supergravity. We discuss the limits in which the dynamics of the D2 brane decouples from the bulk for these solutions.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, references added, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    1+1-dimensional p-wave superconductors from intersecting D-branes

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    In this work we explore 1+1 dimensional p-wave superconductors using the probe D-brane construction. Specifically, we choose three intersecting D-brane models: D1/D5, D2/D4 and D3/D3 systems. According to the dilaton running behavior, we denote the former two systems as nonconformal models and the last system as conformal. We find that all three models are qualitatively similar in describing superconducting condensate as well as some basic features (such as the gap formation and DC superconductivity) of superconducting conductivity. There also exist some differences among the three models as far as the AC conductivity is concerned. Specifically, for D3/D3 model there is no peak at nonzero frequency for the imaginary part of the conductivity, which is present in the nonconformal models; their asymptotic behaviors are different-for D1/D5 the real part of the AC conductivity approaches one at large frequency limit, for D2/D4 it slowly goes to a certain nonzero constant smaller than one and for D3/D3 it goes to zero. We find the profile of the AC conductivity for the D1/D5 system is very similar to that of higher dimensional p-wave superconductors.Comment: v2: matched with the published versio

    The static potential in {\cal N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills at weak coupling

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    We compute the static potential associated to the locally 1/2 BPS Wilson loop in N{\cal N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with O(λ2/r){\cal O}(\lambda^2/r) accuracy. We also resum the leading logarithms, of O(λn+1lnnλ/r){\cal O}(\lambda^{n+1}\ln^n\lambda/r), and show the structure of the renormalization group equation at next-to-leading order in the multipole expansion. In order to obtain these results it is crucial the use of an effective theory for the ultrasoft degrees of freedom. We develop this theory up to next-to-leading order in the multipole expansion. Using the same formalism we also compute the leading logarithms, of O(λn+3lnnλ/r){\cal O}(\lambda^{n+3}\ln^n\lambda/r), of the static potential associated to an ordinary Wilson loop in the same theory.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Two references added, misprints corrected. Computation of the static potential associated to the ordinary static Wilson loop incorporate

    On the quantization of the N=2 supersymmetric non linear sigma model

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    A method for quantizing the bidimensional N=2 supersymmetric non-linear sigma model is developed. This method is both covariant under coordinate transformations (concerning the order relevant for calculations) and explicitly N=2 supersymmetric. The OPE of the supercurrent is computed accordingly, including also the dilaton. By imposing the N=2 superconformal algebra the equations for the metric and dilaton are obtained. In particular, they imply that the dilaton is a constant.Comment: 16 page

    Violation of the holographic bulk viscosity bound

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    Motivated by gauge theory/string theory correspondence, a lower bound on the bulk viscosity of strongly coupled gauge theory plasma was proposed in arXiv:0708.3459. We consider strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma compactified on a two-manifold of constant curvature beta. We show that the effective (1+1)-dimensional hydrodynamic description of the system is governed by the bulk viscosity violating the bound of arXiv:0708.3459, once beta<0.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Factorization and Discrete States in C=1 Superliouville Theory

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    We study the discrete state structure of c^=1\hat c=1 superconformal matter coupled to 2-D supergravity. Factorization properties of scattering amplitudes are used to identify these states and to construct the corresponding vertex operators. For both Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond sectors these states are shown to be organized in SU(2) multiplets. The algebra generated by the discrete states is computed in the limit of null cosmological constant.Comment: 23 pages, revtex, CNEA-CAB-92-036 and UPRF-92-35

    Universal properties of the U(1) current at deconfined quantum critical points: comparison with predictions from gauge/gravity duality

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    The deconfined quantum critical point of a two-dimensional SU(N) antiferromagnet is governed by an Abelian Higgs model in d=2+1d=2+1 spacetime dimensions featuring NN complex scalar fields. In this context, we derive for 2d42\leq d\leq 4 an exact formula for the central charge of the U(1) current in terms of the gauge coupling at quantum criticality and compare it with the corresponding result obtained using gauge-gravity duality. There is a remarkable similarity precisely for d=2+1d=2+1. In this case the amplitude of the current correlation function has the same form as predicted by the gauge-gravity duality. We also compare finite temperature results for the charge susceptibility in the large NN limit with the result predicted by the gauge-gravity duality. Our results suggest that condensed matter systems at quantum criticality may provide interesting quantitative tests of the gauge-gravity duality even in absence of supersymmetry.Comment: 4.5 pages, 1 figure; v2: accepted in PRD, text restructured to make presentation/discussion clearer, references adde

    Unitarity issue in BTZ black holes

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    We study the wave equation for a massive scalar in three-dimensional AdS-black hole spacetimes to understand the unitarity issues in a semiclassical way. Here we introduce four interesting spacetimes: the non-rotating BTZ black hole (NBTZ), pure AdS spacetime (PADS), massless BTZ black hole (MBTZ), and extremal BTZ black hole (EBTZ). Our method is based on the potential analysis and solving the wave equation to find the condition for the frequency ω\omega exactly. In the NBTZ case, one finds the quasinormal (complex and discrete) modes which signals for a non-unitary evolution. Real and discrete modes are found for the PADS case, which means that it is unitary obviously. On the other hand, we find real and continuous modes for the two extremal black holes of MBTZ and EBTZ. It suggests that these could be candidates for the unitary system.Comment: 14 pages, contracted version to appear in MPL

    The Backreacted K\"ahler Geometry of Wrapped Branes

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    For supersymmetric solutions of D3(M2) branes with AdS3(AdS2) factor, it is known that the internal space is expressible as U(1) fibration over K\"ahler space which satisfies a specific partial differential equation involving the Ricci tensor. In this paper we study the wrapped brane solutions of D3 and M2-branes which were originally constructed using gauged supergravity and uplifted to D=10 and D=11. We rewrite the solutions in canonical form, identify the backreacted K\"ahler geometry, and present a class of solutions which satisfy the Killing spinor equation.Comment: v2: 13 pages, refs adde