60 research outputs found

    Acculturation and Biculturalism Indices among Relatively Acculturated Hispanic Young Adults

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    Samples of Anglo and Hispanic male Navy recruits answered a series of questions relevant to acculturation and biculturalism. Three acculturation indices were identified: (a) Length of Residence in the U.S., (b) Media Acculturation and (c) Social Acculturation. Two biculturalism indices were identified: (1) Media Biculturalism and (2) Social Biculturalism. The subject\u27s generation in the U.S. (low score for being born outside the U.S., high score for grandfather born in the U.S.) was positively related to all indices of acculturation and negatively related to Media Biculturalism. It was unrelated to Social Biculturalism

    Rating depression in normals and depressives: observer versus self-rating scales.

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    Different methods of assessing depression and anxiety were tested in 20 patients suffering from a major depressive disorder with melancholia and 20 matched control subjects. Depressives were assessed before and after treatment with amitriptyline and normals were retested at the same interval. The scales used were: Paykel's Clinical Interview for Depression--which is an expanded version of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; the Brief Depression Rating Scale; and Symptom Questionnaire (SQ). All scales discriminated sensitively between patients and normals and the scores changed substantially with treatment. Except for the well-being subscales of the SQ, the scales showed an adequate test-retest reliability in normals. Although all scales were suitable for the measurement of depression, they differed in psychometric properties. For example, the Depression subscale of the SQ showed an unusually high test-retest reliability in normals, whereas the Contentment subscale was unreliable. Yet, the latter has been found to be highly sensitive in detecting differences between the effects of psychotropic drugs and placebo in drug trials, so it appears to measure sensitively a fleeting mood. The combined use of all three scales in patients with affective disorders yields information that might not be revealed if only one scale is used

    Hostility and recovery from melancholia.

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    Twenty inpatients suffering from major depressive illness with melancholia were administered the hostility subscale of the Kellner Symptom Questionnaire and Paykel's Clinical Interview for Depression before and after treatment with amitriptyline. A matched control group of normal subjects had the same assessments at two points in time. Hostility decreased and friendliness increased in depressives after amitriptyline; upon recovery, there were no significant differences in hostility between depressed patients and control subjects, whereas such differences were striking during the illness. Patients who had reported losses before onset of illness rated themselves as more friendly than the other depressives; their hostility did not significantly decrease with recovery. The results suggest that hostility improves with the treatment of depression; life events appear to influence the degree of hostility in depressive illness as well as the response to treatment

    The dexamethasone suppression and metyrapone tests in depression.

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    The dexamethasone suppression test (DST) and the metyrapone test (MT), a useful and reliable procedure for assessing the integrity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, were performed in 28 patients suffering from major depressive illness with melancholia. The relationship between the DST and MT appeared to be complex. Patients who failed to suppress cortisol secretion after dexamethasone administration had higher postmetyrapone cortexolone levels and cortexolone/cortisol ratios than suppressors. However, there was a wide range of metyrapone responses in patients exhibiting abnormal DST results. This suggests that failure of adequate suppression after 1 mg of dexamethasone in depressed patients does not necessarily reflect homogeneity in the HPA axis disturbances of such patients