461 research outputs found


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    The Prospects of Democratic Government

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    Theory of Popular Sovereignty

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    Alexis de Tocqueville has wisely insisted upon the natural tendency of men to confound institutions that are necessary with institutions to which they have grown accustomed.\u27 It is a truth more general in its application than he perhaps imagined. Certainly the student of political and legal ideas will in each age be compelled to examine theories which are called essential even when their original substance has, under pressure of new circumstance, passed into some allotropic form. Anyone, for instance, who analyses the modern theory of consideration will be convinced that, while judges do homage to an ancient content, they do not hesitate to invest it with new meaning. The social contract is no longer in high place; but those who bow the knee to the fashionable hypothesis of social solidarity half-consciously offers it its old-time worshi

    Libel—Executive Immunity—Scope of Executive Authority Broadly Interpreted

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    Matson v. Margiotti, __ Pa. __, 88 A. 2d 892 (1952)


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    Wills—No Election Between Legacy and Quantum Meruit

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    Turner v. White, Turner v. White, __ Mass. __, 109 N. E. 2d 155 (1952)

    Lublin-Vistula Case Study

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    Making optimum use of the water resources is a task which long has engaged human effort and which has, in recent decades, been studied within the framework of the integrated regional development plans. The "integrated development" of a region means the orderly marshalling of all its resources to promote human welfare. It is evident, however, that the influence of development of a given region upon the rest of the national economy is in most of the cases considerable. Moreover, the investment needs of any development scheme are closely linked to the needs of the whole economy. These introductory comments are especially relevant to the water resources development schemes. It is now widely recognized that individual water projects -- whether single or multipurpose -- cannot as a rule be undertaken with optimum benefit for the people affected before there is at least the broad outline of a plan for the entire drainage area. Although this paper concentrates on the Lublin region, some thoughts are also given to the related problems in the upper portion of the Vistula Basin. Information concerning the entire basin is problem-oriented. A description of the basin and its water resources is presented in some of the earlier IIASA documents. The paper ends with the formulation of a proposal for the Water Resources Sub-Project to be implemented within the framework of the Lublin-Vistula Research Program

    Niagara Power Legislation

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    Duverger, semi-presidentialism and the supposed French archetype

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    The concept of semi-presidentialism was first operationalised by Maurice Duverger. There are now 17 countries with semi-presidential constitutions in Europe. Within this set of countries France is usually considered to be the archetypal example of semi-presidentialism. This article maps the main institutional and political features of European semi-presidentialism on the basis of Duverger’s original three-fold schema. The most striking feature is the diversity of practice within this set of countries. This means that semi-presidentialism should not be operationalised as a discrete explanatory variable. However, there are ways of systematically capturing the variation within semi-presidentialism to allow cross-national comparisons. This diversity also means that France should not be considered as the archetypal semi-presidential country. At best, France is an archetypal example of a particular type of semi-presidentialism. Overall, Duverger’s main contribution to the study of semi-presidentialism was the original identification of the concept and his implicit insight that there are different types of semi-presidentialism. In the future, the study of semi-presidentialism would benefit from the development of theory-driven comparative work that avoids a reliance on France as the supposed semi-presidential archetype
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