8,520 research outputs found

    Commentary on Alternative Strategies for Identifying High-Performing Charter Schools in Texas

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    In the last few years policy makers and practitioners nationally have shown much interest in identifying, recognizing, and replicating successful charter schools, many of which are showing that they can educate low-income and otherwise at-risk students remarkably well. However past efforts to identify high performing schools have been problematic. Using these systematic, rigorous value-added methods, the authors identify 44 Open Enrollment charter schools that merit a “high-performer” rating. Nearly all of those campuses identified serve a disadvantaged student population. The article also finds that most of those high performers are highly cost-effective, earning high ratings on the cost-efficiency measures. The authors argue for more widespread use of value-added modeling in the state accountability system. The approach taken to identifying high-performers is sensible and fair, but any formulaic approach to school labels comes with some limitations

    Minimum length uncertainty relations in the presence of dark energy

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    We introduce a dark energy-modified minimum length uncertainty relation (DE-MLUR) or dark energy uncertainty principle (DE-UP) for short. The new relation is structurally similar to the MLUR introduced by K{\' a}rolyh{\' a}zy (1968), and reproduced by Ng and van Dam (1994) using alternative arguments, but with a number of important differences. These include a dependence on the de Sitter horizon, which may be expressed in terms of the cosmological constant as ldS1/Λl_{\rm dS} \sim 1/\sqrt{\Lambda}. Applying the DE-UP to both charged and neutral particles, we obtain estimates of two limiting mass scales, expressed in terms of the fundamental constants {G,c,,Λ,e}\left\{G,c,\hbar,\Lambda, e\right\}. Evaluated numerically, the charged particle limit corresponds to the order of magnitude value of the electron mass (mem_e), while the neutral particle limit is consistent with current experimental bounds on the mass of the electron neutrino (mνem_{\nu_e}). Possible cosmological consequences of the DE-UP are considered and we note that these lead naturally to a holographic relation between the bulk and the boundary of the Universe. Low and high energy regimes in which dark energy effects may dominate canonical quantum behaviour are identified and the possibility of testing the model using near-future experiments is briefly discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, 1 appendix. Major revisions, invited contribution to the Galaxies special issue "The dark side of the Universe", T. Harko and F. Lobo eds. (v3). Published version, https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies701001

    Which quantum theory must be reconciled with gravity? (And what does it mean for black holes?)

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    We consider the nature of quantum properties in non-relativistic quantum mechanics (QM) and relativistic QFTs, and examine the connection between formal quantization schemes and intuitive notions of wave-particle duality. Based on the map between classical Poisson brackets and their associated commutators, such schemes give rise to quantum states obeying canonical dispersion relations, obtained by substituting the de Broglie relations into the relevant (classical) energy-momentum relation. In canonical QM, this yields a dispersion relation involving \hbar but not cc, whereas the canonical relativistic dispersion relation involves both. Extending this logic to the canonical quantization of the gravitational field gives rise to loop quantum gravity, and a map between classical variables containing GG and cc, and associated commutators involving \hbar. This naturally defines a "wave-gravity duality", suggesting that a quantum wave packet describing {\it self-gravitating matter} obeys a dispersion relation involving GG, cc and \hbar. We propose an ansatz for this relation, which is valid in the semi-Newtonian regime of both QM and general relativity. In this limit, space and time are absolute, but imposing vmax=cv_{\rm max} = c allows us to recover the standard expressions for the Compton wavelength λC\lambda_C and the Schwarzschild radius rSr_S within the same ontological framework. The new dispersion relation is based on "extended" de Broglie relations, which remain valid for slow-moving bodies of {\it any} mass mm. These reduce to canonical form for mmPm \ll m_P, yielding λC\lambda_C from the standard uncertainty principle, whereas, for mmPm \gg m_P, we obtain rSr_S as the natural radius of a self-gravitating quantum object. Thus, the extended de Broglie theory naturally gives rise to a unified description of black holes and fundamental particles in the semi-Newtonian regime.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figures. Invited contribution to the Universe special issue "Open questions in black hole physics" (Gonzalo J. Olmo, Ed.). Matches published versio

    Quantitative analysis of macroevolutionary patterning in technological evolution: Bicycle design from 1800 to 2000

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    Book description: This volume offers an integrative approach to the application of evolutionary theory in studies of cultural transmission and social evolution and reveals the enormous range of ways in which Darwinian ideas can lead to productive empirical research, the touchstone of any worthwhile theoretical perspective. While many recent works on cultural evolution adopt a specific theoretical framework, such as dual inheritance theory or human behavioral ecology, Pattern and Process in Cultural Evolution emphasizes empirical analysis and includes authors who employ a range of backgrounds and methods to address aspects of culture from an evolutionary perspective. Editor Stephen Shennan has assembled archaeologists, evolutionary theorists, and ethnographers, whose essays cover a broad range of time periods, localities, cultural groups, and artifacts

    Cosmic strings in f(R,Lm)f\left(R,L_m\right) gravity

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    We consider Kasner-type static, cylindrically symmetric interior string solutions in the f(R,Lm)f\left(R,L_m\right) theory of modified gravity. The physical properties of the string are described by an anisotropic energy-momentum tensor satisfying the condition Ttt=TzzT_t^t=T_z^z; that is, the energy density of the string along the zz-axis is equal to minus the string tension. As a first step in our study we obtain the gravitational field equations in the f(R,Lm)f\left(R,L_m\right) theory for a general static, cylindrically symmetric metric, and then for a Kasner-type metric, in which the metric tensor components have a power law dependence on the radial coordinate rr. String solutions in two particular modified gravity models are investigated in detail. The first is the so-called "exponential" modified gravity, in which the gravitational action is proportional to the exponential of the sum of the Ricci scalar and matter Lagrangian, and the second is the "self-consistent model", obtained by explicitly determining the gravitational action from the field equations under the assumption of a power law dependent matter Lagrangian. In each case, the thermodynamic parameters of the string, as well as the precise form of the matter Lagrangian, are explicitly obtained.Comment: 20 pages, no figures. Published versio

    The Compton-Schwarzschild correspondence from extended de Broglie relations

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    The Compton wavelength gives the minimum radius within which the mass of a particle may be localized due to quantum effects, while the Schwarzschild radius gives the maximum radius within which the mass of a black hole may be localized due to classial gravity. In a mass-radius diagram, the two lines intersect near the Planck point (lP,mP)(l_P,m_P), where quantum gravity effects become significant. Since canonical (non-gravitational) quantum mechanics is based on the concept of wave-particle duality, encapsulated in the de Broglie relations, these relations should break down near (lP,mP)(l_P,m_P). It is unclear what physical interpretation can be given to quantum particles with energy EmPc2E \gg m_Pc^2 , since they correspond to wavelengths λlP\lambda \ll l_P or time periods TtPT \ll t_P in the standard theory. We therefore propose a correction to the standard de Broglie relations, which gives rise to a modified Schr{\" o}dinger equation and a modified expression for the Compton wavelength, which may be extended into the region EmPc2E \gg m_Pc^2. For the proposed modification, we recover the expression for the Schwarzschild radius for EmPc2E \gg m_Pc^2 and the usual Compton formula for EmPc2E \ll m_Pc^2. The sign of the inequality obtained from the uncertainty principle reverses at mmPm \approx m_P, so that the Compton wavelength and event horizon size may be interpreted as minimum and maximum radii, respectively. We interpret the additional terms in the modified de Broglie relations as representing the self-gravitation of the wave packet.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, 2 appendices. Published version, with additional minor typos corrected (v3

    Dynamical behavior and Jacobi stability analysis of wound strings

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    We numerically solve the equations of motion (EOM) for two models of circular cosmic string loops with windings in a simply connected internal space. Since the windings cannot be topologically stabilized, stability must be achieved (if at all) dynamically. As toy models for realistic compactifications, we consider windings on a small section of R2\mathbb{R}^2, which is valid as an approximation to any simply connected internal manifold if the winding radius is sufficiently small, and windings on an S2S^2 of constant radius R\mathcal{R}. We then use Kosambi-Cartan-Chern (KCC) theory to analyze the Jacobi stability of the string equations and determine bounds on the physical parameters that ensure dynamical stability of the windings. We find that, for the same initial conditions, the curvature and topology of the internal space have nontrivial effects on the microscopic behavior of the string in the higher dimensions, but that the macroscopic behavior is remarkably insensitive to the details of the motion in the compact space. This suggests that higher-dimensional signatures may be extremely difficult to detect in the effective (3+1)(3+1)-dimensional dynamics of strings compactified on an internal space, even if configurations with nontrivial windings persist over long time periods.Comment: 46 pages, 26 figures, accepted for publication in EPJC; matches the published version. Updated references (v3