15 research outputs found

    LEAD ZIRCONATE TITANATE ON BASE METAL FOILS: AN APPROACH FOR EMBEDDED HIGH-K PASSIVE COMPONENTS* m Government retains for itself. and others Lead Zirconate Titanate thin films on base-metal foils: An approach for embedded high-K passive components

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    d acting on its behalf, a paid-up, non exclusive, irrevomble worldwide license in works, dmnbute mpm to the pbhc. and pa-form publicly and display publicly,by or -. This paper was submitted to the US-Japan Seminar on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Ceramics, Okinawa, Japan, held on November 3-5, 1999. ABSTRACT An approach for embedding high-K dielectric thin films into polymer packages has been developed. Pb0.g5L%.ls(fiOszTb.M)0.gsOs thin films were prepared by chemical solution deposition on 50 pm thick Ni-coated Cu foils. Sputter deposited Ni top electrodes completed the all base-metal capacitor stack. After high temperature N2 crystallization anneals, the PLZT composition showed reduction resistance while the base-metal foils remained flexible. Capacitance density and Loss tangent values range between 300 and 400 nF/cm2 and 0.01 and 0.02 from 1 to 1000 kHz respectively. These properties represent a 2 to 3 order of magnitude improvement over available embedded capacitor technologies for polymeric packages.l INTRODUCTION Embedding thin film high-permittivity dielectrics into low temperature processed polymer packages offers advantages in electronics miniaturization and manufacturing cost reduction. Miniaturization potential stems from replacement of surface mount components and the subsequent reduction of the required wiring board real estate. Cost reductions are associated with the ability to produce packaging substrates with capacitiveJayers pre-embedded. Such layers remove the need for pick-and-place assembly operations which can comprise an appreciable fraction of the manufacturing cost.1 Photolithographic methods coupled with etching and metallization steps can conceivably be used synthesize the necessary combinations of capacitive elements and interconnects rapidly and in large quantity. We present here a strategy to produce high permittivity capacitive layers compatible with low temperature processed polymer packages. To avoid traditional temperature limitations, all high temperature processing steps required by the oxide dielectric would be performed prior to the embedding process. This goal was achieved throug

    The use of botulinum toxin in the treatment of adductor spasmodic dysphonia

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    Botulinum toxin injections have been used to treat 31 patients with adductor spasmodic dysphonia. Injections of 3.00-3.75 units of botulinum toxin were performed bilaterally into the thyroarytenoid muscle. This treatment significantly decreased the standard deviation of the fundamental frequency of the speech sample, indicating a reduction in the variability of pitch amongst patients. A total of 96% of patients' subjective diary reports showed an improvement with a median of 7 days to peak effect and a 5 week duration of peak effect