12 research outputs found

    Diagnostics of Salmonella Choleraesuis and Salmonella Enteritidis strains isolated from animals

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    Czynniki etiologiczne mastitis krow mlecznych utrzymywanych w gospodarstwie na terenie Pomorza Zachodniego

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    Tolerancja bakterii środowiskowych na metale ciężkie

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    The presence of anti-Yersinia pseudotuberculosis immunoglobulins in equine serum

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    The research was conducted on clinically healthy mares (n=40) and foals (n=78) duringY. pseudotuberculosis associated enzootics. The animals were divided into groups: I to IV – mares, IA to IVA – their offsprings, IB to IVB – foals which mothers were not treated with any medicaments. The animals in group I, IA and IB were injected with PBS; in group II, IIA and IIB – with Y. pseudotuberculosis strain-based vaccine, in group III, IIIA and IIIB – with P. acnes strain-based immunostimulator; in group IV, IVA and IVB – with P. acnes strain-based immunostimulator and (5 days after the immunostimulator injection)Y. pseudotuberculosis strain-based vaccine. The presence of antibodies was determined by means of ELISA. The study revealed anti-Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IgG only in 19 mares before, and in 25 mares and 26 foals 3 weeks after vaccination. The mean extinction 3 weeks after vaccination amounted to: II-0.489, IV-2.578, IIA-0.572, IVA-0.974, IIB-0.312, IVB-0.418. The cut-off extinction value was 0.154. The presence of anti-Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IgG before vaccination in the sera of clinically healthy mares may suggest that Y. pseudotuberculosis infection occurs definitely more often than is expected. Vaccination preceded by immunostimulation appeared to be the most efficient method of treatment against yersiniosis

    Molecular typing of Staphylococcus aureus based on PCR-RFLP of coa gene and RAPD analysis

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    The aim of this study was molecular identification of S. aureus strains isolated from mastitic milk samples and establishing the genetic relationship between strains isolated from cows belonging to the same herd. In all 43 isolated strains the gap gene (930 bp) was amplified, which enabled their affiliation to the Staphylococcus genus to be established. PCR-RFLP with AluI endonuclease of the gap gene as well as nuc (450 bp) and coa (1130 bp) gene amplification allowed precise S. aureus species identification. One hundred percent of the genetic relationship between strains was established via RAPD-PCR and coa-typing