10 research outputs found

    The combined impact of hydropower plants and climate change on river runoff and fish habitats in lowland watersheds

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    Aquatic ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic activity and climate change. The changes in flow regimes in Lithuanian lowland rivers due to the operation of hydropower plants (HPPs) and the impact of altered flow on some fish species have already been studied. The impact of climate change on future natural river runoff and the structure of fish assemblages was also investigated. However, it is still unknown how the combined effect of climate change and flow regulation related to hydropower generation may affect fish assemblages in the downstream river reaches below the Lithuanian HPPs. In this study, the physical habitat modelling system MesoHABSIM was used to simulate spatial and temporal changes in aquatic habitats availability for different fish species under the influence of HPP at different climate change scenarios. Changes in the available habitat were assessed for common fish species in four HPP-affected rivers representing different hydrological regions of Lithuania. The modelling results showed that the operation of HPP under climate change conditions in most rivers could be beneficial for small benthic fish species such as gudgeon Gobio gobio and stone loach Barbatula barbatula. Meanwhile, for larger fish species (e.g., chub Squalius cephalus and vimba Vimba vimba) the alteration in the temporal availability of suitable habitat was relatively higher

    Influence of climate change on the ice conditions of the Curonian Lagoon

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    The Curonian Lagoon is a shallow freshwater lagoon of significant environmental value in the south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea. The objective of the study was to evaluate changes of ice indices (duration, thickness and breakup dates) of this lagoon and to assess their possible tendencies in the 21st century. A methodology was developed combining the assessment of past changes (1960–2017) of ice indices and their projections in the near (2021–2040) and far (2081–2100) future periods using a hydrometeorological database, statistical methods and regression analysis as well as regional climate models and RCP scenarios. Climate change has a considerable impact on ice conditions in the Curonian Lagoon. During the historical period of 1960–2017, the Curonian Lagoon was covered with ice for 72 days a year, ice thickness reached 23 cm, whereas ice breakup was observed in the middle of March on average. According to the different scenarios, in the near and far future periods, ice duration will last 35–45 and 3–34 days, respectively. Ice thickness is projected to be 13–15 cm in the near future, whereas, at the end of the century, it is expected to decline to 0–13 cm. In the past, the lagoon ice cover remained until the middle of the third decade of February. At the end of the 21st century, RCP8.5 scenario projects the most drastic shifts: the permanent ice cover might be absent, whereas short-term ice cover is expected to melt already in the beginning of January

    Limit Theorems on Large Deviations

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    Phosphorus Cycling in a Freshwater Estuary Impacted by Cyanobacterial Blooms

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    The availability of reactive phosphorus (P) may promote cyanobacterial blooms, a worldwide increasing phenomenon. Cyanobacteria may also regulate benthic P cycling through labile organic input to sediments, favouring reduced conditions and P release, ultimately acting as self-sustainment mechanism for the phytoplankton blooms. To analyse P–cyanobacteria feedbacks and compare external versus internal loads, we investigated P cycling in the Curonian Lagoon, a freshwater estuary with recurrent summer blooms. At two sites representing the dominant sediment types, we characterised P pools and mobility, via combined pore water analysis, calculation of diffusive exchanges and flux measurements via sediment core incubations. Annual P budgets were also calculated, to analyse the whole lagoon role as net sink or source. Muddy sediments, representing nearly 50 % of the lagoon surface, displayed higher P content if compared with sandy sediments, and most of this pool was reactive. The muddy site had consequently higher pore water dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentrations maintaining high diffusive gradients. However, measured fluxes suggested that both sediment types were mostly P sinks except for a large DIP regeneration (nearly 30 ÎŒmol m−2 h−1) recorded at the muddy site during an intense cyanobacteria bloom. Such internal regeneration had the same order of magnitude as the annual external P load and may offset the net annual DIP sink role of the estuary. It may also prolong the duration of the bloom. Our results suggest that positive feedbacks can regulate N-fixing cyanobacteria blooms and internal P recycling, through either diffusive fluxes or sediment settling and resuspension

    Structure Analysis

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