593 research outputs found

    Civil Society Generating Innovation: Co-operative and Associative Housing

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    This research was undertaken thanks in part to the financial support of the Canada Research Chairs Program, SSHRC

    Accretion, Differentiation, and Impact Processes on the Ureilite Parent Body

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    Ureilites are primitive ultramafic achondrites composed largely of olivine and pigeonite, with minor augite, orthopyroxene, carbon, sulphide and metal. They represent very early material in the history of the Solar System and (in common with lodranites and acapulcoites) form a bridge between undifferentiated chondrites and fully differentiated asteroidal bodies. They show an intriguing mixture of chemical characteristics, some of which are considered to be nebula-derived (e.g. variations in Delta(sup 17)O and mg#) whereas others have been imposed by asteroidal differentiation (e.g. core formation, silicate partial melting, removal of basalt)

    Le logement coopeĢratif et associatif comme innovation sociale eĢmanant de la socieĢteĢ civile

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    Communication au 25e CongreĢ€s international du CIRIEC, Palais des CongreĢ€s de Lyon, 27 et 28 septembre 2004.Le logement communautaire (coopeĢratif et associatif) apparaiĢ‚t au QueĢbec au tournant des anneĢes 1970 dans un contexte de transformation du monde urbain, d'eĢmergence de nouveaux besoins en matieĢ€re de logement et de fleĢchissement des politiques gouvernementales en matieĢ€re d'habitat. Il s'agit d'une histoire joueĢe par diffeĢrents acteurs sociaux, qui s'entendront sur un programme de deĢveloppement de l'habitat communautaire en reĢponse aĢ€ des attentes en relative convergence. Les traits particuliers du logement communautaire proviennent aĢ€ la fois des apprentissages des geĢneĢrations preĢceĢdentes de logement social, et des aspirations nouvelles qui se font jour dans les mouvements de citoyens. NeĢcessitant dā€™importants moyens de financement pour se deĢvelopper, le mode de fonctionnement du logement communautaire est eĢgalement en partie conditionneĢ par les rapports quā€™il entretient avec lā€™EĢtat, les institutions financieĢ€res et le marcheĢ. Les ambitions des citoyens se conjuguent avec celles des politiques dā€™habitation, dessinant un compromis entre les caracteĢristiques de la forme associative et les objectifs de la politique de logement social. Les politiques publiques viennent reĢpondre aĢ€ des besoins concrets de la population. Lorsque les reĢactions gouvernementales se font attendre, les citoyens ont appris aĢ€ revendiquer la creĢation de ces politiques. Les interventions du milieu communautaire en habitation ont beaucoup eĢvolueĢ depuis maintenant 30 ans, passant de la revendication d'interventions publiques aĢ€ de lā€™innovation par des programmes d'aide aux initiatives locales. Le milieu communautaire est alleĢ plus loin en neĢgociant certains parameĢ€tres des programmes et meĢ‚me, en eĢlaborant et en proposant des programmes de son cru. Dans ce court exposeĢ, nous expliquerons dā€™abord comment les mouvements de citoyens et les initiatives quā€™ils ont deĢveloppeĢes ont contribueĢ aĢ€ lā€™eĢvolution des politiques publiques. Nous preĢsenterons ensuite les traits caracteĢristiques du logement communautaire qui reĢsulte du partenariat entre la socieĢteĢ civile, les groupes de pression et lā€™EĢtat. Enfin, nous verrons quelques impacts de ces innovations, manifestes des changements sociaux auxquels elles contribuent. Nous conclurons avec quelques reĢflexions concernant les acquis et lā€™avenir de ce mouvement.Cette recherche a eĢteĢ entreprise graĢ‚ce, en partie, au soutien financier du Programme des chaires de recherche du Canada

    The Canada France Redshift Survey VIII: Evolution of the clustering of galaxies from z~1

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    We have used the projected two-point correlation function, w(rp)w(r_p), to investigate the spatial distribution of the 591 galaxies with secure redshifts between 0ā‰¤zā‰¤1.30 \leq z \leq 1.3 in the five CFRS fields. The slope of the two-point correlation function for the sample as a whole is Ī³=1.64Ā±0.05\gamma=1.64\pm0.05, very similar to the local slope, and Ī³\gamma is therefore not strongly evolving with redshift. However, the amplitude of the correlation function decreases strongly with increasing redshift, so that at zā‰ˆ0.6z\approx0.6 it is a factor of 10 lower (for q0=0.5q_0=0.5) than for a similarly-selected local galaxy population, on scales 0.1<r<2hāˆ’10.1<r<2h^{-1} Mpc (q0=0.5q_0=0.5). As a whole, the CFRS data is adequately represented by r0(z=0.53)=1.33Ā±0.09hāˆ’1r_0(z=0.53)=1.33 \pm 0.09 h^{-1}Mpc for q0=0.5q_0=0.5, and r0(z=0.53)=1.57Ā±0.09hāˆ’1r_0(z=0.53)=1.57 \pm 0.09 h^{-1}Mpc for q0=0q_0=0. Unless the galaxy population at high redshift is quite different from any population seen locally, an unlikely possibility, then this implies growth of clustering as described by the evolutionary parameter Ļµ\epsilon to be between 0<Ļµ<+20 < \epsilon < +2. No difference in the clustering of red and blue galaxies is seen at zā‰„0.5z \geq 0.5, although at lower redshifts, 0.2ā‰¤zā‰¤0.50.2 \leq z \leq 0.5, blue galaxies are somewhat less strongly correlated than the redder galaxies, as seen in local samples. This effect could be the equivalent for field galaxies to the Butcher-Oemler effect seen in clusters of galaxies. The cross-correlation functions between red and blue samples have comparable amplitudes to the auto-correlation functions of each. The distribution and power spectrum of pair separations does not indicateComment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Protocol for an implementation and realist evaluation of a new organisational model for primary care practices in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland.

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    Continuity of care, especially for patients with complex needs, is a major challenge for healthcare systems in many high-income countries, including Switzerland. Since 2015, a collaborative project between UnisantƩ-Department of Family Medicine (DMF), some general practitioners (GPs) and canton of Vaud's public health authorities has sought to develop a new organisational model for the provision of primary care to ensure better care coordination and to provide adapted care deliveries to patients' healthcare needs. The model's main component is the addition of a primary care nurse to GPs practices. Three additional tools are individualised patient care plans, electronic medical records and patient empanelment. To assess this model, a 2-year pilot study has begun in nine GPs' practices in the canton. This paper presents the protocol for an evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of the new organisational model. We will conduct a before-and-after study using a mixed-methods and a realist approach. First, we will use quantitative and qualitative data to assess the new organisational model's implementation (feasibility, fidelity, acceptability and costs) and effectiveness (healthcare services use, patient experience, staff experience and patient-level costs). Combining this data with focus group data will enable a realist evaluation of the pilot project, which will help understand the elements of context and mechanism that affect implementation. The evaluation will inform the canton of Vaud's health authorities about the limits of and perspectives for this organisational model. All results will also be made available to the practices and the patients involved. At the end of the project, we will propose organisational adaptations and a sustainable financial model for extending the model to other practices in the canton and potentially to the national level.The canton of Vaud's Human Research Ethics Committee approved the study, and Data Protection and Information Law Authority gave a favourable opinion concerning data processing procedures

    Lā€™habitation communautaire au QueĢbec : DeĢfis et perspectives de deĢveloppement

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    Document de discussion pour le Symposium du 11 novembre 2009 organiseĢ par le Chantier dā€™activiteĢs partenariales (CAP) Habitat de lā€™ARUC-EĢS

    Genomic Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 Sequence Variants at Universities in Southwest Idaho

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    Although the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on major metropolitan areas is broadly reported and readily available, regions with lower populations and more remote areas in the United States are understudied. The objective of this study is to determine the progression of SARS-CoV-2 sequence variants in a frontier and remote intermountain west state among university-associated communities. This study was conducted at two intermountain west universities from 2020 to 2022. Positive SARS-CoV-2 samples were confirmed by quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and variants were identified by the next-generation sequencing of viral genomes. Positive results were obtained for 5355 samples, representing a positivity rate of 3.5% overall. The median age was 22 years. Viral genomic sequence data were analyzed for 1717 samples and phylogeny was presented. Associations between viral variants, age, sex, and reported symptoms among 1522 samples indicated a significant association between age and the Delta variant (B 1.167.2), consistent with the findings for other regions. An outbreak event of AY122 was detected Augustā€“October 2021. A 2-month delay was observed with respect to the timing of the first documented viral infection within this region compared to major metropolitan regions of the US
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