12 research outputs found

    Laatujohtaminen valmistavassa teollisuudessa : Toimintajärjestelmän uudistaminen

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    Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana oli Savonlinnassa toimiva lujitemuovituotteisiin erikoistunut valmistusyritys Oy Esmarin Composites Ltd. Yrityksellä on ollut SFS-EN ISO 9001:2008 -mukainen sertifiointi vuodesta 2012. Yrityksen laatujärjestelmä kattaa kaikki yrityksen toiminnot, ja ne on dokumentoitu toimintakäsikirjaan. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli perehtyä laatujohtamiseen valmistavassa teollisuudessa ja uudistaa yrityksen toimintajärjestelmää. Yrityksen selainpohjaisella alustalla oleva toimintakäsikirja liitteineen siirrettiin uudelle alustalle. Toimenpiteen tavoitteena oli toimintakäsikirjan käytön selkeyttäminen ja maksullisesta selainpohjaisesta dokumentoinnista eroon pääseminen. Toimintakäsikirjan ja sen liitteiden uusiksi alustoiksi valikoituivat Microsoft Office –ohjelmistot yleisyytensä vuoksi. Toimintakäsikirjan tekstidokumentaatioiden ulkoasu päivitettiin ja tarvittavia tiedonkeruulomakkeita tehtiin Microsoft Wordin ja Excelin avulla; muun muassa poikkeamista johtuvien kustannusten seurantaan asiakaskohtaisesti tehtiin Excelillä toimiva tiedonkeruumenetelmä. Opinnäytetyön teon aloitusajankohdan vuoksi opinnäytetyössä ei ole vielä otettu huomioon SFS-EN ISO 9001:2015:n päivityksiä. Yrityksen on nyt kuitenkin selkeämmän dokumentaation avulla helpompi päivittää johtamisjärjestelmäänsä uusien vaatimuksien mukaiseksi.This thesis was commissioned by Oy Esmarin Composites Ltd. The company specializes in the manufacture of reinforced plastic products and the company has had ISO 9001:2008 standardization since 2012. The company’s quality management system covers all the company’s operations and they are documented in the operations manual. Aim of this thesis was familiarize to quality management in the manufacturing industry and transfer the company’s web-based platform operating manual with attachments to a new platform. The purpose was to clarify the use of the operations manual and replace the browser-based documentation. Microsoft Office software was selected to new platform for the operations manual and its attachments, because they are public software. The layout of the operations manual was updated and the necessary data collection forms were made in Microsoft Word and Excel, for example a separate Excel program was made to calculate the cost of deviations. Because this thesis was started in the beginning of the year 2015 update from ISO 9001:2008 standard to ISO 9001:2015 has not yet been taken into consideration. The company’s operations manual is now clearer and easy to use so updating the management system according to the requirements is easier

    Defining the PACS Profession: An Initial Survey of Skills, Training, and Capabilities for PACS Administrators

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    The need for specialized individuals to manage picture archiving and communications systems (PACS) has been recognized with the creation of a new professional title: PACS administrator. This position requires skill sets that bridge the current domains of radiology technologists (RTs), information systems analysts, and radiology administrators. Health care organizations, however, have reported difficfiulty in defining the functions that a PACS administrator should perform—a challenge compounded when the tries to combine this complex set of capabilities into one individual. As part of a larger effort to define the PACS professional, we developed an extensive but not exclusive consensus list of business, technical, and behavioral competencies desirable in the dedicated PACS professional. Through an on-line survey, radiologists, RTs, information technology specialists, corporate information officers, and radiology administrators rated the importance of these competencies. The results of this survey are presented, and the implications for implementation in training and certification efforts are discussed

    Gaeumannomyces graminis, the take-all fungus and its relatives

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    Take-all, caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, is the most important root disease of wheat worldwide. Many years of intensive research, reflected by the large volume of literature on take-all, has led to a considerable degree of understanding of many aspects of the disease. However, effective and economic control of the disease remains difficult. The application of molecular techniques to study G. graminis and related fungi has resulted in some significant advances, particularly in the development of improved methods for identification and in elucidating the role of the enzyme avenacinase as a pathogenicity determinant in the closely related oat take-all fungus (G. graminis var. avenae). Some progress in identifying other factors that may be involved in determining host range and pathogenicity has been made, despite the difficulties of performing genetic analyses and the lack of a reliable transformation system.Peer reviewe

    Picture, Archiving and Communication System in the Italian NHS: A Primer on Diffusion and Evaluation Analysis

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    This contribution focuses on picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) in the Italian National Healthcare System (NHS). It finally aims to test the Chiefs Radiology Department’s perceptions about PACS along the main evaluation dimensions emerging from the literature. First, a brief review of the main literature concerning PACS evaluation leads the authors to classify the different approaches undertaken and highlight the main variables of investigation. Second, the evidence emerging from a survey is presented and discussed in the light of the literature review. The survey aims to: (a) map out the degree of PACSs diffusion and their main features in the Italian NHS; (b) verify whether and how PACS impact the dimensions analyzed in many evaluation studies carried out to date; (c) test the relationship between some measured impacts and specific PACS features