1,378 research outputs found

    Análisis cinemático del viraje en el esquí alpino de competición

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    Esta comunicación trata sobre la aplicación de la Biomecánica Deportiva como perspectiva científica, al análisis cinemático del esquí alpino como objeto de estudio, y ha sido realizada basándose en una situación real de competición como fue el Campeonato del Mundo de 1996 celebrado en Sierra Nevada (Granada). Para el análisis de la muestra, utilizamos la metodología y las tecnologías propias de la biomecánica Deportiva como son el método indirecto y las técnicas fotogramétricas tridimensionales, basadas en la filmación del gesto deportivo utilizando el vídeo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de un patrón general de movimiento en la muestra de esquiadoras analizadas en cuanto a las velocidades tangenciales medias del CG(S).del sistema (esquiador más implementos). Entre las conclusiones, destacamos la existencia de una reducción de la velocidad tangencial media resultante en el recorrido analizado que es mayor aún, en el instante de paso del palo de viraje en particular y cuanto más curva es la trayectoria. Atendiendo a la desviación típica del comportamiento de la velocidad media resultante, podemos decir que en este tramo de paso de la puerta encontramos las diferencias entre la técnica individual de las esquiadoras analizadas. Este estudio nos confirma la importancia del entrenamiento en situación real de competición (en cuanto a material, características pista de entrenamiento, etc.

    ELISA test to detect Chlamydophila pneumoniae IgG

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    A new ELISA test (Chlamydophila pneumoniae IgG, Vircell, Spain) to detect Chlamydophila pneumoniae IgG was evaluated. The micro-immunofluorescence (MIF) test was used as reference method. Chlamydia trachomatis and Chlamydophila psittaci elementary bodies were also assayed. Two hundred and sixteen sera were included in the study: 66 from patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease (Panel 1), 68 from adults with pneumonia (Panel 2), 44 from healthy adults (Panel 3) and 38 from patients with a sexuality transmitted disease by C. trachomatis (Panel 4). In Panel 1, 51 sera (77%) had antibody titres between 32 and 128; 4 out of 15 sera with IgG titres < 32 were positive by ELISA test and 2 sera with 32 IgG titres were uncertain by ELISA; the remaining 60 sera were correctly classified, giving a 91% concordance between the techniques. In Panel 2, 55 sera (81%) had IgG titres between 32 and 512; 2 out of 13 sera with IgG titres < 32 were positive by ELISA and 2 sera with 32 titres were uncertain by ELISA; the remaining 64 sera were correctly classified, giving a 97% concordance. In Panel 3, 22 sera (50%) had IgG titres between 32 and 64; only 1 out of 22 sera with IgG titres < 32 was positive by ELISA, giving a 97% concordance between the techniques. In Panel 4, there were 24 (63%) negative, 10 (26%) uncertain and 4 (10%) positive results by ELISA, giving an 86% concordance. The C. pneumoniae ELISA test demonstrated 100% sensitivity and 85% specificity. The IgG ELISA test demonstrated a good concordance with the MIF test without the drawbacks associated with the latter assay. We conclude that the ELISA test could be an alternative to the MIF test

    Niveles de secuencia numérica de un alumno con discalculia

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    Este trabajo pretende estudiar el nivel de competencia en aritmética de un alumno de cuarto curso de educación primaria que tiene discalculia del desarrollo. La Discalculia del Desarrollo (DD), según Rosselli y Matute (2011), es un trastorno en el aprendizaje que se caracteriza por la dificultad para asimilar y recordar datos numéricos y aritméticos que se utilizan para realizar procedimientos de cálculo y crear estrategias para resolver problemas. Según las maestras, el nivel de matemáticas del estudiante es de segundo curso de primaria y muestra errores al resolver cálculos básicos como sumas y restas tanto oralmente como de forma escrita

    Diseño de una investigación sobre el error de inversión y las bases neuronales subyacentes

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    La investigación sobre la enseñanza-aprendizaje de resolución de problemas verbales (RPV) se ha abordado desde perspectivas cognitivas o afectivas. Sin embargo, no es habitual tener en cuenta la importancia que tiene el desarrollo cerebral del alumnado en el aprendizaje. Varios estudios de neurociencia han examinado los procesos usados durante la RPV y cómo son adquiridos. Lee et al. (2007) en un estudio con adultos sobre la traducción de enunciados a ecuación, encontró activación en áreas cerebrales del córtex prefrontal y parietal asociadas con la memoria de trabajo y procesos atencionales. Curiosamente, un estudio con adolescentes y adultos durante la práctica de RPV (Qin et al. 2004), muestra que después de la práctica tanto los adultos como los adolescentes tienen una reducción de activación en áreas prefrontales

    Estimating the Relationship between Reading in Primary Education, Educational Attainment and Social Welfare. The Case of Extremadura (Spain)

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between the Social Welfare Index and the reading habits of primary school students in Extremadura (Spain). A study has been performed which consists of two parts. First, we conducted 4,288 surveys on reading habits in 87 municipalities. Second, we calculated the social welfare index. The statistical analysis refl ects two conclusions: firstly, educational and socio-economic policies have resulted in equal opportunities that allow for similar social possibilities throughout the territory; secondly, Educational Attainment of parents is the most decisive factor in obtaining the best results in terms of students' reading habits

    Production and purification of immunologically active core protein p24 from HIV-1 fused to ricin toxin B subunit in E. coli

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gag protein from HIV-1 is a polyprotein of 55 kDa, which, during viral maturation, is cleaved to release matrix p17, core p24 and nucleocapsid proteins. The p24 antigen contains epitopes that prime helper CD4 T-cells, which have been demonstrated to be protective and it can elicit lymphocyte proliferation. Thus, p24 is likely to be an integral part of any multicomponent HIV vaccine. The availability of an optimal adjuvant and carrier to enhance antiviral responses may accelerate the development of a vaccine candidate against HIV. The aim of this study was to investigate the adjuvant-carrier properties of the B ricin subunit (RTB) when fused to p24.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A fusion between ricin toxin B subunit and p24 HIV (RTB/p24) was expressed in <it>E. coli</it>. Affinity chromatography was used for purification of p24 alone and RTB/p24 from cytosolic fractions. Biological activity of RTB/p24 was determined by ELISA and affinity chromatography using the artificial receptor glycoprotein asialofetuin. Both assays have demonstrated that RTB/p24 is able to interact with complex sugars, suggesting that the chimeric protein retains lectin activity. Also, RTB/p24 was demonstrated to be immunologically active in mice. Two weeks after intraperitoneal inoculation with RTB/p24 without an adjuvant, a strong anti-p24 immune response was detected. The levels of the antibodies were comparable to those found in mice immunized with p24 alone in the presence of Freund adjuvant. RTB/p24 inoculated intranasally in mice, also elicited significant immune responses to p24, although the response was not as strong as that obtained in mice immunized with p24 in the presence of the mucosal adjuvant cholera toxin.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this work, we report the expression in <it>E. coli </it>of HIV-1 p24 fused to the subunit B of ricin toxin. The high levels of antibodies obtained after intranasal and intraperitoneal immunization of mice demonstrate the adjuvant-carrier properties of RTB when conjugated to an HIV structural protein. This is the first report in which a eukaryotic toxin produced in <it>E. coli </it>is employed as an adjuvant to elicit immune responses to p24 HIV core antigen.</p