36 research outputs found

    Influence of Fatherā€™s Weight and Height on Weight of Male and Female Newborns

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    The study included 1,596 newborns and their parents living in Å ibenik County, Croatia. All newborns are born between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation, with no congenital anomalies and from a single pregnancy. Fathers and mothers of male babies are older than those of girl babies (p < 0.01). Mean values for weight, height, BMI in parents and the womanā€™s parity are equal (p = 0.05). Pregnancy with male baby lasts longer and the babies are heavier (p < 0.05). Where the fathers weight between 70 and 79 kg and 80 to 89 kg, and where the fathers are 175 to 179 cm or 180 to 184 cm tall with normal BMI the male babies are heavier than the females at birth (p < 0.05). Increased weight, height and BMI in the father increase the birth weight of both male and female babies (p < 0.00001). The authors concludes that parents (father and/or mother) of male babies are older than those of girls, that pregnancy for males babies lasts longer and that male babies are born heavier than girls. With increased weight, and height and BMI in the father, the birth weight of both male and female babies increases

    Maternal characteristics influencing the duration of breastfeeding in a breastfeeding support group

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    U radu su prikazani čimbenici koji utječu na trajanje dojenja majki članica grupa za potporu dojenju. Podaci su prikupljeni retrospektivno pomoću anketnog upitnika za samopopunjavanje. KoriÅ”tene su definicije dojenja SZO. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 210 članica grupa koje su tijekom prvih Å”est mjeseci dojenačke dobi doÅ”le na sastanak grupe najmanje četiri puta. S navrÅ”enih Å”est mjeseci doji ukupno 83,8% majki, a s navrÅ”ena tri mjeseca isključivo doji 56% majki. Dojenje dulje od Å”est mjeseci pozitivno je povezano s prihodima kućanstva, vremenom donoÅ”enja odluke o dojenju, namjeravanim trajanjem dojenja i zadovoljstvom savjetima majke voditeljice grupe, a negativno s puÅ”enjem prije trudnoće. U logističkoj regresijskoj analizi prediktori dojenja duljeg od Å”est mjeseci su namjeravano trajanje dojenja viÅ”e od Å”est mjeseci (OR 4,27; 95% CI 1,63-11,17, P= 0,003) i nepuÅ”enje prije trudnoće (OR 3,07; 95%CI 1,29-7,30, P=0,011). Ovo je u nas prvo istraživanje karakteristika majki članica grupa za potporu dojenju i čimbenika koji utječu na trajanje dojenja majki u grupama. Buduća istraživanja trebala bi potvrditi zapažanje ove studije da aktivnosti grupa potiču majke u smislu povećanja trajanja dojenja.The study was conducted to analyse factors influencing the duration of breastfeeding among attendees of mother support groups. Data regarding breastfeeding duration was collected retrospectively by a self-reported questionnaire using WHO definitions for breastfeeding. 210 women who were regular attendees of mother support groups (with 4 or more attendances of the group meetings during the first 6 months postpartum) participated in the study. At 6 months post partum 83.8% mothers were breastfeeding and 56% did so exclusively at 3 months. In univariate analysis breastfeeding duration > 6 months was positively associated with family income, time of breastfeeding decision, intended duration of breastfeeding and perceived satisfaction with advice from the mother leader of the group. A negative association was found for maternal smoking. Using logistic regression analysis of factors associated with breastfeeding duration > 6 months, a positive association was found with intended duration of breastfeeding > 6 months (OR 4..27; 95% CI 1.63-11,17, P= 0.003) and maternal non-smoking before pregnancy (OR 3.07; 95%CI 1.29-7.30, P=0.011). This is the first reported study of maternal characteristics and factors influencing the duration of breastfeeding among mother support group attendees. Future research should determine if the decision on the duration of breastfeeding can be modified through attending support groups to enhance breastfeeding duration

    The Effect of High Birth Weight (4000 g or More) on the Weight and Height of Adult Men and Women

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    Three hundred and twenty eight examined adult men and 346 examined adult women were macrosomic at birth (4000 g or over). The control group consisted of 564 adult men and 749 adult women with birth weights of 2500 to 3999 g. Both male and female macrosomic babies achieve greater weights and heights in adulthood than those in the control group. There are more overweight and obese men in the macrosomic group than in the control group and the same is true of the women (p < 0.001). The mean values of the BMI (body mass index) for the macrosomic adults are greater than those for the control group (p < 0.001). Fetal macrosomia is a good predictor of the weight and height of adult men and women

    Les intoxications chez les enfants et l\u27organisation de la prevention et du traitement

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    U radu se analiziraju podaci o bolesnicima liječenim u bolnici u devetogodiÅ”njem razdoblju, te se utvrđuje da je problem otrovanja u djece stalno prisutan i da ne pokazuje tendenciju sniženja. Upozorava se na mogućnost prikladnijeg organiziranja u sprečavanju i zbrinjavanju otrovanja u djece.Dans ce travail sont analysĆ©es des donnĆ©es rassemblĆ©es dans un hĆ“pital durant une pĆ©riode de 9 annĆ©es. On a trouvĆ© que le problĆØme des intoxications chez les enfants est toujours prĆ©sent et ne tend pas Ć” diminuer. La possibilitĆ© d\u27une organisation plus adĆ©quate dans la prĆ©vention et le traitement des intoxications chez les enfants est montrĆ©e

    Uticaj kompleksa Ru(II) na moguće puteve apoptoze u K562 ćelijama leukemije

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    Ruthenium complexes are of significant interest in the treatment of malignancies. Ru(II) complexes with N-alkylphenothiazines (chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine, and thioridazine) were used in the study of possible apoptosis pathways in K562 cells. Spectrophotometrically extracellular LDH was quantified and immunochemical expression of COX-2, t-JNK, p-JNK and -actin after SDS electrophoresis was determined. The Ru(II) complex with trifluoperazine at a concentration of 10 Ī¼M reduced t-JNK expression, inhibited COX-2 by about 42%, significantly increased the amount of extracellular LDH compared to the untreated K562 cells and thus confirmed apoptosis.U cilju pronalaženja adekvatne terapije u lečenju maligniteta kompleksi rutenijuma pokazali su zavidan potencijal. Kompleksi Ru(II) sa N-alkilfenotiazinima, hlorpromazinom, trifluoperazinom i tioridazinom, koriŔćeni su u ispitivanju mogućih puteva apoptoze u K562 ćelijama. Ispitivana je spektrofotometrijski ekstracelularna LDH, ekspresija COX-2, t-JNK, p-JNK i Ī²-aktina imunohemijski nakon SDS elektroforeze. Kompleks Ru(II) sa trifluoperazinom u koncentraciji od 10 ĀµM smanjuje ekspresiju t-JNK, inhibira COX-2 oko 42%, značajno povećava količinu ekstracelularne LDH u odnosu na netretirane K562 ćelije i time potvrdjuje apoptozu ovih ćelija

    Novel methylene bridged ethylenediamine-type ligands: Synthesis and spectral characterization

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    Herein we report the synthesis of two new organic compounds, diisobutyl- and diisopentyl N,Nā€²-methylene-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,Nā€²-di-2-(3-cyclohexyl)propanoate. A one-pot procedure was carried out by adding the reducing agent and carbonyl compound into the methanol solution of the parent compounds (iso-butyl and iso-pentyl esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,Nā€²-di-2-(3-cyclohexyl)propanoic acid) in appropriate stoichiometric ratios. The compounds were fully characterized by infrared, ESI-MS, 1D (1H, 13C) and 2D (COSY, HSQC, HMBC) NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The spectral data confirm the presence of -CH2- group introduced between nitrogen atoms of the ethylenediamine moiety revealing neutral form of potential bidentate ligand. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172035. The authors also acknowledge the support of the FP7 RegPot project FCUB ERA GA No. 256716. The EC does not share responsibility for the content of the article