2 research outputs found
Total Soluble Phenolic Compounds Quantification Is Not As Simple As It Seems
- Author
- A Khoddami
- AAF Rautenkranz
- AD Richardson
- AM Boudet
- AR Wellburn
- ARFDC Ascensao
- B Companioni
- B Labarbe
- Beatriz Rosana Cordenunsi
- BL Ford
- BR Cordenunsi
- C An
- C Ju
- C Rekha
- C Sánchez-Moreno
- CA Rice-Evans
- CG Smith
- D Erba
- D Nikolopoulos
- D Rio Del
- D Rio Del
- DI Arnon
- E Agcam
- E Akylmaz
- E Barbieri Junior
- EH Li
- F Brahimi
- F Liu
- F Wu
- I Gracia
- IPS Kapoor
- J Dai
- J Gersehenzon
- J Huang
- J Li
- J Pinela
- J Tabart
- JD Barnes
- L Oliveira
- L Xue
- LG Landry
- LPR Bidel
- M Minutolo
- MA Costache
- MA Tait
- N Andarwulan
- NM Streit
- R Lois
- R Niggeweg
- RA Dixon
- RJ Porra
- RJ Porra
- RN Brabagallo
- S Budavari
- SV Whittenberg
- SW Jeffrey
- T Swain
- TS Porto
- UN Wanasudara
- Victor Costa Castro-Alves
- VL Singleton
- WP Inskep
- X Hu
- YQ Ma
- Z Chen
- ZH Li
- Ç Güller
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Role of phenylpropanoid compounds in plant responses to different stress factors
- Author
- A. Kacperska
- A. Oomman
- A. Szakiel
- A. Sztejnberg
- A.E. Stapleton
- A.G. Darvil
- A.M. Boudet
- B. Vernooij
- B.D. McKersie
- C.G. Smith
- C.H. Beckman
- C.J. Douglas
- D. Graham
- D. Solecka
- D.A. Smith
- D.H. Jones
- D.J. Kyle
- Danuta Solecka
- E. E. Farmer
- E.R. Ward
- E.W.B. Ward
- F. DiCosmo
- G. Schroder
- G. Wallace
- G.P. Bolwell
- G.P. Bolwell
- H. Marschner
- H. Neukom
- H.J. Bohnert
- I. Raskin
- J. A. Bailey
- J. Barber
- J. Gersehenzon
- J. Henning
- J. Kuc
- J. Li
- J. Simpson
- J.H. Paroschy
- J.P. Knox
- K. H. Nobloch
- K. Hahlbrock
- K. Hahlbrock
- K.M. Herrmann
- L. Chalker-Scott
- L. Liu
- L.L. Creasy
- M. Bongue-Bartelsman
- M. Griffith
- M. Hungria
- M. Manvandad
- M. Mäder
- M. Sanchez
- M.A. Bernards
- M.A. Lawton
- N.G. Lewis
- P. E. Kolattukudy
- P. E. Kolattukudy
- P. Wojtaszek
- R. Lois
- R. Whetten
- R.A. Dixon
- R.A. Dixon
- R.A. Dixon
- R.A. Dixon
- RJ. Christie
- S. A. Streltsina
- S. Kamisaka
- S.C. Fry
- S.C. Fry
- T.A. Holto
- T.L. Graham
- T.L. Graham
- T.P. Delaney
- U. Margna
- W. Barz
- W. Hopp
- W. Larcher
- X. Liang
- Z. Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study