38,054 research outputs found

    Associations between health and different types of environmental incivility : a Scotland-wide study

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    Objectives: Concern about the impact of the environment on health and well being has tended to focuson the physical effects of exposure to toxic and infectious substances, and on the impact of large scale infrastructures. Less attention has been paid to the possible psychosocial consequences of people's subjective perceptions of their everyday, street level environment, such as the incidence of litter and graffiti. As little is known about the potential relative importance for health of perceptions of different types of environmental incivility, a module was developed for inclusion in the 2004 Scottish Social Attitudes survey in order to investigate this relationship. Study design: A random sample of 1637 adults living across a range of neighbourhoods throughout Scotland was interviewed. Methods: Respondents were asked to rate their local area on a range of possible environmental incivilities. These incivilities were subsequently grouped into three domains: (i) street level incivilities (e.g. litter, graffiti); (ii) large scale infrastructural incivilities (e.g. telephone masts); and (iii) the absence of environmental goods (e.g. safe play areas for children). For each of the three domains, the authors examined the degree to which they were thought to pose a problem locally, and how far these perceptions varied between those living in deprived areas and those living in less deprived areas. Subsequently, the relationships between these perceptions and self assessed health and health behaviours were explored, after controlling for gender, age and social class. Results: Respondents with the highest levels of perceived street level incivilities were almost twice aslikely as those who perceived the lowest levels of street level incivilities to report frequent feelings of anxiety and depression. Perceived absence of environmental goods was associated with increased anxiety (2.5 times more likely) and depression (90% more likely), and a 50% increased likelihood of being a smoker. Few associations with health were observed for perceptions of large scale infrastructural incivilities. Conclusions: Environmental policy needs to give more priority to reducing the incidence of street levelincivilities and the absence of environmental goods, both of which appear to be more important for health than perceptions of large scale infrastructural incivilities

    Wakes in stratified flow past a hot or cold two-dimensional body

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    This paper considers the general problem of laminar, steady, horizontal, Oseen flow at large distances upstream and downstream of a two-dimensional body which is represented as a line source of horizontal or vertical momentum, or as a line heat source or heat dipole. The fluid is assumed to be incompressible, diffusive, viscous and stably stratified. The analysis is focused on the general properties of the horizontal velocity component, as well as on explicit calculation of the horizontal velocity profiles and disturbance stream-function fields for varying degrees of stratification. For stable stratifications, the flow fields for all four types of singularities exhibit the common feature of multiple recirculating rotors of finite thicknesses, which leads to an alternating jet structure both upstream and downstream for the horizontal velocity component and to leewaves downstream in the overall flow. The self-similar formulae for the velocity, temperature and pressure at very large distances upstream and downstream are also derived and compared with the Oseen solutions

    Alternative Adaptive Filter Structures for Improved Radio Frequency Interference Cancellation in Radio Astronomy

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    In radio astronomy, reference signals from auxiliary antennas that receive only the radio frequency interference (RFI) can be modified to model the RFI environment at the astronomy receivers. The RFI can then be canceled from the astronomy signal paths. However, astronomers typically only require signal statistics. If the RFI statistics are changing slowly, the cancellation can be applied to the signal correlations at a much lower rate than is required for standard adaptive filters. In this paper we describe five canceler setups; precorrelation and postcorrelation cancelers that use one or two reference signals in different ways. The theoretical residual RFI and added noise levels are examined and are demonstrated using microwave television RFI at the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The RFI is attenuated to below the system noise, a reduction of at least 20 dB. While dual-reference cancelers add more reference noise than single-reference cancelers, this noise is zero-mean and only adds to the system noise, decreasing the sensitivity. The residual RFI that remains in the output of single-reference cancelers (but not dual-reference cancelers) sets a nonzero noise floor that does not act like random system noise and may limit the achievable sensitivity. Thus, dual-reference cancelers often result in superior cancellation. Dual-reference precorrelation cancelers require a double-canceler setup to be useful and to give equivalent results to dual-reference postcorrelation cancelers.Comment: 11 pages created using emulateap

    Organic slug control using Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita

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    Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita is a lethal slug parasitic nematode that has been formulated into an effective biological control agent called Nemaslug®. We investigated the possibility of using different application methods of P. hermaphrodita to reduce cost and the number of nematodes applied. We also compared P. hermaphrodita with a new slug pellet called Ferramol®, which is available for use on organic farms


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    The authors bring together tables of current defect nomenclature and a summary of the rules actually practised (rather than idealised schemes) in choosing such labels for signals obtained with a range of spectroscopies. As well as providing a source of reference for the user lost in a maze of labels, the compilation also indicates parallels between similar defect species in very different systems (e.g. ice and quartz), even though the relationships may be far from obvious from the labels. The systems considered are all non-metals, namely ionic crystals (including oxides), silica, semiconductors (e.g. III-V and tetrahedrally coordinated II-VI), valence crystals (e.g. diamond, c-Si, a-Si) and other special hosts like ice and conducting polymers

    High-Redshift Superclustering of QSO Absorption Line Systems on 100 Mpc Scales

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    We have analyzed the clustering of C IV absorption line systems in an extensive new catalog of heavy element QSO absorbers. The catalog permits exploration of clustering over a large range in both scale (from about 1 to over 300 Mpc) and redshift (z from 1.2 to 4.5). We find significant evidence (5.0 sigma) that C IV absorbers are clustered on comoving scales of 100 Mpc and less --- similar to the size of voids and walls found in galaxy redshift surveys of the local universe --- with a mean correlation function ξ=0.42±0.10\xi = 0.42 \pm 0.10 over these scales. We find, on these scales, that the mean correlation function at low (z=1.7), medium (z=2.4), and high redshift (z=3.0) is ξ=0.40±0.17\xi=0.40 \pm 0.17, 0.32±0.140.32 \pm 0.14, and 0.72±0.250.72 \pm 0.25, respectively. Thus, the superclustering is present even at high redshift; furthermore, it does not appear that the superclustering scale, in comoving coordinates, has changed significantly since then. We find 7 QSOs with rich groups of absorbers (potential superclusters) that account for a significant portion of the clustering signal, with 2 at redshift z2.8z\sim 2.8. We find that the superclustering is just as evident if we take q0=0.1q_0=0.1 instead of 0.5; however, the inferred scale of clustering is then 240 Mpc , which is larger than the largest scales of clustering known at present. This discrepancy may be indicative of a larger value of q0q_0, and hence Ω0\Omega_0. The evolution of the correlation function on 50 Mpc scales is consistent with that expected in cosmologies with density parameter ranging from Ω0=\Omega_0 = 0.1 to 1. Finally, we find no evidence for clustering on scales greater than 100 Mpc (q0=0.5q_0=0.5) or 240 Mpc (q0=0.1q_0=0.1).Comment: 16 LaTeX pages with 3 encapsulated Postscript figures included, uses AASTeX (v. 4.0) available at ftp://ftp.aas.org/pubs/ , to appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Book Reviews

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    Soil sustainability in organic agricultural production

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    Traditionally, the assessment of soil sustainability and the potential impact of cultivation are based upon the application of chemical procedures. In the absence of a biological context, these measurements offer little in understanding longterm changes in soil husbandry. Detailed microcosm investigations were applied as a predictive tool for management change. The microcosms were designed with homogenised soils treated with organic amendments. Key soil functional relationships were quantified using stable isotope techniques, biochemical measurements and traditional approaches

    The Angular Diameter and Fundamental Parameters of Sirius A

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    The Sydney University Stellar Interferometer (SUSI) has been used to make a new determination of the angular diameter of Sirius A. The observations were made at an effective wavelength of 694.1 nm and the new value for the limb-darkened angular diameter is 6.048 +/- 0.040mas (+/-0.66%). This new result is compared with previous measurements and is found to be in excellent agreement with a conventionally calibrated measurement made with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) at 2.176 microns (but not with a second globally calibrated VLTI measurement). A weighted mean of the SUSI and first VLTI results gives the limb-darkened angular diameter of Sirius A as 6.041 +/- 0.017mas (+/-0.28%). Combination with the Hipparcos parallax gives the radius equal to 1.713 +/- 0.009R_sun. The bolometric flux has been determined from published photometry and spectrophotometry and, combined with the angular diameter, yields the emergent flux at the stellar surface equal to (5.32+/- 0.14)x10^8 Wm^-2 and the effective temperature equal to 9845 +/- 64 K. The luminosity is 24.7 +/- 0.7 L_sun.Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS