12,129 research outputs found

    The Pfaffian quantum Hall state made simple--multiple vacua and domain walls on a thin torus

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    We analyze the Moore-Read Pfaffian state on a thin torus. The known six-fold degeneracy is realized by two inequivalent crystalline states with a four- and two-fold degeneracy respectively. The fundamental quasihole and quasiparticle excitations are domain walls between these vacua, and simple counting arguments give a Hilbert space of dimension 2n12^{n-1} for 2nk2n-k holes and kk particles at fixed positions and assign each a charge ±e/4\pm e/4. This generalizes the known properties of the hole excitations in the Pfaffian state as deduced using conformal field theory techniques. Numerical calculations using a model hamiltonian and a small number of particles supports the presence of a stable phase with degenerate vacua and quarter charged domain walls also away from the thin torus limit. A spin chain hamiltonian encodes the degenerate vacua and the various domain walls.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Published, minor change

    The Hidden Spatial Geometry of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories

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    The Gauss law constraint in the Hamiltonian form of the SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory of gluons is satisfied by any functional of the gauge invariant tensor variable ϕij=BiaBja\phi^{ij} = B^{ia} B^{ja}. Arguments are given that the tensor Gij=(ϕ1)ijdetBG_{ij} = (\phi^{-1})_{ij}\,\det B is a more appropriate variable. When the Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of ϕ\phi or GG, the quantity Γjki\Gamma^i_{jk} appears. The gauge field Bianchi and Ricci identities yield a set of partial differential equations for Γ\Gamma in terms of GG. One can show that Γ\Gamma is a metric-compatible connection for GG with torsion, and that the curvature tensor of Γ\Gamma is that of an Einstein space. A curious 3-dimensional spatial geometry thus underlies the gauge-invariant configuration space of the theory, although the Hamiltonian is not invariant under spatial coordinate transformations. Spatial derivative terms in the energy density are singular when detG=detB=0\det G=\det B=0. These singularities are the analogue of the centrifugal barrier of quantum mechanics, and physical wave-functionals are forced to vanish in a certain manner near detB=0\det B=0. It is argued that such barriers are an inevitable result of the projection on the gauge-invariant subspace of the Hilbert space, and that the barriers are a conspicuous way in which non-abelian gauge theories differ from scalar field theories.Comment: 19 pages, TeX, CTP #223

    Holographic RG-flows and Boundary CFTs

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    Solutions of (d+1)(d+1)-dimensional gravity coupled to a scalar field are obtained, which holographically realize interface and boundary CFTs. The solution utilizes a Janus-like AdSd\mathrm{AdS}_d slicing ansatz and corresponds to a deformation of the CFT by a spatially-dependent coupling of a relevant operator. The BCFT solutions are singular in the bulk, but physical quantities such as the holographic entanglement entropy can be calculated.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Tidally Triggered Star Formation in Close Pairs of Galaxies: Major and Minor Interactions

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    We study star formation in a sample of 345 galaxies in 167 pairs and compact groups drawn from the original CfA2 Redshift Survey and from a follow-up search for companions. We construct our sample with attention to including pairs with luminosity contrast |\Delta m_R| >= 2. These 57 galaxies with |\Delta m_R| >= 2 provide a set of nearby representative cases of minor interactions, a central feature of the hierarchical galaxy formation model. Here we report the redshifts and positions of the 345 galaxies in our sample, and of 136 galaxies in apparent pairs that are superpositions. In the pairs sample as a whole, there are strong correlations between the equivalent width of the H\alpha emission line and the projected spatial and the line-of-sight velocity separation of the pair. For pairs of small luminosity contrast, |\Delta m_R| < 2, the member galaxies show a correlation between the equivalent width of H\alpha and the projected spatial separation of the pair. However, for pairs with large luminosity contrast, |\Delta m_R| >= 2, we detect no correlation between the equivalent width of H\alpha and the projected spatial separation. The relative luminosity of the companion galaxy is more important in a gravitational tidal interaction than the intrinsic luminosity of the galaxy. Central star formation across the entire pairs sample depends strongly on the luminosity ratio, |\Delta m_R|, a reasonable proxy for the mass ratio of the pair; pairs composed of similarly luminous galaxies produce the strongest bursts of star formation. Pairs with |\Delta m_R| >= 2 rarely have EW(H\alpha) >~ 70 Ang.Comment: Minor revisions following journal proof

    Heavy Quark Potentials in Some Renormalization Group Revised AdS/QCD Models

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    We construct some AdS/QCD models by the systematic procedure of GKN. These models reflect three rather different asymptotics the gauge theory beta functions approach at the infrared region, βλ2,λ3\beta\propto-\lambda^2, -\lambda^3 and βλ\beta\propto-\lambda, where λ\lambda is the 't Hooft coupling constant. We then calculate the heavy quark potentials in these models by holographic methods and find that they can more consistently fit the lattice data relative to the usual models which do not include the renormalization group improving effects. But only use the lattice QCD heavy quark potentials as constrains, we cannot distinguish which kind of infrared asymptotics is the better one.Comment: comparisons with lattice results, qualitative consideration of quantum corrections are added. (accepted by Phys. Rev. D

    From Soft Walls to Infrared Branes

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    Five dimensional warped spaces with soft walls are generalizations of the standard Randall-Sundrum compactifications, where instead of an infrared brane one has a curvature singularity (with vanishing warp factor) at finite proper distance in the bulk. We project the physics near the singularity onto a hypersurface located a small distance away from it in the bulk. This results in a completely equivalent description of the soft wall in terms of an effective infrared brane, hiding any singular point. We perform explicitly this calculation for two classes of soft wall backgrounds used in the literature. The procedure has several advantages. It separates in a clean way the physics of the soft wall from the physics of the five dimensional bulk, facilitating a more direct comparison with standard two-brane warped compactifications. Moreover, consistent soft walls show a sort of universal behavior near the singularity which is reflected in the effective brane Lagrangian. Thirdly, for many purposes, a good approximation is obtained by assuming the bulk background away from the singularity to be the usual Randall-Sundrum metric, thus making the soft wall backgrounds better analytically tractable. We check the validity of this procedure by calculating the spectrum of bulk fields and comparing it to the exact result, finding very good agreement.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, v2: subsection on IR brane potentials and appendix on fermions added, version to appear in PR

    On the massless contributions to the vacuum polarization of heavy quarks

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    Recently Groote and Pivovarov have given notice of a possible fault in the use of sum rules involving two-point correlation functions to extract information on heavy quark parameters, due to the presence of massless contributions that invalidate the construction of moments of the spectral densities. Here we show how to circumvent this problem through a new definition of the moments, providing an infrared safe and consistent procedure.Comment: 1+9 pages, 3 figures. Discussion on QCD sum rules applications added. Conclusions unchanged. Version to be published in Journal of Physics

    The Measure of Cosmological Parameters

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    New, large, ground and space telescopes are contributing to an exciting and rapid period of growth in observational cosmology. The subject is now far from its earlier days of being data-starved and unconstrained, and new data are fueling a healthy interplay between observations and experiment and theory. I briefly review here the status of measurements of a number of quantities of interest in cosmology: the Hubble constant, the total mass-energy density, the matter density, the cosmological constant or dark energy component, and the total optical background light.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to be published in "2001: A Spacetime Odyssey: Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics", Michael J. Duff & James T. Liu, eds., (World Scientific, Singapore), in pres