23 research outputs found

    Effect of water conditions on respiration activity of post-bog soils under the conditions of plant cover lack

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki 7-letnich badań aktywności respiracyjnej gleb pobagiennych zaliczonych do czterech prognostycznych kompleksów wilgotnościowych: mokrego, wilgotnego, posusznego i okresowo suchego, utrzymywanych w warunkach całkowitego braku pokrywy roślinnej. Emisja CO2 była oznaczana metodą komorową. Aktywność respiracyjna gleb pobagiennych była zależna od warunków wodnych panujących na poszczególnych kompleksach wilgotnościowych. Największą aktywność respiracyjną stwierdzono na kompleksach wilgotnym i posusznym – odpowiednio 0,51 i 0,47 g•m-2•h-1 CO2, następnie na okresowo suchym – 0,42 g•m-2•h-1, a najmniejszą na kompleksie mokrym – 0,33 g•m-2•h-1. Największą aktywność respiracyjną stwierdzono w warunkach utrzymywania wilgotności gleby na poziomie polowej pojemności wodnej. Gleby pobagienne utrzymywane w warunkach braku pokrywy roślinnej były znaczącym źródłem emisji CO2. Wartość emisji CO2 w okresie wegetacyjnym wynosiła od 11,9 Mg•ha-1 na kompleksie mokrym do 19,4 Mg•ha-1 na kompleksie wilgotnym. Emisja ta wiązała się z mineralizacją masy organicznej – od 5,8 Mg•ha-1 na kompleksie mokrym do 9,5 Mg•ha-1 na kompleksie wilgotnym.Results of 7-year studies on respiration activity of post-bog soils belonging to four prognostic moisture complexes: wet, moist, drying and periodically dry, kept under the conditions of total lack of plant cover are presented in the paper. CO2 emission was determined by the chamber method. Respiration activity of post-bog soils depended on water conditions on particular moisture complexes. The highest respiration activity was found on moist and drying complexes – 0.51 and 0.47 g•m-2•h-1 CO2 respectively, next on periodically dry – 0.42 g∙m-2•h-1, and the lowest on the wet complex – 0.33 g•m-2•h-1. The highest respiration activity was found under the conditions of keeping soil moisture at the level of field water capacity. Post-bog soils kept under the conditions of plant cover lack were a significant source of CO2 emission. The value of CO2 emission in the growing season was from 11.9 Mg•ha-1 on the wet complex to 19.4 Mg•ha-1 on the moist complex. This emission was connected with mineralization of organic mass – from 5.8 Mg•ha-1 on the wet complex to 9.5 Mg•ha-1 on the moist complex

    The Analytical Possibilities of FT-IR Spectroscopy Powered by Vibrating Molecules

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    This paper discusses the state of advancement in the development of spectroscopic methods based on the use of mid (proper) infrared radiation in the context of applications in various fields of science and technology. The authors drew attention to the most important solutions specific to both spectroscopy itself (ATR technique) and chemometric data processing tools (PCA and PLS models). The objective of the current paper is to collect and consistently present information on various aspects of FT-IR spectroscopy, which is not only a well-known and well-established method but is also continuously developing. The innovative aspect of the current review is to show FT-IR’s great versatility that allows its applications to solve and explain issues from both the scientific domain (e.g., hydrogen bonds) and practical ones (e.g., technological processes, medicine, environmental protection, and food analysis). Particular attention was paid to the issue of hydrogen bonds as key non-covalent interactions, conditioning the existence of living matter and determining the number of physicochemical properties of various materials. Since the role of FT-IR spectroscopy in the field of hydrogen bond research has great significance, a historical outline of the most important qualitative and quantitative hydrogen bond theories is provided. In addition, research on selected unconventional spectral effects resulting from the substitution of protons with deuterons in hydrogen bridges is presented. The state-of-the-art and originality of the current review are that it presents a combination of uses of FT-IR spectroscopy to explain the way molecules vibrate and the effects of those vibrations on macroscopic properties, hence practical applications of given substances