264 research outputs found

    Injuries Due to Wedging of Bicycle Wheels in On-road Tram Tracks

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    Background: In cities with trams as public transportation, tram tracks are often on public roads, creating a shared road situation with other road participants like cyclists. Beside the risk of direct collisions, this situation can also lead to bicycle wheels getting wedged in tram tracks, causing cyclists to fall. Objectives: The aim of this study was to gain more insight in the injury pattern of this trauma mechanism and to draw attention to the risks of the infrastructural situation with on-road tram tracks. Patients and Methods: A one-year, prospective, observational cohort study was conducted. All patients admitted after presentation to the emergency department of a level 1 trauma center, who got injured because their bicycle wheels got wedged in tram tracks, were included. Data were collected on patient demographics, type of injury and treatment. Results: Ten patients were included. Six were male. The mean age was 38 years. Six patients required surgery, mostly because of extremity injuries. Mean duration of admission was 4 days. Mean injury severity score was 13. One patient died as a result of the injuries sustained in the accident. Conclusions: Tram tracks on public roads are potentially dangerous and can lead to serious injuries and even mortality amongst cyclist. Operative intervention is frequently needed

    Kulturlandschaften in den Niederlanden - Erhaltung durch nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Raumordnung

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    Dieser Beitrag behandelt die Strategie zur Erhaltung der archäologisch-historischen Landschaften in den Niederlanden durch nachhaltige Entwicklung im Rahmen der Raumordnung. Dazu werden seit 1999 ein mehr anwendungsorientiertes Belvedere-Programm und ein mehr wissenschaftlich ausgerichtetes BBO-Programm durchgeführt. Zentrale Konzepte, die sich mit den Kernbegriffen Dynamik und Qualität aus der Raumordnung verbinden lassen, sind "Erhaltung durch Entwicklung" und "Biographie der Landschaft". Methodisch ist die Region die räumliche Ebene, auf der Forschung, Strategie und Anwendung durch "Denken und Handeln" wie in einem empirischen Zyklus miteinander verbunden werden. Die Aktivitäten beider Programme werden allgemein beschrieben. Sie beabsichtigen, das Ziel der Erhaltung durch Entwicklung durch die Bildung einer "community of practice" zu erreichen. Der Begriff Nachhaltigkeit wird erläutert und in materielle, konzeptuelle, methodische und disziplinäre Nachhaltigkeit differenziert.This paper discusses the strategy in place in the Netherlands for protecting landscapes of archaeological and historical interest by promoting sustainable development in spatial planning. This approach has been supported since 1999 by two programmes: the applicationoriented Belvedere programme, and the more scientifically oriented BBO programme . Its key concepts, which are wholly compatible with the core tenets of spatial planning - dynamics and quality, are “conservation through development” and “landscape biography”. With regard to methodology, the region is the spatial level at which research, strategy and application are linked together through “thought and action” in a kind of empirical cycle. The activities associated with both programmes are described in general terms. Their purpose is to achieve the goal of “conservation through development” by establishing a “community of practice”. In explaining the concept of sustainability, the author distinguishes between material, conceptual, methodological and disciplinary sustainability

    Which surgical technique may yield the best results in large, infected, segmental non-unions of the tibial shaft?:A scoping review

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    Purpose: Infected nonunion of the tibia with a large segmental bone defect is a complex and challenging condition for the patient and surgeon. This scoping review was conducted to identify existing evidence and knowledge gaps regarding this clinical scenario. Secondly, the objective of this study was to search for a valid recommendation on the optimal treatment. Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted in the bibliographic databases: PubMed, Embase.com, and Web of Science Core Collection. Studies reporting on bone transport techniques, the Masquelet technique, and vascularized fibular grafts in bone defects greater than 5 cm were included. Bone healing results and functional results were compared according to duration of nonunion, infection recurrence, bone consolidation, complication rate, external fixation time, and time until full weight-bearing. Results: Of the 2753 articles retrieved, 37 studies could be included on bone transport techniques (n = 23), the Masquelet technique (n = 7), and vascularized fibular grafts (n = 7). Respective bone union percentages were 94.3%, 89.5%, and 96.5%. The percentages of infection recurrence respectively were 1.6%, 14.4% and 7.0%, followed by respectively 1.58, 0.78, and 0.73 complications per patient. Conclusion: Bone transport was found to be the most widely studied technique in the literature. Depending on the surgeon’s expertise, vascularized fibular grafts may be held as a favourable alternative. This review indicates that further high-quality research on large bone defects (≥ 5 cm) in patients with infected tibial nonunions is necessary to gain more insight into the potentially beneficial results of vascularized fibular grafts and the Masquelet technique.</p

    Which surgical technique may yield the best results in large, infected, segmental non-unions of the tibial shaft?:A scoping review

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    Purpose: Infected nonunion of the tibia with a large segmental bone defect is a complex and challenging condition for the patient and surgeon. This scoping review was conducted to identify existing evidence and knowledge gaps regarding this clinical scenario. Secondly, the objective of this study was to search for a valid recommendation on the optimal treatment. Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted in the bibliographic databases: PubMed, Embase.com, and Web of Science Core Collection. Studies reporting on bone transport techniques, the Masquelet technique, and vascularized fibular grafts in bone defects greater than 5 cm were included. Bone healing results and functional results were compared according to duration of nonunion, infection recurrence, bone consolidation, complication rate, external fixation time, and time until full weight-bearing. Results: Of the 2753 articles retrieved, 37 studies could be included on bone transport techniques (n = 23), the Masquelet technique (n = 7), and vascularized fibular grafts (n = 7). Respective bone union percentages were 94.3%, 89.5%, and 96.5%. The percentages of infection recurrence respectively were 1.6%, 14.4% and 7.0%, followed by respectively 1.58, 0.78, and 0.73 complications per patient. Conclusion: Bone transport was found to be the most widely studied technique in the literature. Depending on the surgeon’s expertise, vascularized fibular grafts may be held as a favourable alternative. This review indicates that further high-quality research on large bone defects (≥ 5 cm) in patients with infected tibial nonunions is necessary to gain more insight into the potentially beneficial results of vascularized fibular grafts and the Masquelet technique.</p

    Trends and Variation in the Use of Radiotherapy in Non-metastatic Rectal Cancer:a 14-year Nationwide Overview from the Netherlands

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    Aims: This study describes nationwide primary radiotherapy utilisation trends for non-metastasised rectal cancer in the Netherlands between 2008 and 2021. In 2014, both colorectal cancer screening and a new guideline specifying prognostic risk groups for neoadjuvant treatment were implemented.Materials and methods: Patients with non-metastasised rectal cancer in 2008–2021 (n = 37 510) were selected from the Netherlands Cancer Registry and classified into prognostic risk groups. Treatment was studied over time and age. Multilevel logistic regression analyses were carried out to identify factors associated with (i) radiotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy use for intermediate rectal cancer and (ii) chemoradiotherapy without versus with surgery for locally advanced rectal cancer.Results: For early rectal cancer, the use of neoadjuvant radiotherapy decreased (15% to 5% between 2008 and 2021), whereas the use of endoscopic resections increased (8% in 2015, 17% in 2021). In intermediate-risk rectal cancer, neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (43% until 2011, 25% in 2015) shifted to radiotherapy (42% in 2008, 50% in 2015), the latter being most often applied in older patients. In locally advanced rectal cancer, the use of chemoradiotherapy without surgery increased (2–4% in 2008–2013, 17% in 2019–2021). Both neoadjuvant treatment in intermediate disease and omission of surgery following chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced disease varied with increasing age (odds ratio&gt;75vs&lt;50: 2.17, 95% confidence interval 1.54–3.06) and treatment region (Southwest and Northwest odds ratio 0.63, 95% confidence interval 0.42–0.93 and odds ratio 0.65, 95% confidence interval 0.44–0.95, respectively, compared with the North).Conclusion: Treatment patterns in non-metastasised rectal cancer significantly changed over time. Effects of both the national screening programme and the new treatment guideline were apparent, as well as a paradigm shift towards organ preservation (watch-and-wait). Observed regional variations may indicate adoption differences regarding new treatment strategies

    A multilevel structural equation model for assessing a drug effect on a patient reported outcome measure in on-demand medication data.

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    We analyze data from a clinical trial investigating the effect of an on-demand drug for women with low sexual desire. These data consist of a varying number of measurements/events across patients of when the drug was taken, including data on a patient-reported outcome consisting of five items measuring an unobserved construct (latent variable). Traditionally, these data are aggregated prior to analysis by composing one sum score per event and averaging this sum score over all observed events. In this paper, we explain the drawbacks of this aggregating approach. One drawback is that these averages have different standard errors because the variance of the underlying events differs between patients and because the number of events per patient differs. Another drawback is the implicit assumption that all items have equal weight in relation to the latent variable being measured. We propose a multilevel structural equation model, treating the events (level 1) as nested observations within patients (level 2), as alternative analysis method to overcome these drawbacks. The model we apply includes a factor model measuring a latent variable at the level of the event and at the level of the patient. Then, in the same model, the latent variables are regressed on covariates to assess the drug effect. We discuss the inferences obtained about the efficacy of the on-demand drug using our proposed model. We further illustrate how to test for measurement invariance across grouping covariates and levels using the same model

    Long-term musculoskeletal function after Open Pelvic ring fractures in Children (OPEC); a multicentre, retrospective case series with follow-up measurement

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    Background: The proportion of Open Pelvic fractures in the paediatric population is relatively high. While operative fixation is the primary approach for managing Open Pelvic fractures in adults, there is limited literature on treatment outcomes in Children, particularly regarding long-term musculoskeletal, neurological, and urogenital function. Methods: This multicentre case series included paediatric patients (&lt;18 years old) with Open Pelvic ring fractures treated at one of two major trauma centres in the Netherlands between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2021. Data collection involved clinical records and long-term assessments, including musculoskeletal function, growth disorders, urogenital function, sexual dysfunction, and sensory motor function. Results: A total of 11 patients were included, primarily females (73 %), with a median age at trauma of 12 years (P25–P75 7–14). Most patients had unstable Pelvic ring fractures resulting from high-energy trauma. Surgical interventions were common, with external fixation as the main initial surgical approach (n = 7, 70 %). Complications were observed in eight (73 %) patients. Musculoskeletal function revealed a range of issues in the lower extremity, daily activities, and mental and emotional domain. Long-term radiologic follow-up showed high rates of Pelvic malunion (n = 7, 64 %). Neurological function assessment showed motor and sensory function impairment in a subset of patients. Urogenital function was moderately affected, and sexual dysfunction was limited with most respondents reporting no issues. Conclusion: Paediatric Open Pelvic fractures are challenging injuries associated with significant short-term complications and long-term musculoskeletal and urogenital issues. Further research is needed to develop tailored treatment strategies and improve outcomes of these patients.</p

    Strategic reserves in Oregon’s forests for biodiversity, water, and carbon to mitigate and adapt to climate change

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    Creating strategic forest reserves is essential for stemming the loss of biodiversity and contributing to climate mitigation and adaptation. Meeting preservation targets of 30% protection by 2030, and 50% by 2050 would lead to greater protection of animal taxa and tree species habitat, carbon stocks and accumulation, and forests that are important sources of drinking water. Here, we develop a regional framework to specifically identify at a fine resolution (30 m) high priority forestlands for preservation in Oregon, USA. We include a resilience metric that represents connectivity and topographic diversity, and identify areas within each ecoregion that are ranked high priority for carbon, biodiversity, resilience and drinking water. Oregon has less than 10% of its forestlands protected at the highest levels, yet its temperate forests are among those with the highest carbon densities in the world. Reserves for surface drinking water sources and forest habitat for birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles could increase to 50–70% protection at the highest levels by 2050. Protected aboveground biomass carbon could triple to 635 teragrams of carbon by 2050. The ownership of the high preservation priority lands for carbon and biodiversity is primarily federal (67% by 2050) followed by private (28% by 2050), with much less in the other ownerships. Forest reserves could be established on federal lands through executive action, regulation and rule-making, while private landowners could be incentivized to store more carbon, limit harvest in certain areas and transfer ownership to land trusts. Protecting mature and old forests on federal lands fulfills an urgent need for protection and provides a low-cost way to simultaneously meet national and international goals. This study provides a flexible, dynamic framework for identifying areas that are high priority to protect for climate mitigation and adaptation at regional and sub-regional scales

    Respiratory hospitalizations and respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis in special populations

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    Palivizumab utilization, compliance, and outcomes were examined in infants with preexisting medical diseases within the Canadian Registry Database (CARESS) to aid in developing guidelines for potential “at-risk” infants in the future. Infants who received ≥1 dose of palivizumab during the 2006–2010 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) seasons at 29 sites were recruited and utilization, compliance, and outcomes related to respiratory infection/illness (RI) events were collected monthly. Hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for premature infants ≤35 completed weeks gestational age (GA) who met standard approval criteria (group 1) compared to those with medical disorders (group 2) using Cox proportional hazards regression models with adjustment for potential confounding factors. Of 7,339 registry infants, 4,880 were in group 1 and 952 in group 2, which included those with Down syndrome (20.3%), upper airway anomalies (18.7%), pulmonary diseases (13.3%), and cystic fibrosis (12.3%). Group 2 were older at enrolment (10.2 ± 9.2 vs. 3.5 ± 3.1 months, p < 0.0005), had higher GA (35.9 ± 6.0 vs. 31.0 ± 5.4 weeks, p < 0.0005), and were less compliant with treatment intervals (69.4% vs. 72.6%, p = 0.048). A greater proportion of group 2 infants were hospitalized for RI (9.0% vs. 4.2%, p < 0.0005) and RSV (2.4% vs. 1.3%, p = 0.003) (unadjusted). Being in group 2 was associated with an increased risk of RI (HR = 2.0, 95%CI 1.5–2.5, p < 0.0005), but not RSV hospitalization (HR = 1.6, 95%CI 0.9–2.8, p = 0.106). In infants receiving palivizumab, those with underlying medical disorders, though not currently approved for prophylaxis, are at higher risk for RI events compared with preterm infants. However, risk of RSV hospitalizations is similar

    Clinical practice: The care of children with Down syndrome

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    Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities. Because of medical advances and improvements in overall medical care, the median survival of individuals with DS has increased considerably. This longer life expectancy requires giving the necessary care to the individual with DS over their total longer lifespan. DS medical guidelines are designed for the optimal care of the child in whom a diagnosis of DS has been confirmed. We present an overview of the most important issues related to children with DS based on the most relevant literature currently available
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