922 research outputs found

    Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XVII. Meerschautite, (Ag,Cu)5.5Pb42.4(Sb,As)45.1S112O0.8, a new expanded derivative of owyheeite from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: occurrence and crystal structure

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    The new mineral species meerschautite, ideally (Ag,Cu)5.5Pb42.4(Sb,As)45.1S112O0.8, has been discovered in the baryte + pyrite ± (Pb-Zn-Ag) deposit of the Pollone mine, near Valdicastello Carducci, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. It occurs as black prismatic crystals, striated along [100], up to 2 mm long and 0.5 mm thick, associated with baryte, boulangerite, pyrite, quartz and sphalerite. Meerschautite is opaque with a metallic lustre and shows a black streak. In reflected light, meerschautite is white in colour, weakly bireflectant and non pleochroic. With crossed polars, it is distinctly anisotropic with grey to dark grey rotation tints with brownish and greenish shades. Reflectance percentages for COM wavelengths [λ (nm), R air (%)] are: 470: 39.7/41.4; 546: 38.3/39.9; 589: 37.4/39.0; 650: 35.8/37.2. Electron-microprobe data collected on two different samples gave (wt.%): Cu 0.22, Ag 3.15, Tl 0.07, Pb 48.54, Sb 25.41, As 2.82, S 19.74, Se 0.14, Cl 0.03, sum 100.12 (# 1) and Cu 0.22, Ag 3.04, Tl 0.13, Pb 48.53, Sb 25.40, As 2.93, Bi 0.06, S 19.82, Se 0.13, Cl 0.05, sum 100.31 (# 2). On the basis of 112 anions (S+Se+Cl) per formula unit, the empirical formulae are (Ag5.29Cu0.63)∑5.92(Pb42.43Tl0.06)∑42.49(Sb37.80As6.82)∑44.62(S111.53Se0.32Cl0.15)∑112 (# 1) and (Ag5.08Cu0.62)∑5.70(Pb42.22Tl0.12)∑42.34(Sb37.61As7.07Bi0.05)∑44.73(S111.45Se0.30Cl0.25)∑112 (# 2). Main diffraction lines, corresponding to multiple hkl indices, are [d in Å (relative visual intensity)]: 3.762 (m), 3.663 (s), 3.334 (vs), 3.244 (s), 3.016 (m), 2.968 (m), 2.902 (m), 2.072 (ms). The crystal structure study gave a monoclinic unit cell, space group P21, with a = 8.2393(1), b = 43.6015(13), c = 28.3688(8) Å, β = 94.128(2)°, V = 10164.93(2) Å3, Z = 2. The crystal structure has been solved and refined to a final R 1 = 0.122 on the basis of 49,037 observed reflections. The structure is based on two building blocks, both formed by a complex column with a pseudotrigonal Pb6S12 core and two arms of unequal lengths (short and long arms, respectively). Two different kinds of short arms occur in meerschautite. One is an Ag-rich arm, whereas the other shows localized Sb–O–Sb bonds. Meerschautite is an expanded derivative of owyheeite and has quasi-homeotypic relationships with sterryite and parasterryite.© The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland 2017. The attached document is the authors’ preproof accepted version of the journal article, which is made available under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite from it

    Integrated Germanium-on-silicon Waveguides for Mid-infrared Photonic Sensing Chips

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    Germanium-on-silicon waveguides are designed, fabricated and characterized with a novel near-field infrared spectroscopy technique that allows on-chip investigation of the in-coupling efficiency. On-chip propagation along bends and straight sections up to 0.8 mm is demonstrated around λ = 6 μm

    Benchmarking the Use of Heavily-Doped Ge Against Noble Metals for Plasmonics and Sensing in the Mid-Infrared

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    Despite the recent introduction of heavily-doped semiconductors for mid-infrared plasmonics, it still remains an open point whether such materials can compete with noble metals. We employ a whole set of figures of merit to thoroughly assess the use of heavily-doped Ge on Si as a mid-infrared plasmonic material and benchmark it against standard noble metals such as Au. In doing this, we design and model high-performance, CMOS compatible mid-infrared plasmonic sensors based on experimental material data reaching plasma frequencies up to about 1950 cm−1. We demonstrate that plasmonic Ge sensors can provide signal enhancements for vibrational spectroscopy above 3 orders of magnitude, thus representing a viable alternative to noble metals

    Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Platform based on Heavily Doped Epitaxial Ge-on-Si: Retrieving the Optical Constants of Thin Ge Epilayers

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    The n-type Ge-on-Si epitaxial material platform enables a novel paradigm for plasmonics in the mid-infrared, prompting the future development of lab-on-a-chip and subwavelength vibrational spectroscopic sensors. In order to exploit this material, through proper electrodynamic design, it is mandatory to retrieve the dielectric constants of the thin Ge epilayers with high precision due to the difference from bulk Ge crystals. Here we discuss the procedure we have employed to extract the real and imaginary part of the dielectric constants from normal incidence reflectance measurements, by combining the standard multilayer fitting procedure based on the Drude model with Kramers-Kronig transformations of absolute reflectance data in the zero-transmission range of the thin film.Comment: Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), 2014 39th International Conference o

    Tetrahedrite-(Hg), a new 'old' member of the tetrahedrite group

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    Tetrahedrite-(Hg), Cu6(Cu4Hg2)Sb4S13, has been approved as a new mineral species using samples from Buca della Vena mine (hereafter BdV), Italy, Jedová hora (Jh), Czech Republic and RoŽÅ 1/2ava (R), Slovakia. It occurs as anhedral grains or as tetrahedral crystals, black in colour, with metallic lustre. At BdV it is associated with cinnabar and chalcostibite in dolomite veins. At Jh, tetrahedrite-(Hg) is associated with baryte and chalcopyrite in quartz-siderite-dolomite veins; at R it is associated with quartz in siderite-quartz veins. Tetrahedrite-(Hg) is isotropic, greyish-white in colour, with creamy tints. Minimum and maximum reflectance data for Commission on Ore Mineralogy wavelengths in air (BdV sample), R in %) are 32.5 at 420 nm; 32.9 at 546 nm; 33.2 at 589 nm; and 30.9 at 650 nm. Chemical formulae of the samples studied, recalculated on the basis of 4 (As + Sb + Bi) atoms per formula unit, are: (Cu9.44Ag0.07)Σ9.51(Hg1.64Zn0.36Fe0.06)Σ2.06Sb4(S12.69Se0.01)Σ12.70 (BdV), Cu9.69(Hg1.75Fe0.25Zn0.06)Σ2.06(Sb3.94As0.06)S12.87 (Jh) and (Cu9.76Ag0.04) Σ9.80(Hg1.83Fe0.15Zn0.10)Σ2.08(Sb3.17As0.58Bi0.25)S13.01 (R). Tetrahedrite-(Hg) is cubic, I3m, with a = 10.5057(8) Å, V = 1159.5(3) Å3 and Z = 2 (BdV). Unit-cell parameters for the other two samples are a = 10.4939(1) Å and V = 1155.61(5) Å3 (Jh) and a = 10.4725(1) Å and V = 1148.55(6) Å3 (R). The crystal structure of tetrahedrite-(Hg) has been refined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction data to a final R1 = 0.019 on the basis of 335 reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo) and 20 refined parameters. Tetrahedrite-(Hg) is isotypic with other members of the tetrahedrite group. Mercury is hosted at the tetrahedrally coordinated M(1) site, along with minor Zn and Fe. The occurrence of Hg at this position agrees both with the relatively large M(1)-S(1) bond distance (2.393 Å) and the refined site scattering. Previous occurrences of Hg-rich tetrahedrite and tetrahedrite-(Hg) are reviewed, and its relations with other Hg sulfosalts are discussed

    Germanium-on-silicon Waveguides for Mid-infrared Photonic Sensing Chips

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    Germanium-on-silicon rib waveguides are modelled, fabricated and characterized with a novel near-field infrared spectroscopy technique that allows on-chip investigation of the waveguide losses at 5.8 μm wavelength

    Germanium Plasmonic Nanoantennas for Third-Harmonic Generation in the Mid Infrared

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    We explore the nonlinear optical properties of plasmonic semiconductor antennas resonant in the mid infrared. The nanostructures are fabricated on silicon substrates from heavily doped germanium films with a plasma frequency of 30 THz, equivalent to a wavelength of 10 μm. Illumination with ultrashort pulses at 10.8 μm produces coherent emission at 3.6 μm via third-harmonic generation
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