21 research outputs found

    Analysis of EEG Signals using Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: A review

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    Nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory have been used in neurophysiology with the aim to understand the complex brain activity from electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. Although linear methods have been the most used in EEG analysis, nonlinear approaches have been increased their presence because they reveal aspects that cannot be measured from linear approaches. However, published works in this scientific field is still very low. This work describes the fundamentals of EEG signals and its basic concepts related with nonlinear dynamics and chaotic measures of complexity and stability. After that, a short review of the most common EEG-based applications is given in medical and non-medical contexts

    An Early Pleistocene hominin mandible from Atapuerca-TD6, Spain

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    We present a mandible recovered in 2003 from the Aurora Stratum of the TD6 level of the Gran Dolina site (Sierra de Atapuerca, northern Spain). The specimen, catalogued as ATD6-96, adds to the hominin sample recovered from this site in 1994–1996, and assigned to Homo antecessor. ATD6-96 is the left half of a gracile mandible belonging to a probably female adult individual with premolars and molars in place. This mandible shows a primitive structural pattern shared with all African and Asian Homo species. However, it is small and exhibits a remarkable gracility, a trait shared only with the Early and Middle Pleistocene Chinese hominins. Furthermore, none of the mandibular features considered apomorphic in the European Middle and Early Upper Pleistocene hominin lineage are present in ATD6-96. This evidence reinforces the taxonomic identity of H. antecessor and is consistent with the hypothesis of a close relationship between this species and Homo sapiens