11 research outputs found

    Cuticular profiles and mating preference in a slave-making ant

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    The remarkable ability of slave-making ants to integrate chemically in the colonies of their host species makes them useful model systems for investigating the role of cuticular hydrocarbons in chemical recognition. The purpose of our study was to examine the influence of the rearing host species on the cuticular hydrocarbon profile and on the mating behaviour of sexuals of the slave-making ant Chalepoxenus muellerianus. Sexuals from a population parasitizing exclusively the host species Temnothorax unifasciatus were reared in the laboratory either with their natural host or another potential host species, Temnothorax recedens. C. muellerianus males reared with T. unifasciatus investigated and mounted female sexuals reared with the same host significantly more often than female sexuals reared with T. recedens. Similarly, C. muellerianus males reared with T. unifasciatus discriminated against female sexuals from natural T. recedens colonies. Males experimentally or naturally reared with T. recedens did not clearly discriminate between female sexuals reared by the two host species and only rarely engaged in mating attempts with either type of female sexuals. Chemical analyses showed that host species affect the chemical profile of C. muellerianus sexuals and vice versa. Our findings indicate that cuticular hydrocarbons might be important in the mating success of this ant species

    Phylogeny and phylogeography of the Mediterranean species of the parasitic ant genus Chalepoxenus and its Temnothorax hosts

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    We analysed the phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships of four Mediterranean species of the rare slave-making ant genus Chalepoxenus and eleven of its about 20 Temnothorax host species by sequencing the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I and II genes. Neighbour-Joining, Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian analyses based on 1320 bp indicate that the genus Chalepoxenus constitutes a monophylum. In all three analyses, C. kutteri from Southwest Europe and the workerless, “degenerate slavemaker” C. brunneus from North Africa form a monophyletic group. C. muellerianus and C. tauricus, distributed in Southern Europe and Ukraine, respectively, form a monophylum in the Neighbour-Joining and the Maximum Parsimony analysis. In our limited set of only 11 of several hundred Temnothorax species, T. flavicornis forms the sister group of Chalepoxenus. Our study further indicates paraphyly of the genus Temnothorax with respect to Chalepoxenus. Moreover, the results suggest that speciation in this slave-making genus is possibly caused by the formation of host races as different Chalepoxenus species use different hosts, and some samples seem to cluster by host species rather than by geographical distance

    In vitro generated dendritic cells of leukemic origin predict response to allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with AML and MDS

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    Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) is the treatment of choice for many patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome. The presentation of leukemic or allospecific antigens by malignant blasts is regarded as a crucial trigger for an effective allogeneic immune response. Conversely, insufficient stimulatory capacity by the leukemic blasts is thought to be a relevant escape mechanism from cellular immunotherapy (alloSCT). Our purpose was to test, whether the ability of malignant blasts to differentiate in vitro toward dendritic cells of leukemic origin (DCleu) is associated with clinical outcome. We isolated leukemic blasts from peripheral blood or bone marrow of AML and myelodysplastic syndrome patients before alloSCT (n=47) or at relapse after alloSCT (n=22). A panel of 6 different assays was used to generate DCleu in vitro. Results were correlated with clinical outcome. DCleu could be generated from all 69 samples. Significantly higher mean frequencies of DCleu were found in clinical long-term responders versus nonresponders to SCT (76.8% vs. 58.8%, P=0.006). Vice versa, the chance for response to SCT was significantly higher, if a DCleu+/dendritic cells (DC) ratio of >50% could be reached in vitro (P=0.004). Those patients were characterized by a longer time to relapse (P=0.04) and by a higher probability for leukemia-free survival (P=0.005). In vitro generation of DC and DCleu from leukemic blasts correlated with the clinical outcome. This observation may support a role of leukemic antigen presentation by "leukemia-derived DC" for the stimulation of an allogeneic immune response in AML

    Insights into the evolution, biogeography and natural history of the acorn ants, genus Temnothorax Mayr (hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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