14 research outputs found

    On Fast State-Space Algorithms for Predictive Control

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    A Riccati-equation-based solution to a class of receding-horizon predictive control problems for an explicit-delay state-space model of an ARMAX system is found and the corresponding vector Chandrasekhar-type equations are derived for both filter and controller gains to improve the computational efficiency

    Age and growth-rate of grayling Thymallus thymallus (L.) in the rivers of Pomerania (NW Poland)

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    The studies were carried out on the material of 308 individuals from 18 upland river of moraine character, in north-western Poland. The growth rate, growth intensity, condition factor and the dependence between body weight and total length were estimated. It has been found that the graylings from north-western Poland live longer and grow quicker than those from mountain rivers in southern regions of the country, and also in other parts of Europe

    Changes of gonadosomatic index (GSI) and egg diameter in the grayling Thymallus thymallus (L.) in annual cycle

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    The most intense growth of grayling ovaries takes place in autumn and winter (September-March), of testes-in summer (July-September). Older females and males all seasons have a higher GSI, and the diameter of developing eggs is higher

    Robust quasi NID aircraft 3D flight control under sensor noise

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    summary:In the paper the design of an aircraft motion controller based on the Dynamic Contraction Method is presented. The control task is formulated as a tracking problem for Euler angles, where the desired decoupled output transients are accomplished under assumption of high-level, high-frequency sensor noise and incomplete information about varying parameters of the system and external disturbances. The resulting controller has a simple form of a combination of a low-order linear dynamical system and a matrix whose entries depend nonlinearly on certain measurable flight variables

    Changes of gonadosomatic index (GSI) and egg diameter in the grayling Thymallus thymallus (L.) in annual cycle

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    The most intense growth of grayling ovaries takes place in autumn and winter (September-March), of testes-in summer (July-September). Older females and males all seasons have a higher GSI, and the diameter of developing eggs is higher

    Heavy metals and chlorinated hydrocarbons in some fish species from Odra river

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    Jednymi z wielu zanieczyszcze艅, kt贸re z ca艂ego obszaru dorzecza Odry trafiaj膮 do jej uj艣cia s膮 metale ci臋偶kie oraz chlorowane w臋glowodory, w tym pestycydy i polichlorowane bifenyle. Substancje te s膮 powszechnie znanym wska藕nikiem zanieczyszczenia 艣rodowiska. Por贸wnanie st臋偶e艅 metali ci臋偶kich w badanych materia艂ach i por贸wnanie ich z warto艣ciami naturalnymi pozwala oszacowa膰 stopie艅 ska偶enia ekosystem贸w, a w tym 偶yj膮cych w nich organizm贸w (Johnels et al., 1967; Portmann, 1972). Z drugiej strony obecno艣膰 substancji chloroorganicznych takich jak lindan, DDT czy polichlorowane bifenyle, kt贸re w 艣rodowisku s膮 substancjami obcymi pokazuje nam w jakim stopniu w poszczeg贸lnych obszarach istotny jest problem antropopresji (Falandysz, 1982; Schneider, 1982; Zitko i in., 1976). Badania zawarto艣ci tych substancji w rybach i innych organizmach wodnych 偶yj膮cych w wodach estuarium Odry podj臋to na pocz膮tku lat 70-tych (Chodyniecki i in., 1975). Wyniki bada艅 wskazuj膮, 偶e poziom zanieczyszczenia hydrobiont贸w w estuarium Odry by艂 bardzo zr贸偶nicowany, co jest szczeg贸lnie widoczne w przypadku planktonu, w kt贸rym poziom kontaminant贸w obni偶a艂 si臋 w miar臋 oddalania si臋 od Szczecina w kierunku Ba艂tyku. Pewne r贸偶nice notowano tak偶e na podstawie badania tkanek ryb (Protasowicki, 1991; Ciereszko, 1993). Analiza wynik贸w wieloletnich bada艅 pozwoli艂a stwierdzi膰, 偶e w tym czasie poziom rt臋ci, cynku i DDT w niekt贸rych hydrobiontach wykazywa艂 trend spadkowy. Ros艂a natomiast zawarto艣膰 kadmu, o艂owiu i PCB. Pozosta艂e badane ksenobiotyki (Cu i gamma-HCH) nie wykazywa艂y istotnych tendencji zmian (Protasowicki, 1991; Ciereszko, 1993). Ryby s膮 cz臋sto wykorzystywane jako bioindykatory zanieczyszczenia 艣rodowiska metalami ci臋偶kimi i innymi substancjami toksycznymi czy szkodliwymi (Johnels i in., 1967; Portmann, 1972; Statham i in., 1976). Celem niniejszych bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie poziomu bioakumulacji niekt贸rych metali ci臋偶kich i substancji chloroorganicznych w wybranych gatunkach ryb z Odry.Heavy metals and chlorinated hydrocarbons, in this pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls are among many pollutants which from the whole area of Odra riverbasin flow to its outlet. These substances are universally well-known coefficient of environment pollution. Level of the contamination of ecosystems and living in them organisms may be estimated by comparison of concentrations of heavy metals in studied materials and comparison them with natural values. On the other hand presence of chloroorganic substances such as lindane, DDT or polychlorinated biphenyls, which are alien substances in the environment, shows us in what level in individual areas atropopression problem is significant. Fish are often used as bioindicators of environment pollution with heavy metals or other toxic or harmful substances. Bioaccumulation of some heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) and chlororganic substances (?-HCH, ?DDT, PCB) in muscles, liver, kidneys, and gills of the selected fish species from the Odra River were determined. Fish for studies were caught in years 1996 - 2000 in Mi臋dzyodrze and Wroc艂aw area: roach - Rutilus rutilus, rudd - Scardinius erythrophtalmus, bream - Abramis brama, white bream - Blicca bjoerkna, blue bream - Abramis ballerus, carp - Cyprinus carpio, asp - Aspius aspius and perch - Perca fluviatilis. Content of heavy metals and chlororganic substances in studied tissues differed depending on fish species, kind of organ and fishing area (the last conclusion concerns heavy metals content only). The higher contents of mercury and lead were fund fish organs caught in Mi臋dzyodrze than these coming from Odra in Wroc艂aw area. In the case of copper and zinc relations were opposite. While relation among contents of cadmium was not so explicit and depended from organ in considerable measure - the higher content of this element occurred in fish kidneys and gill while its concentration was lower in muscles in Wroclaw area and in livers these differences changed in dependence on species. Analysed chlorinated hydrocarbons in biggest quantities usually were accumulated in livers, and in far order in muscles and gills. Accumulation of lindane in asp organs was an exceptio