826 research outputs found

    A Study of Form and Structure in Pierre Boulez\u27s Pli selon Pli

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    In his 1963 treatise, Penser la musique aujourd’hui, Pierre Boulez proposes that there should be no distinction between serial materials and large-scale form. After his self-professed failure with Structures 1a and Polyphonie X due to the incapacity of the twelve-tone series to provide form in and of itself, Boulez reassessed and expanded his compositional approach to include what he refers to as “indiscipline,” which permitted him a new freedom to modify his materials as he saw fit through a plethora of new techniques, and to link these materials to large-scale forms that take their inspiration largely from literary influences. This investigation seeks to concretize Boulez’s proposed relationship between serial content and large-scale form in “Don” (1962) and “Tombeau” (1959), the framing movements of Pli selon Pli, largely by establishing the nature of their formal organization and the origin of the serial materials used in their construction. The course of this investigation traces the developmental history of materials used in “Don” and “Tombeau” which includes analyses of materials used in the unpublished Oubli signal lapidĂ© (1952), the retracted drama L’Orestie (1954–55), the unpublished work for solo flute Strophes (1955–56), the TroisiĂšme Sonate (1955–57), Le Marteau sans maĂźtre (1953-55) and the inner movements of Pli selon Pli: the “Improvisation[s] sur MallarmĂ© I, II, and III” (1957, 1957, and 1959 respectively). The materials developed for “Don” and “Tombeau” are largely continuations of different lineages of serial materials developed for these earlier works and form constellations of structurally related materials that persist beyond the boundaries of individual works. Taken together, the works composed during the period 1952–62 are the most inspired and creative in Boulez’s compositional history. The trajectory of this investigation incrementally introduces the reader to increasingly larger-scale means of organizing serial materials that culminate in Boulez’s evolving theory of discontinuous musical form. Connections among works and their organizational structure are largely derived from sketch studies undertaken at the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel, Switzerland

    Hardy spaces and quasiregular mappings

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    We study Hardy spaces Hp\mathcal{H}^p, 0<p<∞0<p<\infty for quasiregular mappings on the unit ball BB in Rn\mathbb{R}^n which satisfy appropriate growth and multiplicity conditions. Under these conditions we recover several classical results for analytic functions and quasiconformal mappings in Hp\mathcal{H}^p. In particular, we characterize Hp\mathcal{H}^p in terms of non-tangential limit functions and non-tangential maximal functions of quasiregular mappings. Among applications we show that every quasiregular map in our class belongs to Hp\mathcal{H}^p for some p=p(n,K)p=p(n,K). Moreover, we provide characterization of Carleson measures on BB via integral inequalities for quasiregular mappings on BB. We also discuss the Bergman spaces of quasiregular mappings and their relations to Hp\mathcal{H}^p spaces and analyze correspondence between results for Hp\mathcal{H}^p spaces and A\mathcal{A}-harmonic functions. A key difference between the previously known results for quasiconformal mappings in Rn\mathbb{R}^n and our setting is the role of multiplicity conditions and the growth of mappings that need not be injective. Our paper extends results by Astala and Koskela, Jerison and Weitsman, Jones, Nolder, and Zinsmeister.Comment: 21 page

    Bounded Arithmetic in Free Logic

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    One of the central open questions in bounded arithmetic is whether Buss' hierarchy of theories of bounded arithmetic collapses or not. In this paper, we reformulate Buss' theories using free logic and conjecture that such theories are easier to handle. To show this, we first prove that Buss' theories prove consistencies of induction-free fragments of our theories whose formulae have bounded complexity. Next, we prove that although our theories are based on an apparently weaker logic, we can interpret theories in Buss' hierarchy by our theories using a simple translation. Finally, we investigate finitistic G\"odel sentences in our systems in the hope of proving that a theory in a lower level of Buss' hierarchy cannot prove consistency of induction-free fragments of our theories whose formulae have higher complexity

    Conserving Water in Irrigated Agriculture: The Economics and Valuation of Water Rights

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    The effective management of water resources in Alberta is crucial to sustainable agriculture, industrial development, and environmental management. The historical water allocation mechanism, administrative apportionment, has been viewed in recent years as ineffective and cumbersome. Accordingly, the revision of the Water Act in 1996, included an attempt to improve the efficiency of water allocation. By making the transfer of water rights possible, the revised Act provides many new options for water use and flexibility. The implications of transferable water rights in Alberta water policy must be carefully considered in order to determine the viability and suitability of such a system in the provincial context. This project examines some of the economic aspects of transferable water rights and the potential for effective water allocation by way of transfers in an Alberta setting. As a major part of this project, a hedonic price model, focusing on land values in southern Alberta, was constructed based on similar models, which have been used elsewhere to value water rights or agricultural products. The hedonic approach to market analysis uses the relationship between the price of land and the attributes of the land, such as water availability, soil quality and location, to explain differences in land prices. In this process, the hedonic model is used to estimate the implicit marginal price or value of each land attribute -- in our case, the marginal value of irrigation water. This value will provide us with an indirect estimate of the value of water rights in the region studied. An advantage of the technique is that it estimates the value that farmers express for irrigation water in the market place for land. Such values, then, give us an indication of the anticipated prices, which might prevail for water rights in southern Alberta. The focus of the study was an area of southern Alberta encompassing the counties of Wheatland, Newell, Cypress, Forty Mile, Taber, Warner, Lethbridge and Vulcan and the irrigation districts of Western, Eastern, St.Mary's, Taber, Lethbridge Northern, and portions of Raymond. Information was collected on the physical and economic characteristics of 230 land parcels, which were sold in this region in 1993 and early 1994. A crude comparison of the value of irrigated agricultural land and non-irrigated agricultural land in the sample reveals that irrigated land was worth, on average, 325moreperacrethannon−irrigatedland.Intheensuinganalysis,itwasestimatedthatthevalueofaparceloflandwasdeterminedlargelybythebuildingsonit,thenumberofacresintheparcel,theproximityoftheparceltoamajorcity(inthiscaseCalgaryorLethbridge),andbytheavailabilityofirrigationwater.Inthehedonicmodel,thecoefficientvaluesofthevariablesincludedrepresentthemarginalimpactofeachofthesecharacteristicsonlandpricesholdingallotherthingsconstant.Forexample,thevalueofwaterrightsrepresentstheaveragedifferencebetweenlandvaluesoffarmsthathaveaccesstoirrigationandfarmsthatdonot.Thisstudyestimatedthateverydollarofimprovementstofarmbuildingstranslatestoaonecentincreaseintheperacrepriceofthelandparcel,wheretheadditionofoneextraacreoflandtoalandparcellowersthepriceperacreby325 more per acre than non-irrigated land. In the ensuing analysis, it was estimated that the value of a parcel of land was determined largely by the buildings on it, the number of acres in the parcel, the proximity of the parcel to a major city (in this case Calgary or Lethbridge), and by the availability of irrigation water. In the hedonic model, the coefficient values of the variables included represent the marginal impact of each of these characteristics on land prices holding all other things constant. For example, the value of water rights represents the average difference between land values of farms that have access to irrigation and farms that do not. This study estimated that every dollar of improvements to farm buildings translates to a one cent increase in the per acre price of the land parcel, where the addition of one extra acre of land to a land parcel lowers the price per acre by 5.17 per acre. Land prices were seen to increase with the proximity of the parcel to large cities. Similarly, the results of the preferred model indicate that the implicit value of having access to irrigation water in southern Alberta is approximately 190peracre,or,usingtheconventionalestimatethatirrigatingoneacreoflandrequires1.5acrefeetofwater,thistranslatesto190 per acre, or, using the conventional estimate that irrigating one acre of land requires 1.5 acre feet of water, this translates to 126 per acre foot of irrigation water. Accordingly, it is revealed that the existence of water rights adds approximately 35% to the value of non-irrigated land. Since this value represents the implicit amount farmers are willing to pay for access to water, it could also be construed as an indirect measure of the value of water rights. From these results, it is reasonable to conclude that water rights do have a measurable impact on land values. Accordingly, proper incentives may be needed to ensure that water is used efficiently and not incorrectly treated as a relatively free or cheap good. One possible method of policy reform to achieve such a system would be the institution of a system of transferable water rights, permitting water to be traded, or effectively sold, at its market price or scarcity value. Further work was done to determine the potential effects of transferable water rights on the Eastern Irrigation District in southern Alberta. Farm budget information was used to gather information and create twelve representative farm types whose financial performance was analysed using linear programming with increasing water quantity constraints. The resulting productive water values were then used to imply potential reallocations of water among farm types and cropping systems. Analysis of the data gathered revealed that all representative farms faced downward sloping demand functions for water. The overall value of water for a 1% reduction ranged from 8to8 to 250 per acre foot, with the lowest value belonging to largely pasture operations and the highest value attributed to specialty crop producers. This large range in water values for the region indicates that there is sufficient heterogeneity within the EID to accommodate a transferable rights system. Further analysis of the data reveals that the implementation of a transfer system would result in water being transferred to specialty crop producers and the acreage devoted to specialty crops would increase. Small irrigated pasture operations and cereal crop producers would be the first to give up their water allocations under a transfer system. The analysis indicates that there is considerable potential for economic gains from water trade within this district, the main constraint being the market limitations to expanded specialty crop production. Using these two major studies and other sources, this report concludes with a brief evaluation of the economic advantages, disadvantages and other issues involved in instituting a system of transferable water rights in Alberta. Experience elsewhere, primarily in Australia and the western United States, strongly suggests that transferable water rights, despite some drawbacks and problems of implementation, can be a very worthwhile water policy tool. Now that such tradable water rights are permissible under the revised Water Resources Act of 1996, it is recommended that a pilot project involving transferable water rights be instituted in a water short basin or sub-basin in southern Alberta once a water management plan for that basin is completed.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Near-surface generation of negative ions in low-pressure discharges

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    Formation processes of negative ions in low-pressure plasmas are not yet fully understood: as a rule experiments reveal higher negative ion density than predicted by the models. In this work we report near-surface generation of negative ions. This hitherto neglected formation mechanism appears to be important in low-pressure discharges and can have large impacts on the bulk plasma chemistry. We monitor energy-resolved positive and negative ion fluxes arriving at the electrodes in an oxygen parallel-plate radio-frequency ~rf, 13.56 MHz! and dc glow plasmas by means of a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Negative ions formed in the plasma volume are observed by extracting them through an orifice in the anode of a dc glow discharge. Unexpectedly, we record large negative ion signals at the cathode of a dc discharge and at the grounded electrode of an rf discharge. These ions are formed in the plasma sheath, in collision processes involving high-energy species. We propose an efficient mechanism of negative ion generation due to ion pair formation in the sheath

    Near-surface generation of negative ions in low-pressure discharges

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    Formation processes of negative ions in low-pressure plasmas are not yet fully understood: as a rule experiments reveal higher negative ion density than predicted by the models. In this work we report near-surface generation of negative ions. This hitherto neglected formation mechanism appears to be important in low-pressure discharges and can have large impacts on the bulk plasma chemistry. We monitor energy-resolved positive and negative ion fluxes arriving at the electrodes in an oxygen parallel-plate radio-frequency ~rf, 13.56 MHz! and dc glow plasmas by means of a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Negative ions formed in the plasma volume are observed by extracting them through an orifice in the anode of a dc glow discharge. Unexpectedly, we record large negative ion signals at the cathode of a dc discharge and at the grounded electrode of an rf discharge. These ions are formed in the plasma sheath, in collision processes involving high-energy species. We propose an efficient mechanism of negative ion generation due to ion pair formation in the sheath

    High-pressure Raman study of L-alanine crystal

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    Pressure-dependent Raman scattering studies in the range 0.0 -- 32 kbar were carried out in L-alanine in order to investigate its external mode phonon spectra in relation to the phase transitions in the crystal. A careful analysis of the spectra shows that the low-energy Raman modes exhibit variation both in frequency and in intensity and between 26 and 28 kbar it is observed a splitting of a external mode, indicating that the D_2 normal phase undergoes a transition. Pressure coefficients for external modes are also given.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 2 figure
