398 research outputs found

    Powers are Golod

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    Let II be a proper graded ideal in a positively graded polynomial ring SS over a field of characteristic 0. In this note it is shown that S/IkS/I^k is Golod for all k≥2k\geq 2

    Monomial localizations and polymatroidal ideals

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    In this paper we consider monomial localizations of monomial ideals and conjecture that a monomial ideal is polymatroidal if and only if all its monomial localizations have a linear resolution. The conjecture is proved for squarefree monomial ideals where it is equivalent to a well-known characterization of matroids. We prove our conjecture in many other special cases. We also introduce the concept of componentwise polymatroidal ideals and extend several of the results, known for polymatroidal ideals, to this new class of ideals

    Stability properties of powers of ideals over regular local rings of small dimension

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    Let (R,m)(R,\mathfrak{m}) be a regular local ring or a polynomial ring over a field, and let II be an ideal of RR which we assume to be graded if RR is a polynomial ring. Let astab(I)(I) resp. astab‾(I)\overline{\rm astab}(I) be the smallest integer nn for which Ass(In)(I^n) resp. Ass(In‾)(\overline{I^n}) stabilize, and dstab(I)(I) be the smallest integer nn for which depth(In)(I^n) stabilizes. Here In‾\overline{I^n} denotes the integral closure of InI^n. We show that astab(I)=astab‾(I)=dstab(I)(I)=\overline{\rm astab}(I)={\rm dstab}(I) if dim R≤2\,R\leq 2, while already in dimension 33, astab(I)(I) and astab‾(I)\overline{\rm astab}(I) may differ by any amount. Moreover, we show that if dim R=4\,R=4, then there exist ideals II and JJ such that for any positive integer cc one has astab(I)−dstab(I)≥c{\rm astab}(I)-{\rm dstab}(I)\geq c and dstab(J)−astab(J)≥c{\rm dstab}(J)-{\rm astab}(J)\geq c.Comment: 9 pages, Comments are welcom

    Bounds for the regularity of local cohomology of bigraded modules

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    Let MM be a finitely generated bigraded module over the standard bigraded polynomial ring S=K[x1,...,xm,y1,...,yn]S=K[x_1,...,x_m, y_1,...,y_n], and let Q=(y1,...,yn)Q=(y_1,...,y_n). The local cohomology modules HQk(M)H^k_Q(M) are naturally bigraded, and the components H^k_Q(M)_j=\Dirsum_iH^k_Q(M)_{(i,j)} are finitely generated graded K[x1,...,xm]K[x_1,...,x_m]-modules. In this paper we study the regularity of HQk(M)jH^k_Q(M)_j, and show in several cases that \reg H^k_Q(M)_j is linearly bounded as a function of jj

    The face ideal of a simplicial complex

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    Given a simplicial complex we associate to it a squarefree monomial ideal which we call the face ideal of the simplicial complex, and show that it has linear quotients. It turns out that its Alexander dual is a whisker complex. We apply this construction in particular to chain and antichain ideals of a finite partially ordered set. We also introduce so-called higher dimensional whisker complexes and show that their independence complexes are shellable

    Depth stability of edge ideals

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    Let GG be a connected finite simple graph and let IGI_G be the edge ideal of GG. The smallest number kk for which \depth S/I_G^k stabilizes is denoted by \dstab(I_G). We show that \dstab(I_G)<\ell(I_G) where ℓ(IG)\ell(I_G) denotes the analytic spread of II. For trees we give a stronger upper bound for \dstab(I_G). We also show for any two integers 1≤a<b1\leq a<b there exists a tree for which \dstab(I_G)=a and ℓ(IG)=b\ell(I_G)=b

    On the fiber cone of monomial ideals

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    We consider the fiber cone of monomial ideals. It is shown that for monomial ideals I⊂K[x,y]I\subset K[x,y] of height 22, generated by 33 elements, the fiber cone F(I)F(I) of II is a hypersurface ring, and that F(I)F(I) has positive depth for interesting classes of height 22 monomial ideals I⊂K[x,y]I\subset K[x,y], which are generated by 44 elements. For these classes of ideals we also show that F(I)F(I) is Cohen--Macaulay if and only if the defining ideal JJ of F(I)F(I) is generated by at most 3 elements. In all the cases a minimal set of generators of JJ is determined

    Matching numbers and the regularity of the Rees algebra of an edge ideal

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    The regularity of the Rees ring of the edge ideal of a finite simple graph is studied. We show that the matching number is a lower and matching number~+1+1 is an upper bound of the regularity, if the Rees algebra is normal. In general the induced matching number is a lower bound for the regularity, which can be shown by applying the squarefree divisor complex

    Expansions of monomial ideals and multigraded modules

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    We introduce an exact functor defined on multigraded modules which we call the expansion functor and study its homological properties. The expansion functor applied to a monomial ideal amounts to substitute the variables by monomial prime ideals and to apply this substitution to the generators of the ideal. This operation naturally occurs in various combinatorial contexts

    Freiman ideals

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    In this paper we study the Freiman inequality for the minimal number of generators of the square of an equigenerated monomial ideal. Such an ideal is called a Freiman ideal if equality holds in the Freiman inequality. We classify all Freiman ideals of maximal height, the Freiman ideals of certain classes of principal Borel ideals, the Hibi ideals which are Freiman, and classes of Veronese type ideals which are Freiman
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