188 research outputs found

    Art and Science: A different convergence

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    In today's world, so much knowledge is developed through a steady stream of short research projects that longer ones are becoming more unusual. That is why we decided to pause and look back over the seven-year-long joint endeavor between The Pictorium and Certec. This was also seen as a short-term project from the beginning. What has sustained it over the years? The answer surprised even us: its staying power has arisen from its core, in the convergence of art and science. Such a meeting is part of what our culture and society often advocate in comprehensive terms. Conscious efforts of a similar nature are at times carried out from within the worlds of art and science. But in this case the convergence was not at all part of the original intention, and we who have participated in the work have not actually considered it in those terms from within the project's framework. After so many year of not seeing what was staring us in the face, it is thus exciting to raise the question about what is holding it all together, what the linchpin can be. Is it perhaps so elementary and at the same time so exquisite that the questions of art, and the questions-and-answers of science have happened to find a meeting place, unusual though it might be

    Pacemaking Jönköping

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    "We know and can do much more than we thought we could!" Perhaps this is what is most clearly revealed by the participants in Pacemaking Jönköping. The process, final report and the project's continuation comprise living proof that people in Sweden in

    Isaac användarhandledning

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    Kålflugornas larver kan orsaka svåra skador i kålodlingar. Lilla kålflugan (Delia radicum), är den dominerande arten i kålodlingsdistrikten i Skåne och mellersta Sverige. I de norra delarna av landet har stora kålflugan (Delia floralis), i allmänhet störst betydelse, men denna art kan också förekomma på lätta jordar i södra Sverige


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    Jordflyn tillhör familjen nattflyn (Noctuidae). Sädesbroddflyet (Arotis segetum) är allmänt förekommande i vårt land upp till Gävleborgs län. Larver till sädesbroddflyet kan vissa år förorsaka skador av stor ekonomisk betydelse i många kultmväxter, speciellt rotfrukter. Larver av andra arter förorsakar skador i mindre omfattning. Av dessa kan nämnas åkerjordflyet (Agrotis exclamationis) vars biologi i stort överensstämmer med sädesbroddflyets. Beskrivningen nedan hänför sig till sädesbroddflyet

    Certec : en udda fågel

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    När LTH hade hunnit ungefär till halvtid, det vill säga för 25 år sedan, uppkom en liten centrumbildning för rehabiliteringsteknik med akronymen ”Certec”. Nu år 2011 ingår Certec i Institutionen för Designvetenskaper med sitt forskarutbildningsämne ”rehabiliteringsteknik” som en av institutionens sju forskningsinriktningar.Namnet ”Certec” behövs alltså inte längre, men det finns kvar som vårt positivt laddade varumärke, skriver Bodil Jönsson i denna berättelse

    What Isaac taught us

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    Communication aids for people with aphasia

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    The liquid drop model applied to the designer´s dilemma of "getting under the skin" of old users

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    Instead of discussing existing design methods that aim at bridging or annihilating gaps between users and designers, we want to highlight an approach for designers that helps us increase reflexivity of what is beyond our grasp when interacting with users. The first steps are to become aware of the gaps, identify them, and then manage them. This emphasises and makes visible to both parties the existing differences in conceptions. The tension between these differences is considered to be the potential for mutual learning which benefits future design processes involving the same communities of practice. This will be exemplified by four cases relevant for designers and implemented in the area of ageing and design