42 research outputs found

    Oral health-related quality of life, impaired physical health and orofacial pain in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis – a prospective multicenter cohort study

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    Background - Knowledge on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is limited, and longitudinal studies are lacking. We aimed to describe OHRQoL in children and adolescents with JIA compared to controls, and to explore the validity and internal consistency of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) and the Child Oral Impact on Daily Performance (Child-OIDP). Furthermore, we wanted to investigate associations between OHRQoL and orofacial pain, physical health, disease activity, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) involvement in JIA. Methods - The Norwegian prospective, multicenter cohort study recruited participants with JIA between 4 and 16 years of age and corresponding controls from three pediatric university hospital departments and public dental health services. In the present study, we analyzed OHRQoL in all children  Results - The same OHRQoL questionnaire was completed both at first visit and two-year follow-up in 101 children  0: JIA group 81% and 85%, p = 0.791; control group 65% and 69%, p = 0.815), while adolescents with JIA reported fewer impacts at the two-year follow-up (Child OIDP > 0: JIA group 27% and 15%, p = 0.004; control group 21% and 14%, p = 0.230). The internal consistency of the OHRQoL instruments was overall acceptable and the criterion validity indicated that the instruments were valid at both visits. Orofacial pain was more frequent in children and adolescents with JIA than in controls. We found associations between OHRQoL impacts and orofacial pain, impaired physical health, disease activity, and TMJ involvement. Conclusions - Children and adolescents with orofacial pain or impaired physical health were more likely to report impacts on daily life activities than those without. Pediatric rheumatologists and dentists should be aware of impaired OHRQoL in individuals with JIA with active disease or temporomandibular joint involvement

    The future of interpretive accounting research:A Polyphonic Debate

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    In 1997-99 the three of us organised a series of European Commission funded conferences aimed at building a network of young researchers in the area of accounting. At the time “young” was defined by the Commission as researchers under 35 years of age (allowing for maternity leave or national service). Over the intervening years our network had grown and we wanted to try and take stock of the field in which we had now been working for a surprising number of years. To that Page 1 of 29 Accepted Manuscript 2 end we put together the above email and a broad invitation list of people who had been at those first meetings, and others of the same generation (or even younger) whom we had met since. About half of those originally contacted managed to make the meeting where we spent a stimulating couple of hours of debate on the topics raised below—so stimulating that we developed a collective desire to leave a trace of the discussion. Writing a traditional paper with so many, so widely dispersed authors was not going to work. Instead we came up with a different form of collective writing that mirrored the original debate, and that might contribute to ongoing debates in this journal concerning the nature and status of our research (e.g. Arrington, 2004; Inanga & Schneider, 2005; Macintosh, 2004). We agreed a process in which each of us in turn would have one week to add a target of 300 words to a rolling document, going through the contributors alphabetically. After two rounds we would see what we had got

    Bottenstress i Östersjön 1999-2000

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    Calculations of bottom friction velocity due to waves for five different particle sizes. Wave data are modelled with HYPAS, a second generation spectral wave model (GĂŒnther, Rosenthal, 1995). HYPAS is forced by MESAN (HĂ€ggmark et al. 2000). Ice is not included in the calculation. Used equations can be found in Danielsson et al (2007) Resuspension patterns in the Baltic Proper. Journal of Sea Research, 57, 257-269. Notes: HYPAS wave model is used for wave data. SMHI set up is used and it is forced by MESAN data. The modelled winds are known to be slightly underestimated why the wave field might be the same. Ice is not included, which gives that the waves are exagerrated in times when there are ice. The dataset variables are: Um - maximum orbital velocity at the bottom Us006 - is the Shields parameter (non-dimensionalized bottom stress) for grain size diameter 0.06 mm Us025 - Shields parameter for grain size diameter 0.25 mm Us050 - Shields parameter for grain size diameter 0.50 mm Us100 - Shields parameter for grain size diameter 1.00 mm Us200 - Shields parameter for grain size diameter 2.00 mm The Shields parameter used is presented in Eq 6 in Jönsson, A (2006) A model study of suspended sand due to surface waves during a storm in the Baltic Proper, Journal of Marine Systems, 6391-104.BerĂ€kningar av bottenfriktionshastighet pĂ„ grund av vĂ„gor för fem olika partikelstorlekar. VĂ„gdata har modellerats med HYPAS, en spektralvĂ„gsmodell (GĂŒnther, Rosenthal, 1995). Se engelska katalogsidan för utförligare beskrivning: https://snd.gu.se/en/catalogue/study/ECDS010

    Model Studies of Surface Waves and Sediment Resuspension in the Baltic Sea

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    Wave heights and periods of surface waves in the Baltic Sea have been modelled for a two-year period (1999-2000) with the wave model Hypas on an 11x11-km grid scale. There is a clear seasonal variation with higher waves during winter and lower during summer. This is mainly a reflection of the wind climate in the area where the winters are windier than the summers. The largest waves are found in the Skagerrak and over the deeper, eastern areas in the Baltic Proper. In the Baltic Sea, the surface waves influence the bottom sediment by initiating resuspension down to 80 m depths. This process is dependent not only on the waves but also on the varying grain size diameters. Fine and medium sand resuspend more often than other sediment types, and these sediments cover together about 25% of the Baltic Proper area. On average sediment is here resuspended 4-5 times per month with a duration for each event of 22 hours. The highest resuspension frequencies are found on the eastern and southern side of the Baltic Proper. During resuspension sediment grains are lifted up into the water mass and matters earlier bound in the sediment can be released. This may stimulate both production and degradation of organic matter

    The Baltic Sea Wave Field : Impacts on the Sediment and Biogeochemistry

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    The wave field in the Baltic Sea has been modelled for a two-year period with the spectral wave model HYPAS. There is a large seasonal variation in the field and a minor annual one, both reflect the wind variation in the area. Since the Baltic Sea is fetch limited, the dominant wind direction is important for the maximum wave heights. By studying the modelled wave energy density in combination with bottom type maps, the effect of the wave field on the sediment surface is examined. Up to half the bottoms in the Baltic Sea are affected ~25% of the time. A statistical relation between wave energy density and bottom types is found for the Gulf of Riga, but in the rest of the area the sediment maps were to coarse. It is, due to this, not possible to say if the result is valid for the whole area or if it is site specific. During resuspension events the remineralisation is increased since deposited organic material is reintroduced into the watermass and there exposed to higher levels of oxygen. This process could act as an increased regional source of nitrogen in nutrient budgets and thus influence the conditions for nitrogen fixation and perhaps explain some of the geographical differences in the nitrogen fixation rates

    Matematik i en sagobok : Hur pedagogen ÄskÄdliggör matematiken i en sagobok för barn i förskola/förskoleklass

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    Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka vilken matematik som finns i en sagobok. Vi har observerat hur pedagoger kan anvÀnda en sagobok som underlag för att ÄskÄdliggöra matematiken för barn i förskola/förskoleklass. För att ta reda vilken matematik pedagogerna ÄskÄdliggör filmade vi pedagogernas sagolÀsning och anvÀnde en matematisk observationsguide. Dessutom fick pedagogerna strukturerade intervjufrÄgor att svara pÄ. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna inte alltid ÄskÄdliggör matematiken enbart med matematiska begrepp utan att de Àven anvÀnder ton- och röstlÀgen, mimik och kroppssprÄk för att ÄskÄdliggöra matematiken. Den dolda matematiken som finns i illustrationerna ÄskÄdliggjordes inte av pedagoger

    The Patients Lived Experience of the Early Postoperative Period at Home after Surgery for Upper Gastrointestinal Tumor - an Interpretative Phenomenological Study

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    Patienter som genomgÄtt kirurgi pÄ grund av övre gastrointestinal (GI) cancer drabbas oftast av olika postoperativa besvÀr som starkt pÄverkar patientens livssituation. Syftet: Att undersöka hur patienter som opererats för en misstÀnkt eller diagnostiserad övre GI-cancer upplever den tidiga postoperativa tiden i hemmet innan första Äterbesöket. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med tolkande fenomenologisk ansats. Tio patienter intervjuades och den transkriberade texten analyserades enligt Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Resultat: Fem överordnade teman framtrÀdde: mat och Àtande, kroppsfunktioner, ÄterhÀmtning, stöd och oro inför framtiden. Informanterna upplevde att de hade en helt ny livssituation att anpassa sig till. Maten och Àtandet var ett stort problem som de hade svÄrt att hantera, likasÄ var tröttheten dominerande. De flesta upplevde ett gott stöd frÄn sina anhöriga men de saknade stöd frÄn professionen. Informanterna uttalade önskemÄl om kontinuerlig kontakt med sjukvÄrden som initieras av densamma. Konklusion: Patienter som opererats pÄ grund av övre GI-cancer befinner sig i en mycket sÄrbar tid i livet och behovet av stöd Àr av största betydelse. Riktad information till bÄde patient och anhöriga preoperativt, samt kontinuerlig och strukturerad uppföljning av kontaktsjuksköterska och dietist postoperativt behövs för att kunna förbÀttra livskvaliteten, öka vÀlbefinnandet och samtidigt höja kvaliteten pÄ vÄrden för dessa patienter

    Busungar! – Hur kan lĂ€raren arbeta för att behĂ„lla oroliga och stökiga elever i klassrummet?

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    Uppsatsens syfte Àr att ta reda pÄ hur lÀraren kan bedriva undervisning i klassrummet och samtidigt behÄlla busungarna i salen. Med ordet busungar menas alla barn, bÄde flickor och pojkar, som allmÀnt stör inne i klassrummet. Oftast Àr dessa elever vÀldigt stökiga och högljudda. Genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer och observationer med de olika parterna som Àr inblandade i elevernas undervisning har möjligheter att integrera dessa elever i undervisningen undersökts. PÄ den skola dÀr den empiriska delen av undersökningen genomfördes har man ett fungerande system dÀr busungarna tas om hand pÄ ett bra sÀtt sÄ att de inte stör undervisningen

    En skola för alla - Pedagogers erfarande om lÀrande, utveckling och delaktighet för integrerade sÀrskoleelever i grundskoleklasser

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    En skola för alla – Pedagogers erfarande om lĂ€rande, utveckling och delaktighet för integrerade sĂ€rskoleelever i grundskoleklasser. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka hur verksamma pedagoger uppfattar, erfar integrerade sĂ€rskoleelevers lĂ€rande, utveckling och delaktighet i grundskoleklasser. I litteraturgenomgĂ„ngen belyses vĂ„rt syfte utifrĂ„n olika aspekter som ska bidra till en ökad kunskap och förstĂ„else för lĂ€saren.I den empiriska undersökningen har sex pedagoger intervjuats utifrĂ„n en fenomenografisk forskningsansats, vilken Ă€r en kvalitativ metod och ett vetenskapligt förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt att studera uppfattningar. Resultatet av pedagogernas erfarande/uppfattningar visar pĂ„ olika betydelsefulla omrĂ„den som Ă€r viktiga för elevgruppens lĂ€rande, utveckling och delaktighet. Dessa omrĂ„den Ă€r tid, resurser/stöd, gruppen, sprĂ„k och kommunikation, individualisering och kunskaper om elevgruppen

    Hur Àgare i mikroföretag anvÀnder informationskÀllor : egenskaper och erfarenheter

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    Mikroföretag skiljer sig frĂ„n smĂ„ och stora företag. Ägaren Ă€r en central del i mikroföretag och oftast Ă€ven den enda beslutsfattaren. Detta innebĂ€r att Ă€garen som person inverkar pĂ„ de beslut som tas i företaget. I beteendeteori diskuteras objektivitet och rationalitet vid beslutsfattande. DĂ€r betonas det att individer har mycket svĂ„rt att bortse helt ifrĂ„n sig sjĂ€lva. Med andra ord Ă€r det de egenskaper och erfarenheter Ă€garen bĂ€r pĂ„ som utgör grunden för hur man fattar beslut. Detta leder in pĂ„ uppsatsens syfte vilket Ă€r att förklara hur egenskaper och erfarenheter hos Ă€garen i mikroföretag pĂ„verkar anvĂ€ndningen av informationskĂ€llor vid investeringsbeslut. För att svara pĂ„ syftet utgick uppsatsen frĂ„n epistemologin och en positivistisk ansats. En kvantitativ forskningsmetod anvĂ€ndes för att utnyttja den korta tidsplan som fanns. Genom en kvantitativ forskningsmetod fanns det möjlighet att samla en större mĂ€ngd data pĂ„ kort tid. Detta mynnade ut i en webbaserad enkĂ€t som kunde analyseras statistiskt. Resultatet visade att utifrĂ„n uppsatsens datamaterial förklarar inte egenskaperna och erfarenheterna hos Ă€garen i mikroföretag antalet informationskĂ€llor de anvĂ€nder vid investeringsbeslut. Det gick inte heller att förklara vilka informationskĂ€llor Ă€garna anvĂ€nder beroende pĂ„ vilka egenskaper och erfarenheter de har. DĂ€remot visar den att Ă€garna i mikroföretag Ă€r flexibla, innovativa, har kontrollbehov och Ă€r riskvilliga, vilket kan vara av vĂ€rde vid fortsatt forskning. Uppsatsens modell förkastas inte, dĂ€remot borde den testas igen.Micro firms are different from small and larger companies. The owner is a central part of the micro firm and often the sole decision maker. This implicates that the owner as an individual affect the decisions made through the company. Being objective and rational is discussed in behavioral theory, where it is highlighted that for an individual it is very hard to entirely overlook from himself. In other words it is the personal characteristics and experiences of the owner that affects how the company makes decisions. This leads us to the purpose of the dissertation which is to explain how personal characteristics and experiences of the owner manager in micro firms affect use of information sources when making investment decisions. The purpose is answered using a positivistic approach. A quantitative research method was used to take advantage of the short amount of time given. Through a quantitative research approach the possibility to get at big sample was higher. This resulted in a web-based questionnaire that could be analyzed statistically. The result based from the collected data showed that the personal characteristics and experiences of the owner manager in micro firms do not explain the number of used information sources. Nor does it explain which sources of information the owner managers use depending on what personal characteristics and experiences they have. However, it shows that owner managers in micro firms is flexible, innovative, need to have control and are willing to take risk. This finding could be used in future research. The model presented in this dissertation is not rejected; future research could make a contribution by testing it again