9 research outputs found

    膶imbenici koji utje膷u na sadr啪aj kolesterola u mlijeku krava hranjenih konzerviranim krmivima TMR sustavom tijekom godine

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the cholesterol content in the milk of high yielding cows fed a uniform diet composed of conserved feeds over the whole year. The investigations were conducted on 124 Polish Holstein-Friesian cows, selected fromherd yielding 8457 kg milk with 4,58 % and 3,56 % of fat and protein content, respectively. The cows were maintained in a loose barn and fed ad libitum with TMR (total mixed ration) throughout the year. The diets consisted of corn silage and grass silage (at 50:50 ration on dry matter basis) and concentrates with mineral-vitamin mixture additives. Samples of milk were collected individually from each cow at monthly intervals during the whole year. The cholesterol content in milk (mg/dL) and in milk fat (mg/g) was related to the stage of lactation, season of the year, somatic cell count and fat content, but was not affected by the parity. The cholesterol content in daily milk yield (mg/cow/day) depended also on parity. Even though the cows were fed a uniform diet throughout the year according to the TMR system the cholesterol content in milk differed among seasons.Cilj ovog istra啪ivanja bio je ispitati promjene udjela kolesterola u visokomlije膷nih krava hranjenih obrokom sastavljenim od konzerviranih krmiva tijekom cijele godine. Istra啪ivanja su provedena na 124 holstein-frizijske krave, odabrane iz stada koje proizvode 8457 kg mlijeka s 4,58 % mlije膷ne masti i 3,56 % proteina, respektivno. Krave su dr啪ane u otvorenom tipu staja i hranjene ad libitum s potpuno izmije拧anim obrokom (TMR, total mixed ration) tijekom cijele godine. Obrok se sastojao od kukuruzne i travne sila啪e (50:50, na bazi suhe tvari) i koncentrata s mineralno-vitaminskim dodacima. Uzorci mlijeka prikupljani su pojedina膷no od svake krave u mjese膷nim intervalima tijekom cijele godine. Sadr啪aj kolesterola u mlijeku (mg/dL) i mlije膷noj masti (mg/g) u vezi je sa stadijem laktacije, godi拧njim dobom, brojem somatskih stanica i udjelom masti, ali nije bio pod utjecajem redoslijeda laktacije. Sadr啪aj kolesterola u dnevnoj koli膷ini mlijeka (mg/kravi/dan) ovisi tako膽er o redoslijedu laktacije. Unato膷 hranidbi krava uniformnom prehranom tijekom cijele godine TMR sustavom, sadr啪aj kolesterola u mlijeku mijenjao se pod utjecajem sezone

    Alcohol in the world of animals

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono wiele dowod贸w na to, 偶e upodobanie do alkoholu jest nie tylko przywar膮 ludzk膮, ale tak偶e i zwierz膮t wszystkich gatunk贸w. Zwierz臋ta 偶yj膮ce w 艣rodowisku naturalnym spo偶ywaj膮 r贸偶nego rodzaju owoce, nektary, glony morskie i inne produkty ro艣linne, kt贸re ze wzgl臋du na zawarto艣膰 艂atwo fermentuj膮cych cukr贸w w dojrza艂ym stadium zawieraj膮 tak偶e pewn膮 ilo艣膰 alkoholu. Zapach alkoholu wydobywaj膮cego si臋 z dojrza艂ych owoc贸w w g臋stym lesie tropikalnym umo偶liwia艂 zwierz臋tom znalezienie pokarmu, zwi臋kszaj膮c tym samym ich szans臋 na prze偶ycie. Dieta naczelnych przodk贸w Homo sapiens w znacznej cz臋艣ci sk艂ada艂a si臋 z owoc贸w, cz臋sto zbyt dojrza艂ych, w kt贸rych cukier uleg艂 przemianie na alkohol. W wyniku proces贸w ewolucyjnych sk艂onno艣膰 ta mog艂a utrwali膰 si臋 u naszych przodk贸w i jest przekazywana na wsp贸艂czesne pokolenia. Eksperymentalnie wykazano, 偶e spo偶ywanie alkoholu i jego konsekwencje u zwierz膮t s膮 podobne jak u ludzi. Szybko艣膰 metabolizowania alkoholu przez organizm jest zwi膮zana z d艂ugo艣ci膮 okresu jego spo偶ywania. Wyniki bada艅 naukowych wskazuj膮, 偶e ryzyko uzale偶nienia od alkoholu w 50-60% zale偶y od czynnik贸w genetycznych. Na chromosomach myszy i szczur贸w zidentyfikowano wiele gen贸w zwi膮zanych z zespo艂em abstynencyjnym. Wykazano ujemny wp艂yw alkoholu na rozw贸j mi臋艣ni, zwi膮zany z obni偶eniem poziomu hormonu anabolicznego (IGF1). Wbrew obiegowym opiniom alkohol nie wp艂ywa na z艂agodzenie stresu lecz przeciwnie - wzmaga reakcj臋 na stresory. U os贸b pij膮cych alkohol w m贸zgu wzrasta zawarto艣膰 bia艂ka, tzw. tkankowego aktywatora plazminogenu, kt贸re wsp贸艂pracuje z receptorami w m贸zgu (NMDA). U os贸b pij膮cych alkohol liczba tych receptor贸w gwa艂townie ro艣nie, lecz ich aktywno艣膰 jest blokowana przez alkohol. Po zaprzestaniu spo偶ywania alkoholu wspomniane receptory uaktywniaj膮 si臋, co prowadzi do wyst膮pienia stanu gro藕nego dla 偶ycia, okre艣lanego mianem "delirium tremens". Zdaniem naukowc贸w alkohol jest jedyn膮 substancj膮 uzale偶niaj膮c膮, po odstawieniu kt贸rej mo偶na umrze膰.This article presents ample evidence that the taste for alcohol is not only a human vice, but also the animals of all species. Animals living in the wild environmental eat different types of fruit, nectar, seaweed and other vegetable products, which due to the content of readily fermentable sugars in the mature stage also contain a certain amount of alcohol. The smell of alcohol emanating from the ripe fruit in the dense tropical forest enabled the animals to find food, thus increasing their chance of survival. Diet of primate ancestors of Homo sapiens in a large part consisted of fruit, often too ripe, in which sugar has been converted to alcohol. As a result of evolutionary processes, this tendency could prevail in our ancestors and had been passed to the modern generations. Experimentally demonstrated alcohol consumption and its consequences in animals are similar to those in humans. The rate of alcohol metabolism in the body is associated with the duration of consumption. Research results indicate that the risk of alcoholic addiction in the 50-60% depends on genetic factors. On the chromosomes of mice and rats several genes associated with the syndrome "abstinence from alcohol" were identified. Negative effects of alcohol were also demonstrated on the development of muscle, associated with decreased levels of anabolic hormone (IGF1). Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not affect the relaxation of stress, instead increases the response to stressors. In brains of people who drink alcohol were observed increases in the content of the protein called tissue plasminogen activator, which cooperates with receptors in the brain (NMDA). The number of these receptors is growing rapidly, but their activity is blocked by alcohol. After the cessation of alcohol use these receptors become activated, which leads to development of life-threatening condition known as "delirium tremens". It is believed that alcohol is the only addictive substance, which after stopping of its consumption may cause deaths

    Expression and polymorphism of defensins in farm animals

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    Due to their activity against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, antimicrobial peptides are important factors in the innate resistance system of humans and animals. They are called "new generation antibiotics" for their potential use in preventive and therapeutic medicine. The most numerous group of antimicrobial peptides is a family of cationic peptides which include defensins and cathelicidins. Among them the most common are peptides with a beta-sheet structure containing three intra-molecular disulphide bonds, called defensins, comprising three classes: alpha, beta, and theta. The class of beta-defensins is the largest one. Their transcripts have been found in many tissues of humans and animals. The aim of this paper is to present the current knowledge about antimicrobial peptides from the defensin family in farm animals, their expression, polymorphism, as well as the potential of their use as genetic markers of health and production traits

    Factors affecting the cholesterol content of milk of cows fed conserved feeds in a TMR system throughout the year

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the cholesterol content in the milk of high yielding cows fed a uniform diet composed of conserved feeds over the whole year. The investigationswere conducted on 124 Polish Holstein-Friesian cows, selected fromherd yielding 8457 kg milk with 4,58 % and 3,56 % of fat and protein content, respectively. The cows were maintained in a loose barn and fed ad libitum with TMR (total mixed ration) throughout the year. The diets consisted of corn silage and grass silage (at 50:50 ration on dry matter basis) and concentrates with mineral-vitaminmixture additives. Samples of milk were collected individually from each cow at monthly intervals during the whole year. The cholesterol content in milk (mg/dL) and in milk fat (mg/g) was related to the stage of lactation, season of the year, somatic cell count and fat content, but was not affected by the parity. The cholesterol content in daily milk yield (mg/cow/day) depended also on parity. Even though the cows were fed a uniform diet throughout the year according to the TMR system the cholesterol content in milk differed among seasons