188 research outputs found

    Self-compensation in manganese-doped ferromagnetic semiconductors

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    We present a theory of interstitial Mn in Mn-doped ferromagnetic semiconductors. Using density-functional theory, we show that under the non-equilibrium conditions of growth, interstitial Mn is easily formed near the surface by a simple low-energy adsorption pathway. In GaAs, isolated interstitial Mn is an electron donor, each compensating two substitutional Mn acceptors. Within an impurity-band model, partial compensation promotes ferromagnetic order below the metal-insulator transition, with the highest Curie temperature occurring for 0.5 holes per substitutional Mn.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Transverse instabilities of multiple vortex chains in superconductor-ferromagnet bilayers

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    Using scanning tunneling microscopy and Ginzburg-Landau simulations we explore vortex configurations in magnetically coupled NbSe2_2-Permalloy superconductor-ferromagnet bilayer. The Permalloy film with stripe domain structure induces periodic local magnetic induction in the superconductor creating a series of pinning-antipinning channels for externally added magnetic flux quanta. Such laterally confined Abrikosov vortices form quasi-1D arrays (chains). The transitions between multichain states occur through propagation of kinks at the intermediate fields. At high fields we show that the system becomes non-linear due to a change in both the number of vortices and the confining potential. The longitudinal instabilities of the resulting vortex structures lead to vortices `levitating' in the anti-pinning channels.Comment: accepted in PRB-Rapid

    Disentanglement of the electronic and lattice parts of the order parameter in a 1D Charge Density Wave system probed by femtosecond spectroscopy

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    We report on the high resolution studies of the temperature (T) dependence of the q=0 phonon spectrum in the quasi one-dimensional charge density wave (CDW) compound K0.3MoO3 utilizing time-resolved optical spectroscopy. Numerous modes that appear below Tc show pronounced T-dependences of their amplitudes, frequencies and dampings. Utilizing the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory we show that these modes result from linear coupling of the electronic part of the order parameter to the 2kF phonons, while the (electronic) CDW amplitude mode is overdamped.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures + supplementary material, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Wick's Theorem and a New Perturbation Theory Around the Atomic Limit of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

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    A new type of perturbation expansion in the mixing VV of localized orbitals with a conduction-electron band in the U→∞U\to\infty Anderson model is presented. It is built on Feynman diagrams obeying standard rules. The local correlations of the unperturbed system (the atomic limit) are included exactly, no auxiliary particles are introduced. As a test, an infinite-order ladder-type resummation is analytically treated in the Kondo regime, recovering the correct energy scale. An extension to the Anderson-lattice model is obtained via an effective-site approximation through a cumulant expansion in VV on the lattice. Relation to treatments in infinite spatial dimensions are indicated.Comment: selfextracting postscript file containing entire paper (10 pages) including 3 figures, in case of trouble contact author for LaTeX-source or hard copies (prep0994

    Field theory of self-avoiding walks in random media

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    Based on the analogy with the quantum mechanics of a particle propagating in a {\em complex} potential, we develop a field-theoretical description of the statistical properties of a self-avoiding polymer chain in a random environment. We show that the account of the non-Hermiticity of the quantum Hamiltonian results in a qualitatively different structure of the effective action, compared to previous studies. Applying the renormalisation group analysis, we find a transition between the weak-disorder regime, where the quenched randomness is irrelevant, and the strong-disorder regime, where the polymer chain collapses. However, the fact that the renormalised interaction constants and the chiral symmetry breaking regularisation parameter flow towards strong coupling raises questions about the applicability of the perturbative analysis.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages; accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Electromagnon excitations in modulated multiferroics

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    The phenomenological theory of ferroelectricity in spiral magnets presented in [M. Mostovoy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 067601 (2006)] is generalized to describe consistently states with both uniform and modulated-in-space ferroelectric polarizations. A key point in this description is the symmetric part of the magnetoelectric coupling since, although being irrelevant for the uniform component, it plays an essential role for the non-uniform part of the polarization. We illustrate this importance in generic examples of modulated magnetic systems: longitudinal and transverse spin-density wave states and planar cycloidal phase. We show that even in the cases with no uniform ferroelectricity induced, polarization correlation functions follow to the soft magnetic behavior of the system due to the magnetoelectric effect. Our results can be easily generalized for more complicated types of magnetic ordering, and the applications may concern various natural and artificial systems in condensed matter physics (e.g., magnon properties could be extracted from dynamic dielectric response measurements).Comment: 5 page

    Many-Body Approch to Spin-Dependent Transport in Quantum Dot Systems

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    By means of a diagram technique for Hubbard operators we show the existence of a spin-dependent renormalization of the localized levels in an interacting region, e.g. quantum dot, modeled by the Anderson Hamiltonian with two conduction bands. It is shown that the renormalization of the levels with a given spin direction is due to kinematic interactions with the conduction sub-bands of the opposite spin. The consequence of this dressing of the localized levels is a drastically decreased tunneling current for ferromagnetically ordered leads compared to that of paramagnetically ordered leads. Furthermore, the studied system shows a spin-dependent resonant tunneling behaviour for ferromagnetically ordered leads.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Point-contact study of ReFeAs(1-x)Fx (Re=La, Sm) superconducting films

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    Point-contact (PC) Andreev-reflection (AR) measurements of the superconducting gap in iron-oxipnictide ReFeAsO_{1-x}F_x (Re=La, Sm) films have been carried out. The value of the gap is distributed in the range 2\Delta \simeq 5-10 meV (for Re=Sm) with a maximum in the distribution around 6 meV. Temperature dependence of the gap \Delta(T) can be fitted well by BCS curve giving reduced gap ratio 2\Delta /kT_c^*\simeq 3.5 (here T_c^* is the critical temperature from the BCS fit). At the same time, an expected second larger gap feature was difficult to resolve distinctly on the AR spectra making determination reliability of the second gap detection questionable. Possible reasons for this and the origin of other features like clear-cut asymmetry in the AR spectra and current regime in PCs are discussed.Comment: 6 two-column pages, 6 figs., 26 Refs., to be published in Superconductor Science and Technolog

    High - Temperature Superconductivity in Iron Based Layered Compounds

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    We present a review of basic experimental facts on the new class of high - temperature superconductors - iron based layered compounds like REOFeAs (RE=La,Ce,Nd,Pr,Sm...), AFe_2As_2 (A=Ba,Sr...), AFeAs (A=Li,...) and FeSe(Te). We discuss electronic structure, including the role of correlations, spectrum and role of collective excitations (phonons, spin waves), as well as the main models, describing possible types of magnetic ordering and Cooper pairing in these compounds.Comment: 43 pages, 30 figures, review talk on 90th anniversary of Physics Uspekh

    Theoretical description of the ferromagnetic π\pi -junctions near the critical temperature

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    The theory of ferromagnetic Pi-junction near the critical temperature is presented. It is demonstrated that in the dirty limit the modified Usadel equation adequately describes the proximity effect in ferromagnets. To provide the description of an experimentally relevant situation, oscillations of the Josephson critical current are calculated as a function of ferromagnetic layer thickness for different transparencies of the superconductor-ferromagnet interfaces.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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