114 research outputs found

    From laboratory bench to benchmark: technology transfer in laboratory medicine

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    Background: Life Sciences research, enhancing the occurrence of innovation, is able to impact clinical decision-making, both at diagnosis and therapy. Indeed, starting from the knowledge of specific needs and of technical-scientific demands, researchers can conceive and experiment innovative solutions. Despite these strengths, transferring research to the market in Life Sciences shows considerable criticalities. The aim of this paper is to provide concrete evidences on the processes of technology transfer based on the exploitation of the results obtained by KronosDNAsrl, an academic spin-off focused on reproductive medicine. Methods: Different tools were used to evaluate the technical feasibility (validation of the results obtained with the prototype) and to manage the technology transfer process of One4Two®. Results: The different analyses we carried out showed the feasibility of the proposed solution. As a result, the One4Two® prototype has been developed and validated. Conclusions: Here, we provide a strength of evidences on how knowledge obtained by translational research on "bench" can be used to be transferred to the market on "benchmark" enabling innovation in Laboratory Medicine. In addition, the model described for One4Two® can be easily transferred to other products

    Introducing co-clustering for hyperspectral image analysis

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    This work introduces the use of co-clustering for hyperspectral image analysis. Co-clustering is able to simultaneously group samples (rows) and spectral bands (columns). This results in blocks, which do not only share spectral information (classical one way clustering) but also share sample information. Here, we propose using a co-clustering algorithm based on Information Theory - the optimal co-clustering is obtaining minimizing the loss of information between the original and the co-clustered images. A hyperspectral image (160000 samples and 40 bands) is used to illustrate this study. This image was clustered into 150 groups (50 groups of samples and 3 spectral groups). After that, blocks of the spectral groups was independently classified to assess the effectiveness of the co-clustering approach for hyperspectral band selection applications. Furthermore, the results were also compared with state-of-art methods based on morphological profiles, and the covariance matrix of the original hyperspectral image. Good results were achieved, showing the effectiveness of the Co-clustering approach for hyperspectral images in spatial-spectral classification and band selection applications

    Towards Competencies os Sustainability in Engineering Degrees: Project based service-learning experiences

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    Comunicació presentada al 13th International Conference on Society & Materials, SAM13 (Pisa, 20-21 May 2019)In the present work, a series of collaborative service-learning (SL) experiences carried out in the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló and University of the Basque Country will be presented. These experiences have been developed with in undergraduate courses,bachelor thesis and master thesis. The work points out how these experiences can serve as a toolf or teaching coordination at various levels: horizontal coordination with in a year in one degree, coordination between different degrees orinter-university coordination. The potential of these experiences makes them a very powerful methodological tool that can help not, only the students and the extra curricular agents involved, but also the teaching itself

    A Multistage Change detection methodology applying statistical multisource

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    Assessment and detection of environmental changes is one the most frequent applications in remote sensing. As a result, there has been a great proliferation of research on this particular topic, leading to different methodologies for detecting changes (Radke 2005, Foody 2009, Kennedy 2009) from data supplied by multitemporal images acquired from spaceborne sensors. The basic objective in a change detection process is to detect groups of pixels that are "significantly different" within a set of registered images of the same geographic area. Moreover it must be taken into account that in the recent decades, advances in space technologies made possible to collect a large amount of information about the Earth Surface and its environment. Since these data have been acquired from multiple sources, their quantitative exploitation requires optimal strategies to benefit from their interactions, so that information of high quality and great applicability for the proposed objectives can be extracted. (Petit 2001

    Diseño de un sistema de gestión de mantenimiento para incrementar la disponibilidad mecánica de las excavadoras 336 - 2DL en una empresa de servicios de flota para minería, Cajamarca 2022

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    La presente investigación fue desarrollada en una empresa que presta servicios de flota para minería. Se tuvo como objetivo diseñar un sistema de gestión de mantenimiento para incrementar la disponibilidad mecánica de las excavadoras 336- 2DL. El tipo de investigación es aplicada, explicativa, cuantitativa y no-experimental, como técnica se utilizó la revisión documental y como instrumento la ficha resumen. En la empresa, se llevaron a cabo la identificación y análisis de las causas que han generado la baja disponibilidad mecánica, dentro de ellos se puede precisar la falta de un plan de mantenimiento, la operación deficiente y la planificación de operaciones inadecuada. Seguidamente y en base al análisis elaborado, Se diseñó el sistema para gestión del mantenimiento con el objetivo de mejorar la disponibilidad mecánica (DM). Posteriormente se evaluó las mejoras en la disponibilidad mecánica, determinándose un aumento en el indicador de utilización de la maquinaria de 84% a 94%, una disminución en el porcentaje de los mantenimientos no programados de 64% a 15%, también se logró incrementar el MTBF desde 74.66 hasta 247.17 horas; del mismo modo se logró mejorar el MTTR de 14.75 a 4.13 horas; Tras la implementación del sistema de gestión del mantenimiento, se observó un aumento de 84 %a 98%, logrando así alcanzar la disponibilidad de 90% exigida por la empresa. Finalmente, se realizó el análisis económico beneficio/costo, obteniendo un valor de 3.44, indicando que los beneficios superan a los costes, por consiguiente, el proyecto debe ser considerado

    Influence of zinc molybdenum phosphate pigment on coatings performance studied by electrochemical methods

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    The effect of the addition of the zinc molybdenum phosphate pigment, on the corrosion resistance properties of powder coating on steel, has been investigated by means of different electrochemical methods: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the accelerated cyclic electrochemical technique (ACET). Anticorrosive properties obtained from both techniques showed similar results. Powder coatings incorporating this pigment have shown better performance which is attributed to both barrier properties enhancement and inhibition action of the pigment. This behavior can be correlated to the results obtained in the pigment extract study (polarization test and EIS). Finally, salt fog spray test was performed to confirm the electrochemical tests results.The authors would like to acknowledge Nubiola S.A. for supplying the raw materials, as well as Raquel Oliver and José Ortega for their help in the development of this project

    Rose Bengal Immobilized on Supported Ionic‐Liquid‐like Phases: An Efficient Photocatalyst for Batch and Flow Processes

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Rose Bengal Immobilized on Supported Ionic‐Liquid‐like Phases: An Efficient Photocatalyst for Batch and Flow Processes, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cssc.201901533. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.The catalytic activity of Rose Bengal (RB) immobilized on supported ionic liquid (IL)‐like phases was evaluated as a polymer‐supported photocatalyst. In these systems, the polymer was designed to play a pivotal role. The polymeric backbone adequately modified with IL‐like moieties (supported IL‐like phases, SILLPs) was not just an inert support for the dye but controlled the accessibility of reagents/substrates to the active sites and provided specific microenvironments for the reaction. The structure of SILLPs could be finetuned to adjust the catalytic efficiency of the RB‐SILLP composites, achieving systems that were more active and stable than the related systems in the absence of IL‐like units

    Control of the degradation of silica sol-gel hybrid coatings for metal implants prepared by the triple combination of alkoxysilanes

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    Hybrid materials obtained by sol-gel process are able to degrade and release Si compounds that are useful in regenerative medicine due to their osteoinductive properties. The present work studies the behavior of new organic-inorganic sol-gel coatings based on triple mixtures of alkoxysilanes in different molar ratios. The precursors employed are methyl-trimethoxysilane (MTMOS), 3-glycidoxypropyl-trimethoxysilane (GPTMS) and tetraethyl-orthosilicate (TEOS). After optimization of the synthesis conditions, the coatings were characterized using 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance (29Si-MNR), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR), contact angle measurements, hydrolytic degradation assays, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and mechanical profilometry. The degradation and EIS results show that by controlling the amount of TEOS precursor in the coating it is possible to tune its degradation by hydrolysis, while keeping properties such as wettability at their optimum values for biomaterials application. The corrosion properties of the new coatings were also evaluated when applied to stainless steel substrate. The coatings showed an improvement of the anticorrosive properties of the steel which is important to protect the metal implants at the early stages of the regeneration process.The financial support of MAT2014-51918-C2-2-R, P11B2014-19 and Plan de Promoción de la Investigación from the Universitat Jaume I (Predoc/2014/25) is gratefully acknowledged. J. García-Cañadas acknowledge financial support from Ramón y Cajal programme (RYC-2013-13970). The experimental support of Raquel Oliver Valls and José Ortega Herreros is also acknowledged

    Dietary flavonoids, lignans and colorectal cancer prognosis

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    Flavonoids and lignans are polyphenol classes with anticarcinogenic activities against colorectal cancer (CRC). However, very limited epidemiological evidence exists on their effects on CRC prognosis. This study aimed to evaluate the association between flavonoid and lignan intakes with the risk of CRC recurrence and overall survival in CRC patients. The study followed incident histologically confirmed CRC cases in Barcelona (Spain). Validated dietary questionnaires and lifestyle information were collected at recruitment. An ad hoc food composition database on flavonoids and lignans was compiled by using data from the US Department of Agriculture and Phenol-Explorer databases. Adjusted hazards ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using multivariable Cox models. After 8.6 years of mean follow-up, 133 of 409 (32.5%) participants died and 77 of 319 (24.1%) had a CRC recurrence. Total flavonoids were associated neither with CRC recurrence (HR comparing extreme tertiles 1.13, 95% CI 0.64-2.02; P-trend 0.67) nor with overall survival (HR(T3vsT1) 1.06, 95% CI 0.69-1.65; P-trend 0.78) in the multivariable models. No associations were also observed with either total lignans or any flavonoid subclass intake. In conclusion, the results of the current study do not support a role of flavonoid and lignan intake in the CRC prognosis

    Tridimensional-Temporal-Thematic Hydroclimate Modeling of Distributed Parameters for the San Miguel River Basin

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    A geographic database (GDB) for the San Miguel river basin has been built by integrating data from multiple sources for analysis and graphical representation of diverse physiographic features and hydroclimate phenomena such as rainfall, temperature, soil-evaporation and topography, among others. This database allowed us to combine digital maps and images along with thematic information and spatially- referenced vector data. Moreover, further geographical referencing and validating processes enabled us to accurately represent continuous data through discrete data structures which fit the mathematical models used in representing the physical phenomena at the study site. In this paper we discuss some significant progress on models generated for the analysis of existing records for a season with measurable rainfall at the San Miguel river basin during the period from June 1st to September 30th of 2005