1,217 research outputs found

    Realization of Minimal Supergravity

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    Minimal supergravity mediation of supersymmetry breaking has attracted much attention due to its simplicity, which leads to its predictive power. We consider how Nature possibly realizes minimal supergravity through inflationary selection of the theory. Minimality is impressively consistent with the present observational bounds and it might be tested with the aid of low-energy soft parameters obtained in future experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Supersymmetry-Breaking Models of Inflation

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    We consider dynamical models of supersymmetry breaking which naturally incorporate cosmological inflation. The inflaton plays an inevitable role in dynamical SUSY breaking and the hierarchical scales of inflation and SUSY breaking are simultaneously realized through a single dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, late

    Strongly Coupled Messenger Gauge Theory

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    We consider gauge-mediated models of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking with strongly coupled nonabelian messenger gauge theory. After integrating out the SUSY-breaking and messenger sectors, we directly see that the effective Kahler potential transmits the SUSY breaking to the standard model sector.Comment: 7 pages, late

    Another Perturbative Expansion in Nonabelian Gauge Theory

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    We consider a new perturbation scheme in nonabelian gauge theory. Pure Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions is taken as a concrete example. The zeroth-order in the perturbative expansion is given by BF theory coupled to a St{\" u}ckelberg-like field. The effective coupling for the expansion can be small in the infrared regime, which implies that nonperturbative treatment of Yang-Mills theory may be partially reduced to that of BF theory.Comment: PHYZZX, 8 pages, KUNS 109

    On Nonlinear Gauge Theory from a Deformation Theory Perspective

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    Nonlinear gauge theory is a gauge theory based on a nonlinear Lie algebra (finite W algebra) or a Poisson algebra, which yields a canonical star product for deformation quantization as a correlator on a disk. We pursue nontrivial deformation of topological gauge theory with conjugate scalars in two dimensions. This leads to two-dimensional nonlinear gauge theory exclusively, which implies its essential uniqueness. We also consider a possible extension to higher dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, late

    Derivative Expansion in Quantum Theory of Gravitation

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    The cosmological term prevents perturbation based on derivative expansion in Einstein gravity. We consider quantum theory of gravitation invariant under volume-preserving diffeomorphism and Weyl transformation, which is suitable for derivative expansion.Comment: phyzzx, 8 pages, UT-68
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