3,251 research outputs found

    Amplification of optical delay by use of matched linearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings

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    We describe the use of a matched linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating (FBG) pair as a key element in an adjustable optical delay line. This delay line has the unique property that the achievable optical group delay is orders of magnitude greater (factor of 10^2 in our experiment) than the actual physical displacement. We demonstrate operation of such an optical delay line over a delay range of 3.5 mm using a pair of matched 1300-nm chirped FBGs with a bandwidth of 20 nm each

    Fourier-domain low-coherence interferometry for light-scattering spectroscopy

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    We present a novel method for obtaining depth-resolved spectra for determining scatterer size through elastic- scattering properties. Depth resolution is achieved with a white-light source in a Michelson interferometer with the mixed signal and reference fields dispersed by a spectrograph. The spectrum is Fourier transformed to yield the axial spatial cross correlation between the signal and reference fields with near 1 m m depth resolution. Spectral information is obtained by windowing to yield the scattering amplitude as a function of wave number. The technique is demonstrated by determination of the size of polystyrene microspheres in a subsurface layer with subwavelength accuracy. Application of the technique to probing the size of cell nuclei in living epithelial tissues is discussed

    Instantaneous quadrature low-coherence interferometry with 3x3 fiber-optic couplers

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    We describe fiber-based quadrature low-coherence interferometers that exploit the inherent phase shifts of 3 x 3 and higher-order fiber-optic couplers. We present a framework based on conservation of energy to account for the interferometric shifts in 3 x 3 interferometers, and we demonstrate that the resulting interferometers provide the entire complex interferometric signal instantaneously in homodyne and heterodyne systems. In heterodyne detection we demonstrate the capability for extraction of the magnitude and sign of Doppler shifts from the complex data. In homodyne detection we show the detection of subwavelength sample motion. N x N (N> 2) low-coherence interferometer topologies will be useful in Doppler optical coherence tomography (OCT), optical coherence microscopy, Fourier-domain OCT, optical frequency domain reflectometry, and phase-referenced interferometry

    Path-Length-Resolved Dynamic Light Scattering: Modeling the Transition From Single to Diffusive Scattering

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    Dynamic light-scattering spectroscopy is used to study Brownian motion within highly scattering samples. The fluctuations of the light field that is backscattered by a suspension of polystyrene microspheres are measured as power spectra by use of low-coherence interferometry to obtain path-length resolution. The data are modeled as the sum of contributions to the detected light weighted by a Poisson probability for the number of events that each component has experienced. By analyzing the broadening of the power spectra as a function of the path length for various sizes of particles, we determine the contribution of multiple scattering to the detected signal as a function of scattering anisotropy

    Postoperative low dose CT assessment of interbody fusion two years after thoracoscopic scoliosis surgery

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    The relationship between radiologic union and clinical outcomes in thoracoscopic scoliosis surgery is not clear, as apparent non-union of a spinal fusion does not always correspond to a poor clinical result. The aim of this study was to evaluate for the first time the interbody fusion rates using low dose CT scans at minimum 24 months after thoracoscopic scoliosis surgery, and to explore the relationship between fusion scores and; (i) rod diameter, (ii) graft type, (iii) fusion level, (iv) implant failure, and (v) lateral position in the disc space. The study found that moderate fusion scores on the Sucato scale secure successful clinical outcomes in thoracoscopic scoliosis surgery

    Frequency estimation precision in Doppler optical coherence tomography using the Cramer-Rao lower bound

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    Doppler optical coherence tomography (DOCT) is a technique for simultaneous cross-sectional imaging of tissue structure and blood flow. We derive the fundamental uncertainty limits on frequency estimation precision in DOCT using the Cramer-Rao lower bound in the case of additive (e.g., thermal, shot) noise. Experimental results from a mirror and a scattering phantom are used to verify the theoretical limits. Our results demonstrate that the stochastic nature of frequency noise influences the precision of flow imaging, and that the noise model must be selected judiciously in order to estimate the frequency precision

    Instantaneous complex conjugate resolved spectral domain and swept-source OCT using 3x3 fiber couplers

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    We report that the complex conjugate artifact in Fourier domain optical coherence tomography approaches (including spectral domain and swept source OCT) may be resolved by the use of novel interferometer designs based on 3x3 and higher order fiber couplers. Interferometers built from NxN (N>2) truly fused fiber couplers provide simultaneous access to non-complementary phase components of the complex interferometric signal. These phase components may be converted to quadrature components by trigonometric manipulation, then inverse Fourier transformed to obtain A-scans and images with resolved complex conjugate artifact. We demonstrate instantaneous complex conjugate resolved Fourier domain OCT using 3x3 couplers in both spectral domain and swept source implementations. Complex conjugate artifact suppression by factors of ~20dB and ~25dB are demonstrated for spectral domain and swept source implementations, respectively

    Polarization-resolved second-harmonic-generation optical coherence tomography in collagen

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    We describe a novel imaging technique, second-harmonic-generation optical coherence tomography (SHOCT). This technique combines the spatial resolution and depth penetration of optical coherence tomography (OCT) with the molecular sensitivity of second-harmonic-generation spectroscopy. As a consequence of the coherent detection required for OCT, polarization-resolved images arise naturally. We demonstrate this new technique on a skin sample from the belly of Icelandic salmon, acquiring polarization-resolved SHOCT and OCT images simultaneously

    Sensitivity advantage of swept source and Fourier domain optical coherence tomography

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    We present theoretical and experimental results which demonstrate the superior sensitivity of swept source (SS) and Fourier domain (FD) optical coherence tomography (OCT) techniques over the conventional time domain (TD) approach. We show that SS- and FD-OCT have equivalent expressions for system signal-to-noise ratio which result in a typical sensitivity advantage of 20-30dB over TD-OCT. Experimental verification is provided using two novel spectral discrimination (SD) OCT systems: a differential fiber-based 800nm FD-OCT system which employs deep-well photodiode arrays, and a differential 1300nm SS-OCT system based on a swept laser with an 87nm tuning range