3 research outputs found

    Brak związku polimorfizmów genu HSD11B1 z otyłością i cechami zespołu metabolicznego u polskich dzieci i młodzieży

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    Introduction. Obesity and its related disorders, clustered into metabolic syndrome (MetS), are increasingly diagnosed in children and adolescents. Clinical features, which define MetS are also encountered in patients with glucocorticoid excess. Since no evident hypercortisolaemia was detected in obesity and MetS, investigations turned to the local modulators of cortisol action. 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1, encoded by HSD11B1 gene, controls tissue availability of cortisol by its regeneration from inert cortisone. Changes in HSD11B1 expression and enzyme activity may be influenced by its sequence variants and seem implicated in MetS pathogenesis. Our study was designed to evaluate plausible association of the HSD11B1 polymorphisms with early-onset obesity and features of MetS in Polish children and adolescents. Material and methods. The study comprised of 258 obese children (136 females), aged 12.3 ± 3.6 years, with excessive body mass lasting 7.1 ± 3.8 years. Anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, baseline biochemical analyses and oral glucose tolerance test were performed in all participants. Genotyping of the HSD11B1 variants rs12086634, rs846910, rs4844880, and rs3753519 was conducted in obese youth and compared with 568 lean blood donors. Results. Mean relative body mass index in obese cohort was 164.7 ± 27.1%. Hypertension was detected in 12.4%, impaired fasting glucose in 8.9%, impaired glucose tolerance in 10.8%, diabetes in 2.7%, and dyslipidemia in 31.4% children and adolescents. None of the studied HSD11B1 polymorphisms dis­played significant difference in frequency between obese and lean individuals. MetS was diagnosed in 27.6% of 203 patients with obesity aged 10–18 years. Further genotype-stratified analyses of relationship between HSD11B1 variants and particular features of MetS did not confirm increased susceptibility to develop early-onset hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia and hypertension in carriers of specific genotypes at rs4844880, rs846910, rs3753519, and rs12086634 (p ≥ 0.05 in all tests). Conclusion. Our study does not support the implication of the HSD11B1 polymorphisms in early-onset obesity and other features of MetS.  Wstęp. Otyłość i związane z nią zaburzenia wchodzące w skład zespołu metabolicznego (MetS) są coraz częś­ciej rozpoznawane u dzieci i młodzieży. Cechy kliniczne definiujące MetS stwierdza się również u chorych z nadmiarem glikokortykosteroidów. Ponieważ w oty­łości, jak również w MetS nie wykazano jednoznacznie hiperkortyzolemii, podjęto badania miejscowych modulatorów działania kortyzolu. Dehydrogenaza 11b-hydroksysteroidowa typu 1, kodowana przez gen HSD11B1, kontroluje tkankową dostępność kortyzolu poprzez jego regenerację z nieaktywnego kortyzonu. Indywidualna ekspresja HSD11B1 oraz aktywność enzymu mogą zależeć od polimorficznych wariantów sekwencji genu i wiązać się z patogenezą MetS. Niniej­sze badanie miało na celu ocenę możliwego związku polimorfizmów genu HSD11B1 z wcześnie występującą otyłością i cechami MetS u polskich dzieci i młodzieży. Pacjenci i metody. Badaniem objęto 258 otyłych dzieci (136 dziewczynek) w wieku 12,3 ± 3,6 roku, z nadmierną masą ciała od 7,1 ± 3,8 roku. U wszystkich wykonano pomiary antropometryczne i ocenę ciśnienia tętniczego, podstawowe analizy biochemiczne oraz do­ustny test tolerancji glukozy. Genotypowanie HSD11B1 rs12086634, rs846910, rs4844880 oraz rs3753519 przeprowadzono u otyłych chorych i porównano z 568 zdrowymi szczupłymi dawcami krwi. Wyniki. Średni względny wskaźnik masy ciała w grupie otyłych wynosił 164,7 ± 27,1%. Nadciśnienie wykryto u 12,4%, nieprawidłową glikemię na czczo u 8,9%, upośledzoną tolerancję glukozy u 10,8%, cukrzycę u 2,7%, a dyslipidemię u 31,4% dzieci i młodzieży. Nie wykazano istotnej różnicy częstości występowania żadnego z badanych polimorfizmów genu HSD11B1 między osobami otyłymi i szczupłymi. Zespół metaboliczny rozpoznano u 27,6% z 203 otyłych dzieci w wieku 10–18 lat. Dalsze analizy związku wariantów genu HSD11B1 i cech MetS z podziałem na genotypy nie potwierdziły zwiększonej podatności do rozwoju wczesnej hiperglikemii, dyslipidemia czy nadciśnienia u nosicieli specyficznych genotypów rs4844880, rs846910, rs3753519 lub rs12086634 (p ≥ 0,05 we wszystkich testach). Wniosek. Wyniki przeprowadzonego badania nie potwierdzają związku polimorfizmów genu HSD11B1 z wczesnym rozwojem otyłości ani innych cech zespołu metabolicznego

    Lack of association of the HSD11B1 gene polymorphisms with obesity and other traits of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents

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    Introduction. Obesity and its related disorders, clustered into metabolic syndrome (MetS), are increasingly diagnosed in children and adolescents. Clinical features, which define MetS are also encountered in patients with glucocorticoid excess. Since no evident hypercortisolaemia was detected in obesity and MetS, investigations turned to the local modulators of cortisol action. 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1, encoded by HSD11B1 gene, controls tissue availability of cortisol by its regeneration from inert cortisone. Changes in HSD11B1 expression and enzyme activity may be influenced by its sequence variants and seem implicated in MetS pathogenesis. Our study was designed to evaluate plausible association of the HSD11B1 polymorphisms with early-onset obesity and features of MetS in Polish children and adolescents. Material and methods. The study comprised of 258 obese children (136 females), aged 12.3 ± 3.6 years, with excessive body mass lasting 7.1 ± 3.8 years. Anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, baseline biochemical analyses and oral glucose tolerance test were performed in all participants. Genotyp­ing of the HSD11B1 variants rs12086634, rs846910, rs4844880, and rs3753519 was conducted in obese youth and compared with 568 lean blood donors. Results. Mean relative body mass index in obese cohort was 164.7 ± 27.1%. Hypertension was detected in 12.4%, impaired fasting glucose in 8.9%, impaired glucose tolerance in 10.8%, diabetes in 2.7%, and dyslipidemia in 31.4% children and adolescents. None of the studied HSD11B1 polymorphisms displayed significant difference in frequency between obese and lean individuals. MetS was diagnosed in 27.6% of 203 patients with obesity aged 10–18 years. Further genotype-stratified analyses of relationship between HSD11B1 variants and particular features of MetS did not confirm increased susceptibility to develop early-onset hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia and hypertension in carriers of specific genotypes at rs4844880, rs846910, rs3753519, and rs12086634 (p ≥ 0.05 in all tests). Conclusion. Our study does not support the implication of the HSD11B1 polymorphisms in early-onset obesity and other features of MetS

    How Do Dieticians on Instagram Teach? The Potential of the Kirkpatrick Model in the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Nutritional Education in Social Media

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    The growing popularity of health education on social media indicates the need for its appropriate evaluation. This paper aims to present the potential of the Kirkpatrick Model (KM) with New World Kirkpatrick Model (NWKM) additions to evaluate the nutritional education provided by dieticians via Instagram. Instagram profiles of ten dieticians providing nutritional education for their followers were analyzed in March and April 2021. The study sample included profiles of both macro- and micro-influencers. The analyzed quantitative data included Instagram Engagement Rate and the number of likes and comments per post. The qualitative analysis of the comments was performed following the theoretical framework provided by the KM and NWKM. Collected data showed followers’ satisfaction, commitment, and relevance of the presented content, fulfilling the Level 1 of NWKM. Level 2 of NWKM was represented by 4 out of 5 dimensions (knowledge, attitude, confidence, commitment). No comments were found only for skills. Both Levels 3 (Behavior) and 4 (Results) of the KM were met. However, the use of the NWKM for them seems limited. The KM can be used to evaluate nutritional education on social media. The NWKM additions seem applicable mostly for Levels 1 and 2