339 research outputs found

    Coexistence of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in self-doped bilayer t-t'-J model

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    A self-doped bilayer t-t'-J model of an electron- and a hole-doped planes is studied by the slave-boson mean-field theory. A hopping integral between the differently doped planes, which are generated by a site potential, are renormalized by the electron-electron correlation. We find coexistent phases of antiferromagnetic (AFM) and superconducting orders, although the magnitudes of order parameters become more dissimilar in the bilayer away from half-filling. Fermi surfaces (FS's) with the AFM order show two pockets around the nodal and the anti-nodal regions. These results look like a composite of electron- and hole-doped FS's. In the nodal direction, the FS splitting is absent even in the bilayer system, since one band is flat due to the AFM order.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Universality of dispersive spin-resonance mode in superconducting BaFe2As2

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    Spin fluctuations in superconducting BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 (x=0.34, Tc = 29.5 K) are studied using inelastic neutron scattering. Well-defined commensurate magnetic signals are observed at ({\pi},0), which is consistent with the nesting vector of the Fermi surface. Antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin fluctuations in the normal state exhibit a three-dimensional character reminiscent of the AFM order in nondoped BaFe2As2. A clear spin gap is observed in the superconducting phase forming a peak whose energy is significantly dispersed along the c-axis. The bandwidth of dispersion becomes larger with approaching the AFM ordered phase universally in all superconducting BaFe2As2, indicating that the dispersive feature is attributed to three-dimensional AFM correlations. The results suggest a strong relationship between the magnetism and superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Inelastic neutron scattering study on the resonance mode in an optimally doped superconductor LaFeAsO0.92_{0.92}F0.08_{0.08}

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    An optimally doped iron-based superconductor LaFeAsO0.92_{0.92}F0.08_{0.08} with Tc=29T_c = 29 K has been studied by inelastic powder neutron scattering. The magnetic excitation at Q=1.15Q=1.15 \AA1^{-1} is enhanced below TcT_c, leading to a peak at Eres13E_{res}\sim13 meV as the resonance mode, in addition to the formation of a gap at low energy below the crossover energy Δc10meV\Delta_{c}\sim10 meV. The peak energy at Q=1.15Q=1.15 \AA1^{-1} corresponds to 5.2kBTc5.2 k_B T_c in good agreement with the other values of resonance mode observed in the various iron-based superconductors, even in the high-TcT_c cuprates. Although the phonon density of states has a peak at the same energy as the resonance mode in the present superconductor, the QQ-dependence is consistent with the resonance being of predominately magnetic origin.Comment: 4 pages, 5 Postscript figure

    High-Tc Nodeless s_\pm-wave Superconductivity in (Y,La)FeAsO_{1-y} with Tc=50 K: 75As-NMR Study

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    We report 75As-NMR study on the Fe-pnictide high-Tc superconductor Y0.95La0.05FeAsO_{1-y} (Y0.95La0.051111) with Tc=50 K that includes no magnetic rare-earth elements. The measurement of the nuclear-spin lattice-relaxation rate 75(1/T1) has revealed that the nodeless bulk superconductivity takes place at Tc=50 K while antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations (AFSFs) develop moderately in the normal state. These features are consistently described by the multiple fully-gapped s_\pm-wave model based on the Fermi-surface (FS) nesting. Incorporating the theory based on band calculations, we propose that the reason that Tc=50 K in Y0.95La0.051111 is larger than Tc=28 K in La1111 is that the FS multiplicity is maximized, and hence the FS nesting condition is better than that in La1111.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys Rev. Let

    Reply to "Comment on 'Isotope effect in multi-band and multi-channel attractive systems and inverse isotope effect in iron-based superconductors'"

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    The Comment insists on the following: in our model it is assumed that the effective interactions have specific energy ranges within the single band with a cutoff at \omega_1 for the phononic part and a range from \omega_1 to \omega_2 in the AF channel. Our reply is that we assume that V_i(k,k')\neq 0 if |\xi_k|<\omega_i and |\xi_{k'}|<\omega_i, and otherwise V_i(k,k')= 0 (i=1,2), as stated in our paper. This is the model of BCS type with two attractive interactions, and this assumption is the characteristic of the BCS approximation. The claim "the integration limits have been modified such that the AF channel mediated pairing sets in where the ph-channel pairing terminates and is limited at an energy given by \omega_j=\omega_{AF}" in the Comment is wrong. We describe the model and the method to solve the gap equation in more detail

    Emergent Phases of Nodeless and Nodal Superconductivity Separated by Antiferromagnetic Order in Iron-based Superconductor (Ca4Al2O6)Fe2(As1-xPx)2: 75As- and 31P-NMR Studies

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    We report 31^{31}P- and 75^{75}As-NMR studies on (Ca4_4Al2_2O6_{6})Fe2_2(As1x_{1-x}Px_x)2_2 with an isovalent substitution of P for As. We present the novel evolution of emergent phases that the nodeless superconductivity (SC) in 0x\le x \le0.4 and the nodal one around xx=1 are intimately separated by the onset of a commensurate stripe-type antiferromagnetic (AFM) order in 0.5x\le x \le 0.95, as an isovalent substitution of P for As decreases a pnictogen height hPnh_{Pn} measured from the Fe plane. It is demonstrated that the AFM order takes place under a condition of 1.32\AAhPn\le h_{Pn} \le1.42\AA, which is also the case for other Fe-pnictides with the Fe2+^{2+} state in (FePnPn)^{-} layers. This novel phase evolution with the variation in hPnh_{Pn} points to the importance of electron correlation for the emergence of SC as well as AFM order.Comment: 5pages, 4figures; accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Phys. Rev.