11 research outputs found

    Metamorphic-metasomatic fluids and Al, Si order/disorder of K-rich alkali feldspars from southern Indian high grade terrain

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    The structural state of K-feldspars in the quartzofeldspathic gneisses, charnockites, metapelites and pegmatites from the southern Kamataka, northern Tamil Nadu and southern Kerala high-grade regions of southern India has been characterized using petrographic and powder X-ray diffraction methods. The observed distribution pattern of structural state with a preponderance of disordered K-feldspar polymorphs in granulites compared to the ordered microclines in the amphibolite facies rocks is interpreted to reflect principally the varying H2O contents in the metamorphic-metasomatic fluids across metamorphic grade. The K-feldspars in the pegmatites of granitic derivation and in a pegmatite of inferred metamorphic origin also point to the important role of aqueous fluids in their structural state

    High-temperature reactions of alkali and plagioclase feldspars with alkali and alkaline-earth chlorides-formation of celsian

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    High-temperature reactions (Ca 900-degrees-C) involving albite, K-feldspar or plagioclase and K, Ba-or K, Sr chlorides were experimentally studied. These experiments reveal that the reaction between K-exchanged albite, potash feldspar, or plagioclase and Ba-chloride/Ba-K chloride results in the formation of celsian by the breakdown of the starting feldspar structure above 800-degrees-C. Sr-feldspar does not form under similar conditions. A size-effect of the large M-site cation appears to be responsible for the formation of celsian. The reaction between K-feldspar and barium chloride may be used as a method for synthesizing celsian

    A Numerical-Simulation Of The Gneiss-Charnockite Transformations In Southern India

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    This paper presents a numerical simulation of the well-documented, fluid-controlled Kabbal and Ponmudi type gneiss-chamockite transformations in southern India using a free energy minimization method. The computations have considered all the major solid phases and important fluid species in the rock - C-O-H and rock - C-O-H-N systems. Appropriate activity-composition relations for the solid solutions and equations of state for the fluids have been included in order to evaluate the mineral-fluid equilibria attending the incipient chamockite development in the gneisses. The C-O-H fluid speciation pattern in both the Kabbal and Ponmudi type systems indicates that CO2 and H2O make up the bulk of the fluid phase with CO, CH4, H-2 and O2 as minor constituents. In the graphite-buffered Ponmudi-system, the abundance of CO, CH4 and H-2 is orders of magnitude higher than that in the graphite-free Kabbal system. Simulation with C-O-H-N fluids of varying composition demonstrates the complementary role of CO2 and N2 as rather inert dilutants of H2O in the fluid phase. The simulation, carried out on available whole-rock data, has demonstrated the dependence of the transformation X(H2O) on P,T, and phase and chemical composition of the precursor gneiss

    Channel Volatiles Of South Indian Cordierites As Indicators Of Metamorphic Fluid Composition

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    The channel volatiles in cordierites of the Precambrian high-grade metapelites from southern and eastern Karnataka northern Tamil Nadu and southern Kerala were analyzed in an attempt to use them as metamorphic fluid fugacity indicators. Infrared powder absorption spectra, used to characterize the channel volatiles, showed that all the 21 analyzed cordierites have H2O and CO2 as the channel volatiles, indicating the predominantly H2O-CO2 composition of the metamorphic fluids. The H2O fraction in the metamorphic fluid was computed using a published thermodynamic method in conjunction with gravimetrically determined cordierite channel H2O content, available P - T estimates and an appropriate equation of state for the H2O - CO2 fluids. The IR data and these calculated X(H2O) values indicate an overall correlation between the variation in the relative proportion of H2O and CO2 in the fluids and the metamorphic grade. The average computed X(H2O) values are: 0.78 for the amphibolite facies eastern Karnataka pelites, 0.36 for the amphibolite facies southern Karnataka pelites, 0.19 for the southern Karnataka transitional zone rocks and 0.13 for the northern Tamil Nadu granulites. Consistently low X(H2O) values, at about 0.2, were obtained for the orthopyroxene-bearing assemblages